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BSB mydigitalme

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About BSB mydigitalme

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Increased number of more dangerous Zeds would be cool. But the currenct respawn mechanic feels kinda wrong.
  2. BSB mydigitalme

    What is DayZ to you?

    For me it is one of the most thrilling gaming experiences I've ever had. I was so excited, when I saw my first Let's Play DayZ by CHKilroy on youtube. When I started to play DayZ in June, it was a zombie survival game (these drunken hobos scared the shit out of me, hehe). Now that I know how to outrun or avoid the hobos, it's a bandit survival game. Which is a little sad, but it still got those great moments, when you meet another survivor and dont know if you can trust him or not. Then team up with him, steal cars, get attacked by a helicopter, run away from it and end up in the middle of a shootout between two groups of survivors. They shoot down the heli and I light up the two guys that survived the shootout and leave with all theirs beans, harharhar!!! Despite all the problems I've encountered, DayZ made me belive that there is still creativity and heart in the gaming industry. If there are grammar mistakes and stuff, please ignore them. I am not at home in your language ;)
  3. BSB mydigitalme

    Looking for a group/clan

    What up guys, my name is Chris, I'm 28 years old and from Germany (my english isn't perfect but I think I can make myself understood ;) ). I'm looking for a group of players to experience some crazy stuff in chernarus or any other map. I would not consider myself a pro, but I'm sure not a bambi anymore. It would be nice for me to meet a bunch of cool people to build a base, do raids, collect gear and have a good time. Bandit style or straight survivor - I'm down with both ways. So if you're interested just pm me. Chris
  4. BSB mydigitalme

    Night Vision Goggles

    Yeah, you wont miss 'em. Good look finding them.
  5. BSB mydigitalme

    I keep spawning in the wilderness

    yeah sure. but the problem is, that it's saying wilderness. so he has no clue where he is
  6. BSB mydigitalme

    I keep spawning in the wilderness

    How do you know that you spawned near Cherno?
  7. BSB mydigitalme

    I keep spawning in the wilderness

    I spawned there too yesterday. I ran a few minutes southeast untill I reached the sea. And from there I headed east and found the lovely place Kamenka ;)
  8. BSB mydigitalme

    Is it worth the £25 for Arma II CO just for Dayz...

    I'm absolutely not into military simulations so I bought Arma 2 just because DayZ. And I would have even spent 60 bucks for it because it's one of the coolest gaming experiences i've made. So well....yeah! Buy it!