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Everything posted by gsus1073

  1. gsus1073

    [FG] Fiend Gaming

    Hey man i will join you guys my steam is josh1073 hit me up.
  2. Name: Josh Age: 19 My steam is: josh1073 Location: England Kind of player: I try to avoid killing if possible in dayz but i go for objectives. Experience: console about 13 years pc 2 years) Job: If i were to say it would be the last thing you wold know. Interests: Building and having a laugh. So if anyone is interested hit me up on steam =)
  3. hey, I am looking for some mature gamers to game with 18+. I have got most of the basics down plus 5 bandit kills so i has some skill. If anyone wants to game hit me up on Steam: josh1073 or Skype joshua.kilner
  4. Damn you do realise its a game dont you?!
  5. gsus1073

    Starting group for Dayz

    Hey if you wanna game im in, not the best but enjoy it. Steam josh1073 dayz gsus1073