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Everything posted by Henryllex~

  1. Henryllex~

    Hero section?

    wise words from a insightful man
  2. Henryllex~

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    hahaha i did.i will only use radios when i got the elektropartybus up and running, and ill blast AC/DC music in elektro for a entire dayz until i die!
  3. Henryllex~

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    and i dont want to get near a naked guy with is radio blasting l33t cod montage song or Never gonna give you up T.T
  4. Henryllex~

    Why is the player counter stuck?

    Ill save 20 bucks for my kids then.
  5. Henryllex~

    Why is the player counter stuck?

    That is the magic number... wait 1/7/3 OMFG i figured out the release date loljk
  6. Henryllex~


    i like dubstep mate, but dayz + dubstep = sheet.
  7. Henryllex~

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    Yup, the only thing that i want randomized is the clothing, different types of basics tshirts and jeans, no more.
  8. Henryllex~

    How good are YOU?

    im good in what it is close quarter combat with fals or m14s, m4ccos and aks, but sniping i enjoy it, but im not really good at it. I can fly the little bird without crashing, can fly in towns at almost 0 altitude and can escape trouble, i normally die out of a squad taking over us or friendly fire.
  9. Henryllex~

    Can't get 10 + FPS

    Never trust on can you run it, it is a complete mess.
  10. Dude, you just revived a thread that is 7 months old, and the question itself has been answered, no point in reviving it.Try to not do that again, it could end in a warning post if you do it several times.
  11. Mosin nagant with a x8 scope that fits it, would be awesome, would never change it again for a proper sniper rifle!
  12. Henryllex~


    it is not that hard unless your the averag3 m16yoloswagl33t zombie avoider.
  13. Henryllex~

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    i agree, the only thing that i think they need to fix before the 1 week timeframe they said they set is the zombies, if they cant get them right before 1 week, delay it, i do not want an alpha sa with worse zombies than the mod, the only thing that needs to be fixed before alpha release
  14. Clever move there Groover :)
  15. ITS AWESOME, the only thing that i dont like are the moving animations, they just look bad IMHO and i hope they add a grabbing animation for items
  16. Henryllex~

    Very mad friends

    Cool story brah
  17. Henryllex~

    Ghillie dude at stary....

    My hero rules are, BANDITS/Guillie/camo on sight soo... im sorry but pew pew.
  18. When its done its done.
  19. Aqui no te pueden ayudar, tendras que hablar con battleye, pero aqui no podemos ayudarte, lo siento :/
  20. Henryllex~

    Will YOU become an Islander?

    im the guy that everyday you find him on a different place, but as my hometown is krasnostav, im a mainlander!
  21. Henryllex~

    E3 and our attendance

    Cant wait!
  22. Henryllex~

    Anyone get pre-Alpha invite?

    Ooh he is :D
  23. Henryllex~

    Anyone get pre-Alpha invite?

    He is, and all the mods from dayZmod.com/reddit are :D
  24. This, I just got my new rig an I will not have to worry about fps, but there is a lot of people that are stuck on 5years old pc or on a laptop, and they should be able to play if their pc/laptops meet arma2oa requirements
  25. Henryllex~

    Don't Fuck with a humvee

    Holy crap! he must have shit his pants lol