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Everything posted by Henryllex~

  1. Henryllex~

    Always low fps

    Nope, proccesor and your gpu are mid-low end so, it is not gonna run well, and if you want to get new parts, upgrade the whole thing, arma2 is not going to run fine on a uber card but on a shitty proccesor (this is what happens to me)
  2. Henryllex~

    GOD ****ing **** IT

    Id call mine ub3r l33t pr0 tkill3rZ nad3
  3. Henryllex~

    Being a Hero

    Beware, bandits hunts heros, as the heros hunts bandits, so you will be probably be hunted by them, hope you have a good time being in da hood.
  4. Henryllex~

    The Demise of Derpy Hooves

    Shhhhhhhhh... Dont reveal our nasty secret...
  5. Henryllex~

    Give a reason to play on night servers?

    Scare players off with yer car, yelling in direct chat IM COMING FOR U LAS;'DFALSDJFA;SF
  6. Henryllex~

    The Arch Angels Pararescue Squadron

    K, but if it is UK time, is fine.
  7. Henryllex~

    The Arch Angels Pararescue Squadron

    Monday time but uk time? cuz, i got school tuesday, and i am -4:00 UTC
  8. Henryllex~

    The Arch Angels Pararescue Squadron

    IGN: Henryllex~ AGE: 13 HUMANITY: 5040 (Balota buddies) 3770 (Hive, had to kill a KoSer survivor) EXPERIENCE: Medic, a little bit, played medic on an argentinian server. REASON FOR WANTING TO JOIN: Want to teamplay, and seriously it just looks amazing.
  9. Henryllex~

    Huey gets blown to the floor

    R.I.P Choppah- monkeyballs-0:32
  10. Henryllex~

    Will This Asus Run Day Z?

    Sure it will, maybe only 20-30fps, in low graphics, but yes it will :)
  11. Henryllex~

    Update Computer tips!

    Budget? i can throw you a Nice $1000 build
  12. Henryllex~

    good computer parts cheap?

    What is your budget?
  13. Inb4graveyard, just for the Frankie and jack title...
  14. Dat addition, this will be the theme song then.
  15. Henryllex~

    Hacker YOLOSWAG?

    If orlok was on the server it was obvious that it was gonna happen, hes the Y0L0SW4GM4ST3R
  16. Henryllex~

    SA: 'No advanced weapons'

    I do not want them to remove high powered weapons, because chernarus is a post war and has a handfull of Military bases, and with british insurgence in the war, i do see purpose of the as50, the thing is that we need ammo to be freaking hard to find,so when you find 5 rounds of NATO OR maganizes for them you can be like this:
  17. Henryllex~

    RIP DayZ

    Inb4nomnomnom Seriously man,if you think the gaming comunity should be21+, then man your screwed, not everyone in this game are cod kiddies, and people that take a game seriously they are just playing it wrong, because games are the escape from your reality to have a good time.
  18. Henryllex~

    CZ75 automatic (handgun)

    But, we dont already have the pdw? the pdw sucks ALOT tho. i would say that more russian gunz plz, and pls bump up damage for pistols, atleast a 7shot kill.
  19. Henryllex~

    Oh I wish I was a...

    I want to be an AS50, so i can say HOLY FUCK THAT WAS SICK when i make a 1000+m shot
  20. Lolwut da hell is dis? Basement rape.
  21. Henryllex~

    New Gaming PC Time!

    Ill quote a build I made, shure it will help you to decide I5 3570K http://www.amazon.co...ywords=i5 3570k Radeon 7870 http://www.amazon.co...words=xfx \7870 Corsair 8gb ram http://www.amazon.co...essional series Corsair proffesional series 850 watt http://www.amazon.co...rds=corsair 8gb ASRock Extreme 4 Mobo http://www.amazon.co...keywords=ASROCK Seagate Barracuda 1tb 7200 RPM http://www.amazon.co...rds=Seagate 1tb NZXT Crafted series full tower http://www.amazon.co...C?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  22. Henryllex~

    Is Alienware worth it?

    Alienware is really overpriced, you are paying for the brand, not the computer, I recently builded a computer for a guy for almost 1000 dollars.
  23. Henryllex~

    Can't decide on which GPU or CPU to get?

    I personally think the AMD cpu's are for heavy overcloking, intel can overclock too but I think a amd proccesor can reach the 5 gigahertz mark more easily
  24. Np, but i suggest as the guy down below to grab a ssd, put windows+arma2 there, and the other drive to record. I was gonna suggest that lol
  25. Ehrmm... I5 3570K http://www.amazon.co...ywords=i5 3570k Radeon 7870 http://www.amazon.co...words=xfx \7870 Corsair 8gb ram http://www.amazon.co...essional series Corsair proffesional series 850 watt http://www.amazon.co...rds=corsair 8gb ASRock Extreme 4 Mobo http://www.amazon.co...keywords=ASROCK Seagate Barracuda 1tb 7200 RPM http://www.amazon.co...rds=Seagate 1tb NZXT Crafted series full tower http://www.amazon.co...C?ie=UTF8&psc=1 All this toguether for $977.81, a few hundred to spare on games.