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Everything posted by Henryllex~

  1. Henryllex~

    Current State of the Game

    The most notable thing is that they removed all thermals, you need to boil water, more vehicles and weapons, and toilet paper and razors (No uses BTW)
  2. Henryllex~

    Ability to milk cows and get a bottle of milk

    Lol, is actually a nice suggestion, but i would add this: 1-Boil before drinking! If not you will have something like 15-20 percent chance of infection of something like diarrea(standalone!!) 2- you can get more than one drink from milk, but each drink only restoring half your drink meter.
  3. Henryllex~

    DAYZ origins Salvation City

    Its weird that you only found 1 guard, me and 6 people went there, and i know that we are a lot more, but we actually killed like 15+ guards, and got out fully geared, because the loot is actually on the guards and the trucks, helis, etc. Maybe try your luck again sometime.
  4. True Story bro, dont blame yourself for blaming in COD, cod is like the 1st case of anger in the entire world, i am so freaking bad in BLOPS, but in BF i own, even in dayz sometimes, when we arent obviously being fired by 3 as50+2 m14 lol, Also *Imagine that AWW YEAH image is here because the freaking image doesnt work for me* 60 post like a baus
  5. Lol that story is so epic, definitely gonna hold up somebody called dinosaur like or Cowboy grandma. And i operate exactly like that, is the only way to survive as a hero, you give primary = Backstabbing if they can.
  6. Believe me, nobody is gonna take his chances with an AS50 pro 1337 coastal guillie sniper, shoot em down.
  7. I get your point, but not every 13 year old is a prick :) (Not offended BTW)
  8. Henryllex~

    Hiding in long grass, prying open car boots.

    I like the grass idea, the problem is, we in the mod, we dont have more than 100m of actual grass, then the games just renders the basic ground texture, if they fix this in the standalone, it actually would be a pretty good adition, because, i remember a photo not too long ago, me being in grass that covers almost half my body (im very tiny, like 4 feet and 12 or so). The locking system, seems pretty good, but the ones that requires explosives, you should ONLY get them from places like NWA/NWE.
  9. I think DayZ needs real heros, ones that dont give stuff away like crazy, just help people IF needed, because like you said, if you give away alot of stuff to a new guy, he will get attached to his gear, and when he dies, hes just gonna rage, and quit the game forever. Also bandits are good at the game because, if we didnt have bandits, all our ammo would be wasted on zombies...
  10. Henryllex~

    Anyone else miss when you were a noob?

    The adrenaline, when a zombie aggroes you and you get crazy, your first heart attack when you see a player, your YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! when you find your first enfield, etc... I would definitely go back. Edit: Ninja`d by Smorski lol
  11. Exactly the same build as what im gonna get, its good, and you should be fine, dont worry about fps!
  12. What was your best experience when playing as a hero? Mine where 2 and where 5 days ago Experience 1: I was going to Grishino looking for helicrash without NVG because i didnt have a pair, it was dark, and i hear a guy saying: Hey, mate, are you friendly? It was a hero, so i said yeah and he asked me to drop my gun. I did it. We teamed up and looted NWA, now we are friends and play every day. Experience 2: My friend and i where on a rescue mission, trying to protect a friends body (the body was on the cherno firestation), then somebody walks out there, and my new friend says, hey man, put your gun in your backpack, and dont move. Then when our friend came and retrieved the body, we talk to the guy and says he wants a bloodbag, i walked there, gave him a bloodbag, then went our ways, but he talks to me, and after like 5 minutes talking i think he seems like a nice guy, so i ask him his skype and then we played the three of us together since monday. Seems that there is still hope to make friends ingame.
  13. Henryllex~

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

  14. Henryllex~

    Arma III Alpha lite [ GIVE AWAY ]

    Aww man, please, give one to me, here in DR 1 dollar is pretty expensive, and i cant have a job, because i dont still have enough age.
  15. You cant do a pc that runs dayz with just 300 dollars, i calculate minimum should be 500$ Like this: http://www.amazon.com/CyberpowerPC-Gamer-Ultra-GUA880-Desktop/dp/B0089KDCIU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1362521383&sr=8-1&keywords=gaming+pc This is like, the minimum to get 15-30 fps on dayz ON a good server. Unless you want a Pentium e5700 and gt 440 like me, but as he wanted a prebuilt, then tell him to buy something like i suggested.
  16. This is DayZ. This is Your Story.
  17. Henryllex~

    Am i a bandit?

    No you arent, you are just a guy that helps people, but shoot players if needed too. Id call that Neutral
  18. Henryllex~

    Standalone banned players

    This. And you cant be banned without reason, srsly.
  19. Henryllex~

    DayZ - Scaring People 4

    This is just so good.
  20. Henryllex~


    Wow thats actually a very smart suggestion, l33t elektro bambi killers nao shall be dirty, beans.
  21. L33T TOILET PAPERZ SNIPERZ OMG. like i would imagine something like a paintball gun that you can actually fire and when you hit a guy, it actually makes them need painkillers, because paintballs balls DO hurt.
  22. We do not deserve one, because of how people reacted to such a little cans, and that means that we are very inmature, and we need to think of our actions. Now excuse me, gonna keep clubbing a baby seal.
  23. Henryllex~

    Favourite weapon?

    Killing zombies: M9SD, i usually aim for the head sooooo... Players: i dont kill player but if i have to, i like enfield/M14, both knockout players, and i can tell them to drop their gun and run away. From distance: DMR, knockout gun, same purpose as above.
  24. Reading a blog about dayz, and how a survivor would appear on the coast, this idea came to my mind. What if we appeared in the coast like if we where unconcious, then get awake, and a animation of standing up, ya know, like a little cinematic. And when you log in in a forest lets say, old fields, we appear like sleeping, then get awake, get our weapons ready and get back on track? It probably wont be added in the Mod, but for the SA i think it would be a great addition for inmersion. Those are my thoughts, what are yours?
  25. Henryllex~

    dayz 2017 question

    Man, dayz 2017, is meant for NO Military guns, Almost NO cars, and almost NO food, if you want more guns, then dayz vanilla is for you, and then ban .50 cals in your server. PS: Pls, try to clean your grammar and dont put misleading titles, seriously.