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Everything posted by Henryllex~

  1. Henryllex~

    How to install: Breaking Point

    20 Min and nothing. Just saw this thread lol
  2. Henryllex~

    Funtime Frankie Server

    Why the frankie in the name?
  3. Henryllex~

    Road Spikes

    Stary road trolling in 3,2,1... Let the forum rage begin!
  4. Henryllex~

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    You should be good, and yes you are in the wrong section of the forums, this should go in the can i run it? thread
  5. Henryllex~

    Double Video Sunday

    HAHHA dont worry thats me, hes like that :D and he gave back the car lol
  6. Henryllex~

    One of those moments

    Legends says that Demongroover can be summoned if you do a semicircle campfire and drink a mountain dew at the same time
  7. This guy reminds me of a girl in my class, she cannot stop talking and she talk as fast as this guy
  8. Henryllex~

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    Will you add windage? Will you add Sniper rifles and auto-weapons that are not russian at all?
  9. Henryllex~

    Some considerations on sniper rifles...

    +1, but i feel that a skilled player only dies of cqc, because they know where are the areas that snipers like to camp, and know how to avoid being hit by one of them
  10. I feel something's not right there... US army, svd camo?
  11. I was thinking of a bad background with the SAS members and no family, he prefers to be alone and all that stuff, so he moved into a country where nobody knows him, to start a new life and all that stuff.
  12. Henry Henryllex Henry MacBrown/SAS soldier now retired in Chernarus/Hero Skin/M14 m9sd (Rifleman) Age 14 Also im on the Caribbean sea, but i can get 50 ping on most servers
  13. Henryllex~

    ROCKET - Question about your laptop

    It is indeed
  14. Henryllex~

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    Are we getting Falling animations?
  15. Henryllex~

    Standalone Font

    Actually what i dont like is the menu, not the font xD, the font is fine to me, but i hope the ui in that photo is a placeholder
  16. Henryllex~

    DayZ Sound Mods

    I hate arma3 sounds, the most realistic stock arma2 sound they have if the m107 which is 95% like is real life sound, jsrs makes everything better, the thing I don't like is the tin can trolling mod :/ i hope that we get new/better sounds, ak74/mp5 sounds like paintball guns atm
  17. Henryllex~

    Closed Alpha Test Day 1....

    i want to see the reaction of the mods if you actually do that lol, probably somebody already did it already
  18. Henryllex~

    Moving house...

    You'll be fine,im constantly switching between 2 ip's when i am at my dad or mom's house
  19. Henryllex~


    i think that's steak duck.Oh noes wait that's Dolan
  20. Henryllex~

    Disagreement between a friend

    Double post sorry. :/
  21. Henryllex~

    Disagreement between a friend

    this, and ten say fuck off, go play cod on low settings, oh wait, the high settings are low.
  22. Henryllex~

    Disagreement between a friend

    Arma2 is a pretty good looking game, even more if you turn postproccesing on, if uou play on low settings and you have a 800+ dollar computer, then you have some pretty fu**** up logic.
  23. Henryllex~

    New tweet from Rocket

  24. Henryllex~

    [SA]Who you were before shit hit the fan .

    No classes please, the thing that made dayZ big is this line: This is your story.