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Everything posted by AgainstAllAutority

  1. AgainstAllAutority

    Exp Update 0.61.136403

    to many weapons and firearms... i've literally found a house with 2 shotguns, and trumpet w/scope and its almost every 7 "loot places", that manage to spawn loot. Alot of "duplicate" spawns, a car with 4 gas lamps? easy
  2. AgainstAllAutority

    Exp Update 0.61.136403

    someone screwed up with moon size. pistols are to common on car wrecks
  3. AgainstAllAutority

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    hey community, im back (its like 3rd or 4th time, right? :D )
  4. AgainstAllAutority

    Trophy Body Part Collection

    you can do it now - collect bloodsamples with syringe or bloodbags :)
  5. AgainstAllAutority

    Trading Post

    closed :)
  6. AgainstAllAutority

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Everyone's dream! by the way - dont ever go to destroyed soviet convoy! players are so vulnerable there... thats how i got this SVD :D
  7. AgainstAllAutority

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    the bugs found by me so far: flaregun gun storage (u can "chamber" it with any rifle or SMG.. pistols wont fit :D ) car bugs: zombies agro dont switch from car to player; if you drive over a zombie car will make collision sounds for minute or two after; sometimes rifle can "lagg" or "virtually drop" if you get in v3s with it in your hands; u cant scroll contents of big military tent central loot economy need weights rebalance. Now it have basicaly 2 options: no loot and loot-land heli-crashes and v3s spawns are same (however v3s spawns are same through restarts for single server) not sure, but i havent seen painkillers anywhere... same with mp5 buttstock
  8. i've found 2 hunting backpacks so far: 1. at red lada near Balota 2. in garage in Stary Sobor
  9. AgainstAllAutority

    Military barrack, have they become 'minor' loot building

    feels like loot abundance is not building type - relevant any more. Looks like distribution curve weights need some major tweaking, since same mil. barracks could spawn nothing, while same mil. rack in other place could spawn tonns of same stuff. Also seems like most part of military-style cloth has gone to prison.
  10. AgainstAllAutority

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    im back bitches! last 2 shots with easy colorgrading touch :)
  11. Scopes are quite rare loot atm, making it even less common wont stop ppl from hunting bambies in coastal areas. Simple math.. no matter what multiplier you attach to linear function, the function habit is still same. To prevent such habbit something else should be done to game mechanics or even to meta-game scale.
  12. AgainstAllAutority

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    bug with dropped weapon (with another one in weapon slot)
  13. AgainstAllAutority

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    DE servers seems so fail from time to time.. (unless there's 4 planned restarts withing 2 hours in 24h cycle)
  14. AgainstAllAutority

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

  15. AgainstAllAutority

    There isn't too much loot at all.....

    yep its fun))) however it may vary even through out one server with persistence (so far i found only 2 villages with overspawning bug)
  16. AgainstAllAutority

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    However overall patch is great! Nice fps increase (my mate with amd cpu can play with suitable fps now), shadows dont flicker like they used to, tonns of loot, zeds seems to be a little bit more adequate (however some still can spot player from 300 metes or behind the walls)
  17. AgainstAllAutority

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    character reset on server restart confirmed! :) quick relog to other server wont bring it back. Be carefull chosing a server to play - u need to log off 5 minutes before server restart to save ur progress. cheers!
  18. AgainstAllAutority

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    switching back to stable, yeah!
  19. AgainstAllAutority

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    the chapaevsk is beautifull! tip: since interiors textures got prebaked occlusion, post-process SSAO makes it look completly unrealistic thx (but those are not photos, but screenshots) yes, im able to run dayz with suiatable fps wuth maxxed setts (i5-2400, asus7970 with some minor tweaks). However those shots are taken with downsampling and global color tweaking (not photoshop - only algorithmic saturation, contrast and some hue tweaks) i believe that Chernorussia is somewhere between ukraine and romania, thats why i assume more reddish in overall lightning (on sunny days!)
  20. AgainstAllAutority

    How do I not panic/shake when I get in a gunfight?

    well, to win firefights in dayz (standalone, mod, breaking point.. arma series) u need to improve 2 things: 1. playing skill (positioning is most part of it) 2. will to make you playing skill better try to play simple arma3 death matches (wasteland, sandbox are good for it) - look how good players move there and when they engage and try to make same moves in dayz the "will" aspect maybe a little more complicated and depends alot on your personality, however there's a good trick to fight fear - just think of death as a bonus lever :) edit: death is a part of game, like looting and running dozens of kilometers trust me, they have died hundreds of times :) there's nothing new for us
  21. AgainstAllAutority

    Sniping for the Layman

    nice post, thanks! However I consider snipers who can only hit non-moving (slow moving etc) targets bad... thats why I'm always in enforcer squad (im even worse sniper then you - impatience) with cover of 1-2 extreemly skilled snipers, who can kill a rabbit from 500 meters :)
  22. AgainstAllAutority

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

  23. AgainstAllAutority

    Is This A Mechanic Or A Bug? Bone Condition Death...

    a really nice "research"! however if we talk of "longer u live, the higher death chance u got" formula - its a hard question, that depends not only on the game mechanics and balance (as i remember dayz should be "unbalanced" in terms of realism) but on some sort of philosophy - how does survavialist past experience helps him to survive longer? and how does agressive environment affect his health state? my point of view: 1) the longer character live, more knowledge he recieves, thus his lifecycle should be prolonged 2) obviously agressive environment shortens your life from this "pillars" we have some kind of 2 functions that affect player lifetime, and both of them depend on time alive. However one makes life longer, and another shortens it. I see only one solution - new stat that can switch players "estimated lifetime curve" (maybe moral, maybe "luck", maybe some mix of those two)
  24. AgainstAllAutority

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    i like new hunger/stuffed curves, closer to realistic (imagine yourself running 24/7 with almost 20kg aditional weight :D ) i like violent zeds, however i doubt that they got sonar - u can easily agro a small group from whole town, just by passing by however sometimes loot respawn right in front of you - looks weird like that! guess its already reported. some items status is not properly updated, required "drag and drop" to manually update its status (wet, ruined ect)
  25. AgainstAllAutority

    Post Your Gear So Far

    im back!