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Everything posted by Nithren

  1. Anyone notice the dude in Red at the end of part 2? wtf...
  2. Part two - probably not embedded cause im newb *edit - apparently Im cooler than I thought
  3. Nithren

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    I flew into houston this week for training and jet lag has been kicking my ass, i've been taking hour naps while refreshing tumblr but now.... I can't sleep Impressive...most impressive, keep up the good work
  4. Nithren

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    "The risks and gambles we took last year, are now beginning to pay serious dividends for us." Yea it is - Take my money please
  5. Nithren

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    O my its looking fantastic, may have to used that tax return to upgrade the ol' PC.... Thanks for the update!
  6. Nithren

    DayZ Memes

  7. Nithren

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    Its a good idea for realism sake, althought it is a pain in the butt trying to pick things up without it sometimes.
  8. That does sound pretty crappy however, it seems that this is a perfect example of what the new mmo server style should be addressing with the standalone. (And whatever else the devs have up their sleeves) I have had some bad experiences myself - never with admins mostly hackers. However, when something like this used to happen I would get pretty frustrated. These days I just log off and do something else - I still love the mod and I think that the frustration of the mod in its current state is something I keep coming back for...hackers and all. Not to say that I feel that hackers and whiney admins are warrented..don't really know what I am trying to say...I guess sorry bro? ANYWAYS in the spirit of being optimistic - I was thinking of joining a whitelist server myself. Thanks for the heads up on this one ;)
  9. Nithren


    Troll or not. I play friendly. I still laughed. :)
  10. Great post man, thanks for this. Don't need to do this but It sounds like a fun alternative! I'll give it a go tonight. Sticky this mfer
  11. Nithren

    Sleep Mechanic?

    Has there been any discussion on a sleep mechanic being implemented? Such as sleeping indoors can increase your change for disease resistance or something along those lines? Having your character's staying logged into that server and suceptable to theifs/bandits until logging into a new server? Thoughts? Regards
  12. Can we say that batman undies are confirmed at this point? If so I will be buying 6 copies as 1 character will not be able to hold the abundance of batman undies I will possess.
  13. Nithren

    why am i a bird?

    are you sure you arn't a plane? O no wait you're superman! edit spelling mistakes....
  14. Nithren

    Sound issues

    Not sure about this but is Arma even capable of 5.1 surround? most games arn't from what I have heard except for a few like crysis and such.. Let me know what you find though I would be curious to set this up if it is not the case.
  15. Thanks for the suggestion! I'll totally give that a shot :D Im surprised how much I am enjoying it in the first place never thought I was a flight simulator type of gameplay guy
  16. Doesn't seem too much harder to actually fly. Landing is a biznatch though... Thought about this a bit more, never had a heli in DayZ soooooo can't really say...more TOH practice tonight :D
  17. Every water source I find.
  18. The map from what I have heard has been completley redone. All buildings (Eventually) will be updated to be enterable. With SA im sure there will be a lot more but from what I saw on the euroexpo presentation by rocket - they will continue to be working on it and roll them out in patches. hope that answers your question I reread your question - same map I believe w/ updated buildings etc.
  19. buy it all, if you can't afford it sell a kidney.
  20. Nithren

    Sleep Mechanic?

    Forgive me for the any spelling mistakes, on my phone :( but I love the idea of the alert state and deep sleep. And also the idea of tying it into the disease features of the game. If integration with steam messing, cell phone or email would be possible, it would be beneficial to the "alert state" The tricky part would be implementing in a way that doesn't punish players for NOT sleeping. As you don't want them to feel they HAVE to be logged out for long periods of time incase they want to roll a 14 hr dayz session
  21. Nithren

    Sleep Mechanic?

    Absolutley - Was thinking the same thing. Maybe a text to your phone? I did see there were mentions of API's in the future with standalone. whether they can do that or not - i have no idea. I believe an email would be possible though
  22. Listening to interview with Matt right now sounding great - Any plans/thoughts for medical masks (protect from disease)?
  23. Still at work - Still have not done a thing.
  24. Will not play until zombies spawn in underwear. Period.