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About Milrond

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    On the Coast
  1. it was my second day playing and i had just spawned after being shot by yet another bandit and saw i was near elektro and decided "i have nothing worth caringg about and decided to do something stupid as i had not met my weekly quota for stupid ideas and decided to raid the fire station in the town. As i entered in notice blood pouring down through the floor in several places. i quickly realized a major fire fight had just happened. i quickly ascended the stairs and looted the bodies. i found nothing useful from the 3 bodies on the stair well. when i got to the top however i found a winchester i said said to my self "now im in Buis-" ting ting ting i quikly realized that some one was coming up and i peeked down and of course with my luck its a bandit i move behind the the stair way looking down on it. he pops his head up and turns around and see's me. And somehow missed at point blank range with a double barrel. before he can get the next shot off i pop in the chest killing him. i was so frietend by who could have heard the exchange i quickly looted him for some useful items and ran until Elektro was a speck in the distance.