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Everything posted by Flatline

  1. You can make a high-end graphics engine that supports lots of players on the server. Graphics aren't necessarily what limits the amount of players. Most of the graphics and geometry can be handled locally. So for me, option 1 is the obvious answer, even if it did limit the player base somewhat due to higher demands on peoples own pc's.
  2. Flatline

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    If possible, wipe my gear, not my character. I stayed alive for two months, no duplicated gear, no cheats. Would be a bit sad to let that awesome run just disappear. No big deal though.
  3. Flatline

    Will my PC run DayZ / Arma II?

    The stationary PC will definitely run Arma 2 well enough at low, but your GPU is the main issue I think. The laptop will also run it but probably not as well. Don't expect super performance, but if you can live with low settings, I think you can hit 30 FPS easily enough.
  4. Flatline

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Hacker

    To all hackers: PRO-TIP! Arma 2 has an editor that lets you try ANYTHING YOU WANT. Want 60 ATV's and a battleship? GO TO THE EDITOR. Leave DayZ to be played the way it was meant to be played.
  5. Flatline

    My patch notes

    * [NEW] ACE mod feutures and ST_Movement and ST_Collision added to Dayz ^THIS * [NEW] Players now spawn with a Czech vest pouch --- patrol pack is small enough i think * [NEW] Coyote Patrol Packs now spawn and could be found as a loot. Assault back pack spawn chance increased. ^AND THIS * [NEW] Beans, sardines and pasta cans spawn chance decreased --- agreed * [NEW] Soda cans spawn chance decreased. --- agreed * [NEW] Bloodbags spawn chance decreased. --- agreed ^AND THIS All good. While it may never happen, it is a good post. You have my beans.
  6. Why don't you all just STAY AWAY from places that don't offer you anything? Think the north is pointless? Stay in Cherno! As if you'd complain that the level 20 areas in a MMORPG wasn't useful to your level 80 character. All content in the game isn't always made with your playing style in mind. Just accept that some of us LIKE the north, the emptiness and loneliness creates atmosphere.
  7. For EVERYONE with these kinds of issues: I've played DayZ for 4 months. I've never seen a hacker. Found that choice of server is important for your ping. Learned how to avoid death by ladder and death by door. (Just don't turn, crawl or do sudden movements, basically). Been killed maybe 10-15 times, often by bandits, a few times by zombies, occasionally by stupid mistakes. Once by a door, once by a ladder. Log in speed: How is it an issue? Sometimes you have to spend maybe 2 minutes to get in? 3? Get yourself a cup of coffee and sit down, chill. The game is popular, don't tell me other popular online games don't suffer just as much or more from bad ping. Find a stable server or two and play on those. Always. The zombies pathfinding: Yes Arma 2 isn't good indoors. And the zombies aggro easily sometimes. Maybe they catch your scent. JUST SHOOT THEM OR HIDE INSIDE. It is easy to shake them off now. Why do you want predictable zombies? So you can "farm the boss" because they never surprise you? I'd rather have random zombies any day. Zig-zagging zombies are cool to me because they make it hard to hit them. Server admins: Yep, some are a-holes. Definitely. It is a problem. Hopefully they'll get shut down when they abuse the server rights. Finally: ALPHA. ALPHA ffs.
  8. You are wrong. Yes, loot is scarce sometimes, especially in those towns. But so are players. I've survived for 40 days regularly visiting the NWAF, thanks to being able to retreat to the towns in the north. It is a safe place from players. (if you really are scared of the "zombie hordes", you need to get a bit better at survival because the zombies are your least concern). For example, Lopatino has lots of vehicle parts and industrial sheds, making it ideal for kitting out a car. There are several vehicle spawns nearby (Hatchback, ATV, Ural, Heli). Some places offer loot, some places offer solitude and safety. And it is also quite easy to set up camp in those areas, at least for a day or so before it is discovered. Keep the north as it is. Need your loot rush? You have Cherno, Stary, Elektro, Berezino, Zelenogorsk, Gorka, 3 airfields. And if all those seem to scary for you, there are loads of deerstands where to zombie hordes will leave you alone and the military gear is ripe.
  9. I move my left hand instinctively towards the push-to-talk button before talking to my girl. True story.
  10. Flatline

    g36c SD Camo

    As many have pointed out, Battleye doesn't work in that way, you won't get banned from picking up hacked stuff, as long as you didnt hack it in yourself. At least that is the opinion of many fine folk. Better to be on the safe side though.
  11. Flatline

    hatchet and rifle

    To equip hatchet: Move the rifle to your backpack (which you select by clicking and choosing "open bag"), then right click the hatchet, select use as weapon. To equip rifle: Right click hatchet, choose "move to toolbelt", then open backpack by clicking it and choosing "open bag", and move your rifle out of the backpack.
  12. Flatline

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Tackar! Did try this solution but the other way around, from default to very high, since apparently the RAM-limit of Very High was removed in a recent patch. I guess I'll just switch it back and see what happens.
  13. TL, DR: Player behaviour in Day Z can be easily understood and adjusted by looking at human psychology and the iterated prisoners dilemma. Things will (probably) get better. Why are DayZ getting a lot of angry players, fed up with Pvp and griefers? Because, as most of you already know, the game currently rewards banditry and betrayal much more than cooperation. What is the iterated prisoners dilemma? It is a part of game theory that explains human behaviour in a situation such as Day Z. Originally named after an imagined situation in a prison, for Day Z a more suitable name might be Iterated Survivors Dilemma. http://en.wikipedia....r's_dilemma If we illustrate the choices a player faces every time they meet another player in a classical prisoners (survivors) dilemma: .............................. ....................Player B cooperates........................................................................... Player B betrays Player A cooperates both get something B gets everything Player A betrays A gets everything A or B gets everything With this in mind, it is clear that you would win the most by choosing betrayal. Of course, additional factors such as waste of ammo and so forth can be added, but ammo is not important enough in the current form of DayZ to influence behaviour. Another thing that will change the values in the equation is the respawning ammo bug. When all ammo "cheats" gets fixed, would you really waste precious ammo on humans just for fun, or save it for the one enemy you can't negotiate with? Add to this the fact that the game currently revolves around "cool" weapons, real stress/tension and the fact that most players want action and betrayal becomes even more inviting. Right now, the actual value of cooperation is low. However, the Iterated dilemma is what happens when you repeat the above dilemma over and over with the same players. Over time, tests show that people will actually start to choose the safest option when mutual trust increases. Provided the following things happen, cooperation will become more logical: The player base growth slows down, ie noobs get less common so that it is a coherent group of players that repeat the DayZ experiment There exists a genuine benefit to cooperation Players cannot switch identity between deaths, ie accountability and trust remains after you've died A genuine feeling of growth and connection to your character exists In an iterated dilemma with the same group, it usually goes like this: At first, players are all new and careful. They start out with the best intentions and initially try to cooperate. This would be the first weeks of the DayZ alpha, when players were more inclined to explore the mod together and help each other in doings so. Then, all it took was a few instances when players realised there was more to gain from shooting. Suddenly, the group falls apart to betrayal and it becomes the given choice. This would be up til now in Day Z, where banditry and pvp is the rule of law. If the above conditions are met though, players will gradually start realising that the one way to constantly be safe and improve is to always choose cooperate before betrayal. Betrayal will never fully disappear, but in other iterated dilemmas, this is what usually happens. Whether Rocket and the team manages to include this remains to be seen. It probably won't be easy, but bloody impressive if they do. Rocket is obviously aware of this equation, as are most players. Nothing in this post is really new, but I thought I'd try to illustrate the pvp "problem" from a new angle. Rocket is doing everything right so far, if you ask me. What is needed is not to restrict betrayal but to incentivize cooperation. For example, in the old Operation Flashpoint mod FDF (Finnish Defence Forces) there was a heavy weapon that required one player to carry the tripod mounting and ammo, while another player carried the weapon itself. To operate it, cooperation was needed. Radios have been discussed. What if the group channel could be activated for those that found radios/walkietalkies? Would that create incentive to talk tom players before you had them in your sights? Could you choose a group leader (a feature already in the game) and create a radio group? Mods for this already exist. If the potential value of cooperation matches the potential value of betrayal, it will be more of a player choice whether to be "good or bad" than down to pure economics, as it is right now. Betrayal simply is more rewarding in many aspects. You get the thrill, the loot, and hopefully survival. Cooperation gets you a noob with lee enfield that will have you dead by mistake faster than it took you to read this somewhat long post.
  14. I also do quite a lot of tabletop RPGing, I know what you mean with the importance of building connections to your character. Maybe I'm just slightly more optimistic that by creating those connections, you can make a lot of pvp:ers into rpg:ers. Griefers will always be griefers though, but at least it is harder to respawn now.
  15. Flatline

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    ^this And it is not GPU-related, folks. It might be a conflict between GPU drivers, DirectX and Arma2 but it is not your hardware that is causing it. Wild guess: it is related to the server giving out bad model information, telling you to load a model you shouldn't be able to load or don't have, or that is corrupted and can't handle the new graphics options. It happened to my entire group at the same time near Balota yesterday, on a fully upgraded server. We all got graphical artifacts at the same time, making me pretty sure it is server-related.
  16. Seems server related, me and 3 mates were the only players on a server, and 3 of us all got the artifact bug at the same time. Suddenly, looking in a specific direction will yield lots of geometrically flat textures and it seems to be connected to the server, since it happens to all of us at the same time. Bad model info, some info sent by the server might give an instruction to spawn loot that was accidentally removed when Rocket removed all non-DayZ assets, and when you try to look that way, the game can't render an object it cannot access. It is an engine issue, I remember the exact same artifact bugs turned up in Operation Flashpopint when there was problems with rendering a specific model.
  17. Flatline

    has the L85 been removed from the game properly?

    I've never had this problem with disappearing items. Got two l85aws, a as50 and a bizon SD me and my mate are using since a month or more, through all the patches and stuff. Never lost anything the way you describe it. Guess we're lucky. We always make a point of using the same stable server, right HIVE, right patches, everything done by the book and so forth.
  18. Flatline

    M4a1 Holo SD is it legit?

    M4a3 CCO SD is legit, if that is what you've found. Otherwise, no.
  19. Flatline

    Weapon Damage Nerfs

    Too many identical damage values, and very little logic to that new damage table. Was this really intended? Rocket?
  20. Your're right, a countdown timer is a bad way of doing it, I had a feeling I should have left that out because I agree with you. Even if you tailor-made a countdown timer to only affect the bandits, that would be equal to nerfing banditry which must never happen, or Day Z loses its edge completely. Some other way of making every life count would be preferable. I had some more ideas on the matter, such as randomly spawning a rare personal item in the inventory with every new character, something that defines you and can't be dropped or traded. In short, anything that creates a connection to your character that counters the care-free view griefers have towards losing their life in game, while keeping true to the spirit of the game. What if there is something unique about every respawn that defines a bit of your background and makes you remember that very life long after? Be it a family portrait or a set of car keys or whatever. Just a thought, feel free to bash it.
  21. I just made a comparatively tiny thread on the prisoners dilemma and Day Z before seeing this thread, and I agree with you on many things. However, I do believe the answer to what you call "the inevitable collapse of Day Z" is pretty obvious. While banditry should not be punished in any form, cooperation has to be made more valuable. In a real apocalypse, you would come across far more situations where an extra hand would mean the difference between life and death. I am afraid to suggest any kind of "balancing" because it shouldn't be balanced in the normal sense, but the gains from cooperation should at least be obvious enough to actually hesitate before blowing someone away. That is not the case today, which is why I keep suggesting more group/co-op focus (And Rocket has said co-op incentives are a big focus).
  22. Yes, in many ways it is a simplification. If you gather all the different player goals together under the main goal "to survive" I think it works well enough to describe the situation in Day Z, but it still misses the griefers that puts no value in their life and doesn't mind dying over and over. IMO, player death has to result in some really heavy drawbacks to make even griefers and suiciders contemplate the risk. Maybe a respawn timer that increases with every new survival attempt or something like it. Death is feared by almost all of mankind, after all, and Day Z should encourage that fear.
  23. A few facts that strengthen my belief that cooperation will increase over time: All the forum threads from players trying to create law and order, safe havens, camps, anti-bandit groups and clans. (everyone seems to be a lawmaker here) The short-lived fun of griefing (boring people like short-lived thrills, but scriptkiddies and griefers will die down when player growth slows down) The increased stats tracking and increased player pride in managing to survive. (players will value their progress more) The increased focus on vehicles and camp building (vehicles don't desync like crazy any more) And one fact that keeps me thinking there will always be bandits to some degree: Pvp is fun because tension is fun, and Day Z does tension like no other game. Strategos: I agree. The lack of long-time accountability needs more options for info-sharing. Notes, journals, bandit skins, sheriff badges, what have you.
  24. Flatline

    Pending Update: Build

    hacker? more like lag.