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About tiffin027

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. tiffin027

    Why always Russia

    i think it would be cool if they made a map for each continent so everyone would be pleased. But im sure the reason you say new york is cuz your sick of reading fucking russian signs. This game would be awesome if i didnt have 2 go onto dayzwiki every time i wanna know where the fuck i am. yeah i can memorize them like i have in chernarus, but it really gets old after awhile. People want to play dayz in new york so they can travel to there own house and camp it out or something. Wouldnt you love a game where you get to go to the places you actually see in real life? I would fucking love to see that. I wanna go kill a bunch of zombies in my backyard then go down to the mall where i used to go as a kid. Im sure there are some people who would say that this would ruin it because your not getting anything "new" out of this because its not a different environment.
  2. tiffin027

    DayZ Maps and Mods

    i heard dayz 2017 is just chernarus with way less loot spawns. takistan i tried and i ended up dying of hunger before i could even find a single thing. I dont even know forsure if i was going the right way but i know i couldnt find a single building or tree or anything at all lol. I was playing taviana last night and i really enjoyed it. The highways looked soo professionally done it was great (street lights, guard rails, painted lines) I even found a bike and a humvee with a turret on it. Ive only found 1 single vehicle in chernarus and that was a car that we ended up blowing up
  3. Okay so i have been so bored lately of Chernarus that i want to try out a different map/mod thats worth my time. So far i have tried: Lingor (enjoyed) Celle DayZ+ (not really for me, not enough loot) Anyone want to list the other maps/mods and explain each to me? I hear taviana is doing very good and apparently panthera has alot of loot. What do you think?
  4. tiffin027

    US 4551 Finders, New Private Hive.

    How do i reach this server? i cant find it on Dayz Commander
  5. this is what makes dayz unique and awesome and most importantly "playable" I enjoy only using third person.
  6. tiffin027

    NPC's and other Suggestions

    is it 2 much 2 ask for an explanation why they're all shot down lol.. First of all.. Dead island is fucking garbage.. dayz isnt even in the same category whatsoever... soooo...... and dead rising your in a damn shopping mall...... another bad comparison. Neither being massively multiplayer or have the intense 1 life feeling. They are just suggestions to make the game more realistic not downgrade it in any way. I agree some of my points have come from other games but none of them have been zombie games. Most of my points are real life things.
  7. I have a few suggestions that could better the game in some way. Criticism is expected and encouraged. Also, Consider each suggestion individually instead of a group of suggestions. 1. I would like to see some NPC's in the game that you could come across randomly or regularly (such as Group of Survivors, Soldier(s), Farmers, Guards etc.) and possibly interact with in some way, whether it be hostile or friendly. 2. Lethal animals (Bear, Tiger, Lion etc) because how does it make sense why only herbivores survived. And they should not be friendly with the zombies. 3. Okay i might be going to far with this 1 but: Why are the cars only physically destroyed? A battery should be in there. If this infection started because of something nuclear, than the blast would knock out all electronics correct? I think there should be less physically damaged cars and more cars that need batterys. I understand that during this time lots of people will crash there cars while driving them because of the explosion or sight of zombie or something (thus making it physical damage). I get there wasnt an option to do anything else. Im not complaining just extremely curious. 4. Flamethrower. You could use gasoline to fill it and it can either take up your backpack slot because of the backpack like fuel container or just a flamethrower with a detachable fuel cartridge. 5. Set generators for cities and towns that you have to fill up with gas to turn on the lights for 6-12 hours (or so). 6. a CamelPack. A backpack that has refillable water storage. Comes in all sizes but mostly smaller. 7. Possibly start with a flare gun with 1 flare. (or just add a flare gun in general) 8. Make the ocean/lakes/bodies of water less useless. More boats and small islands. 9. Keep zombie damage how it is because it makes sense, but they do need to be changed somehow to be more of a threat but i would be happy if they didnt change, i just see so many people saying make them more powerful(like in dayz+ THATS RIDICULOUS) 10. Bow and arrow? 11. Make the crossbow worth keeping. Make a findable quiver so you can store your bolts instead of them taking up so many slots. 12. Friend Finder of some sort would be awesome, but unrealistic. I would still enjoy it. 13. Equip a grenade to a crossbow bolt or something of that sort. Fire also. 14. I would love a intro scene (skippable) for when you "land" on the island (heli crash, boat, etc.) 15. Make 1 thing zombies are afraid of (Fire is a great example but it produces light so iunno) 16. A rare juggernaut zombie somewhere in the forest or something. 1 per server, Great gear drop. 17. An interface to know how much health you got and when your actually infected instead of the cough. (not as important as the rest but still would be nice) 18. ***A way to suicide or drown*** 19. Start possibly with a knife or be able to fist fight. 20. Possibly a blood transfusion station for people who play alone..or something of this sort because the people who play alone hate this. Suicide, Lethal animals and a way to defend yourself from start are my biggest suggestions. Im sure i have more but please comment on them and let me know what you think. Criticism starts improvement.
  8. tiffin027

    A Few Suggestions...

    1. Like it. for example far cry 3 you can throw a rock to distract guards. And you can already throw cans and whiskey bottles 2. Rusty guns, yeah i guess so but the parts for guns would be 2 much 2 handle cuz it rains alot and those parts would obviously be rare so i disagree with having parts but agree with having oil to repair a rusted gun. 3.NO blood types. Makes it 2 complex. Plus you can give anyone O blood and it works the same which is why there is only 1 blood bag. 4. I agree with better weapon storage such as a safe with a lock or digging a hole. 5. What kind of security could there possibly be.. Everyone is a zombie. But i would like them to add some NPC's to the game that you could interact with in some way (possibly missions or hitmen sent 2 kill you or a group of survivors) and if they added npc's than i would agree with security like people guarding a good loot spot. 6. Agreed but i think this one is obvious and everyone should agree with. Still a good suggestion though.
  9. tiffin027


    Not more damage.. if its at 400 right now no more than 800. This game is fun because of the PVP not because of the zombies. What kind of human can do that kind of damage. Zombies react to gunshots just fine already.. Animals MORE common i never see any!! Food is harder to come by than drinks why would it make sense to only have half... I personally think most of your suggestions are going to ruin the game.