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Everything posted by Henryllex~

  1. Henryllex~

    .50s gone? Add the Lapua! (with 2 changes)

    I want the lapua so bad ingame, it just a pretty good balanced weapon if they do all the changes Gews suggested, so, 2 shot kill, bolt action so you will not be sprayed *cough, DMR/AS50/M017 right now *cough.
  2. Henryllex~

    Balota Buddies Presents: DayZ Origins EU UK46

  3. Henryllex~

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    I actually have the theory those are gonna be a new part of the blunt rocks.
  4. Henryllex~

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    Just got out of my math test and I see this, I'm happy :D
  5. Henryllex~

    **FREE DayZ servers**

    Well, im interested in this, want to set a PvP server
  6. Henryllex~

    Emotional death

    Best. Idea. Ever.
  7. Henryllex~

    The standalone won't be popular unless

    Yeah right? im an TS3 admin, but i had to do some server stuff one time, and with the custom panel, i had the face like, was it this a spaceship? is incredible how much power you can have, even in Origins panel
  8. Henryllex~

    The standalone won't be popular unless

    There is alot of admin abuse really, but, the servers you are talking about are Private Hives, atleast, in the standalone admins wont do that because they wont have the tools for it, i myself as admin i dont abuse the power, because if i did i would find the game really boring.
  9. Henryllex~

    102ND Is looking For More People

    My pony has yellow hair so im fine.
  10. I dont mind skin and a makarov or m9, but no more than that.
  11. Henryllex~

    Elevation and bullet trajectory

    omgz Sula posting on dayz forums, incredible lol, need to log on bb later. Not really, but yes there are physics to bullets, but altitude and location doesnt make a diference.
  12. Henryllex~

    Feel so guilty..

    Yup you are an asshole.
  13. Henryllex~

    What's your reason to KOS?

    I dont, unless im playing in my group, but usually i dont take the kills.
  14. Henryllex~

    Optimising DayZ for low end pc

    Dont think you can optimize it that much, turn off post proccesing, and the resolution, dont even try to lower it, it wont really make a difference, really, i have tried it, im used to play on a crap computer, but i will get a better one. But in a near future, try to save some bucks and buy a PC, or a 1000+ laptop.
  15. Henryllex~

    Backpack in a backpack

    Ahh you basterd.
  16. Henryllex~

    Your Dayz Hometown?

    Thats Stary Sobor, no doubt. For me is the lovely Krasnostav
  17. Henryllex~

    [Stand Alone] No Cars in Alpha.

  18. Henryllex~

    How To Hero

    Balota buddies, has a very nice community, has a lot of bandits to hunt and heros, inception plays there too, has like -100,000 humanity, so he is the ultimate bandit to hunt,you may hear COME TO BALOTA BUDDIEZ alot, but it is a very good server after all! and also, admins dont abuse their powers, which is a big plus for me.
  19. Henryllex~

    Just saw Rocket again.

    LOL beans for that!
  20. Henryllex~

    Vodnik 1000 foot cliff fall

    #VodnikSwag2013 FTW
  21. Henryllex~


    Yo hablo españoool! Ohai there Hola
  22. Henryllex~

    Best gun for player hunting

    AS50/DMR/CZ550 Secondary M14 all the way and a 1911 or m9sd
  23. Henryllex~

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    Oh, they got removed, i like that, i really drop my backpack because it is virtually useless, and the torch, i like that but well, atleast they have made balance.
  24. Henryllex~

    BullPups...those sexy....sexy bullpups

    that looks Sexy, what gun is it?