Hi all, Just wanted to bring attention to this amazing server and equally amazing community, I've been playing DayZ for more than 6 months now and have not had a better experience on any other server. Below are several key details :) Daily active players: 358 (Changes Daily) Max Players: 40 (Slowly increasing while monitoring stability) Vehicles:Usually averages around 40+ however recent base raiding has lowered the number, but more spawns are added regularly Physical Server Location: Germany Restart timer: 4 Hours Battleye: Enabled + Many custom anti cheat systems 3rd Person: On Crosshairs: Off Veteran: On Summer: On Admins: 24/7 Several really key points to this server are the use of custom bases, these act as a secure location for a player or group of players to capture and hold, there's a gate system incorporated which allows you to keep it secure. Great for storage! The list of custom features and fixes for this server is rather extensive, I can only suggest you guys head on over to the servers website and be the judge yourselves :) www.dayzmad.com I'll be looking at this thread regularly and I'll be sure to answer what questions I can! Thanks for reading!