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About Ducard

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Is there any hope this game will be optimized for 8 core processors or should i just give up on it? i bought the standalone when it was first released as a gesture of appreciation because i was addicted to the mod, but times goes by and there is no improvement despite the development beginning in 2012 and the Alpha being released in December 2013 so almost 6 months and it's still the same shit. I really think that by the time they release the beta and the full version this game will be dead, i have never seen a game take so long in development and see no improvement. Don't get me wrong i love this game but i am really annoyed and disappointed with the progress they are making.
  2. Ducard

    frames per second issue

    Some people just don't get what you're talking about, i can look to the ground and get 150 FPS and come here saying i get 150 FPS and i aint gonna be lying. We are talking about consistently getting 60 FPS in let's say a 30 min gaming session on a populated servers and in both forest and cities.
  3. They will never remove 3rd person, a lot of people love it and buy the game for that. The max that will happen is to allow custom servers to disable it like the mod.
  4. If you love Dayz If you want to help devs and contribute to the development of this game BUY IT. If you cant play with all the bugs and performance issues If you won't be arsed to report the bugs and issues that come your way(which is completely understandable) If you don't want a half complete game. STAY AWAY FROM IT. Simple as that!
  5. Ducard

    Hero/bandit skin perks idea

    We can customize the look of our characters, skins will remove that so NO THANKS. Enough of the bandit\hero bullshit the whole point of the game is that you judge by yourself whether to trust people or not and the whole hero\bandit skin ideas will kill that.
  6. Ducard

    frames per second issue

    Yes some high end intel rigs will get 50-60+ all the time, it has nothing to do with settings though and this aren't consoles so every setup will give different outcome.
  7. Ducard

    Ghosting / Hopping Solution

    Not a bad idea but i think it should be like DayZ origins where you start dancing when you log off, and if you log off in the red area you get randomly spawned back at the coast just like what happens when you log off at sector b.
  8. So that it can be usable with a weapon or at least make it usable in the offhand while using a hand gun.
  9. Ducard

    60 Hour Gameplay Feedback (Im out)

    - Start joining servers with 30 players +. - Don't afk in dayz! - Stop server hopping because it's gay. - Stop complaining about a half complete game Thank you!
  10. Ducard

    Dayz Coast Spawning Only: Yes or No

    I think it's good, keep it that way.
  11. Ducard

    .357 Revolver

    My bad didn't actually notice it said .357 magnum and not just revolver, you're right.
  12. Ducard

    The weapon system in this game.

    Spot on. And i am not even gonna bother to reply on the 7 years old girl comment.
  13. Ducard

    The weapon system in this game.

    True true true but they will probably be replaced by other semi\auto rifles my point was to make those actually rare and replace them with regular weapons that people could keep at home in real life. Think of it that way, imagine an apocalypse happening where you live and think of the chances you're gonna get such a good weapon then think at how difficult it will be for you to fire them let alone running in your town firefighting with people and shooting at ridiculously long distances.