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About Judontknowme

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    On the Coast
  1. Server Name: US 3479 HFBServers.com (v1.7.4.4/beta 94876) [Regular 3DP:1 CH:1][] dayzmod.com - Hosted by Thall (Your) Timezone: US EST, GMT -5 Date/Time: 1/6/2013 Server Administrator('s): Thall, Programmers720, Johnny, Nattdog, KC, Skyler, Camden, Treez, and more whos' names I don't remember What happened:The owner of the server, who happens to be a 13 year old, Kkicks and ban people for killing unarmed players, kicks for no reason, kick/bans for trashtalk, occasionally kicks the entire server because someone kills him, insults players, and kicks people to make room for his friends. On the date listed above I was playing on the server and i saw a player get kicked out of the game because he killed the server owner. I asked him why and he said that it was because you aren't allowed to kill unarmed players. I'm not completely sure if this breaks the server hosting rules by trying to prevent pvp but it is my general belif that they are not allowed to kick people for killing an unarmed player. Later on in conversations he insults me directly other players and eventually bans me from the server because he got killed. Evidence/Proof [Required] : There is a bit to many pictures to put in one post so i'm going to upload them to imgur. I hope this is alright. http://imgur.com/a/llBUf