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Hal The Deaf Statue

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Everything posted by Hal The Deaf Statue

  1. So I unlocked the bandit skin (purposely) because I love the way it looks. I have noticed that humanity regenerates by 30 points per minute and the wiki says it does this until you are at 2500, why? If it keeps regenerating and goes positive is my bandit skin going to disappear when I get back up to 2500? I think this concept is utterly retarded, once the bandit skin is added to you it should STAY on you unless you heal people and give transfusions to gain back humanity. I don't want to have to keep killing people just to keep the skin active, I've already murdered several noobies in Cherno as it is and then went north. I don't want to have to keep doing it.
  2. So I got into DayZ about 6 weeks ago and ever since I have been playing on a private hive server I found the entire time. After having put in a good 40-60 hours on the server I have decided to give up, the admin respawns 200+ perfect condition vehicles every week and he has bases called FOB's which contain crates filled with doezens of rare weapons and tens to hundreds of clips for each of them. It was not fun, it ruined the entire purpose of DayZ being about survival, I wasted my time completely. So I want a really nice server to play in where I can expect more than 20 players on at once and plenty of banditry going on. Give me some recommendations. Also, the private hive I was on is GravesYard Server (Chernarus Map) - Feel free to join it and spice the place up a bit, the people in there could really use it. The password can be found here - http://forums.sp3cialk.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=49 Give 'em hell.
  3. Could you guys list a few servers you've favorited that are stable and have had few hack issues. A couple nights ago I logged back into a server that I liked and all my equipment was gone, I was still in the same spot that I left off, and I know your body goes away when you log off so it must have been a big server issue. I don't want to deal with that shit again, it wastes my time. So any suggestions?
  4. Hal The Deaf Statue

    Need recommendations for jgood servers.

    I put in an application on Chiefs Forums to be whitelisted for your server.