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About chrisMogzy

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  1. Thanks for the info Panda, so how do you go about forming a group then if you wanted to?
  2. Could anyone give me some info on the way vehicles exist in the server? What I mean is, if you're in a vehicle, can you logout whilst in one? Would this then make the vehicle dissapear also so no one else would be able to get it until you log back in? If you park them somewhere, do they stay there permanently unless you get back in and drive them somewhere else, or does a server reset put them back in the initial spawn area? Any answers much appreciated (I haven't come accross any vehicles yet, other than a bicycle which couldn't even go up a very small slope for some reason) Also, on a different topic, can you form groups in the server so you can use group chat? I know some people are in the police etc but are they actually a group, or do they just find each other and go around together? Thanks
  3. I've got to agree with you! I've only been playing a few days (only a couple of hours each day) and already am really enjoying this server. Last night I was in a town which I believe was to the north somewhere (I had no idea where I was as I'm new to the game and haven't got used to the map yet) and was doing ok. I had a makarov, lots of ammo and drink, bandages etc and then whilst looking out of a window, I saw someone sprinting just outside the town with about 20 zombies chasing him! I was too far away to do anything, so I continued on my journey back south. I then came accross a small group of buildings and again saw someone sprinting about 10m away from me with zombies chasing them (this time only about 5 or 6 though). This time I thought I'd try and help this person, (although I wasn't sure if he was a bandit and it also looked like he had some kind of assault rifle so may not have needed help) but I chased after the zombies chasing him anyway. All of a sudden though, he had dissapeared and all the zombies had stopped and I ran into them and died :blush: It was great fun anyway and that was only a few hours, I can't wait to continue playing after work tonight!
  4. Hi, My brother has just bought ARMA 2 Combined Operations so he can play DayZ too :thumbsup: and would like to join the server, his details are below: Name: Ryan Location: Wales GUID: 35d0a30d45f02812e7f277fef881a0b7
  5. Ah, Ok. Thanks for the help (I gave you some beans) :)
  6. I did buy combined operations on steam but when I join the server through dayz commander, it doesn't launch steam. I was talking about the profile in-game (where you can choose your name, head and voice), surely they won't be the same character if you called them different names e.g fred on one PC and tom on the other would they?, but would they be the same if they were the same name and head? Or do I have to copy my profile file from one PC to the other to make it be the same?
  7. Just a quick question, if on my PC on the weekend, I create a profile called Chris (the name I have on my PC on this server through the week), and join this server, will I continue with the character I've been using through the week or will it be another new character just with the same name? Any help much appreciated. Thanks
  8. Are they full 24 hr day/night cycles like real life? I didn't know this, I just assumed they were shorter like other games with day/night cycles (e.g. GTA etc). I wonder why other games don't do this?
  9. Hi, I'm back with my details: Name: Chris Location: England GUID: 1ff4ecd21435901a43ba8fc0d6b081eb
  10. Thanks, I have only bought it once (through Steam), so I'll give you my details hopefully later on today or tomorrow at the latest. That sounds exciting, the kidnapping part anyway, not the execution ;) I'm looking forward to it!
  11. Hi Panda, I'm new to DayZ and I'm really enjoying it! :) I would like to join your server (I'll add my details later on today as I'm in work now), but I have 2 questions if you don't mind answering. 1. I live in a flat through the week in Bristol and go back to South Wales on the weekends, therefore, I have 2 different PCs. Does this affect the GUID? Would I be able to play on both PCs on your server or only one? 2. Are bandits allowed on your server? I'm not one myself and don't want to be one, but I think it adds to the excitement sometimes when you see someone and your not sure if they're friendly or not. Thanks Chris