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Everything posted by nerfed

  1. nerfed

    3rd person is MORE realistic.

    But there's peripheral vision. When something is off-screen, but within the range of what you'd see irl, you see a small white dot at the edge of your screen. Alternatively, you could mess with the field of view.
  2. 4 cans kill a zombie. Other than damaging them, cans have no effect on zombies. Cans attract zombies within 25 meters (to the actual impact location, not to you), given they aren't aggro'd. Cans work like a super-flashbang if you directly hit a player with one (works on any part of the body). Upon being hit with a can, you are completely blinded, deafened, and disoriented (respectively, slowly fading white screen and deaf-beep noise, and you randomly look up/down a few times).
  3. What the fuck is the point of pve servers? As soon as you pick up a weapon of any type, the only actual threat are other survivors...
  4. You're near the coast, just respawn and hope you're near your body.
  5. nerfed

    Military weapons are useless

    Look at it this way; the CZ550 is a pretty solid sniper rifle. But, there's also the SVD. Sure, you can do well with the CZ, and you can kill a lot of people with ease. But the SVD has a range indicator in it's scope, allowing you to snipe more effectively than you possibly can with the CZ. Or the DMR, which also allows you to zoom while scoped, so you can snipe both close and long range. It's also zeroed at 300 metres, and has very convenient mildots, allowing you to snipe quite effectively from any range up to 800 metres. The point is, barn items are good enough, but if you come across a higher tier version of the weapon type, as it'll have some nifty benefits.
  6. nerfed

    Allright newbz a gift for you.

    I have morphine.
  7. nerfed

    That thing you can't find

    CZ550. All I need. Then eventually I find a DMR at a heli crash, and lo and behold, the first barn I walk into has 2 CZ550's with over 6 mags for them.
  8. Some new guys were derping around balota, when suddenly, they heard a shit ton of gunfire. Having just found some fancy military grade shit, that one guy looting the corpses out in the open was a perfect target to test those weapons.
  9. Primary weapons take up 10 backpack slots. Secondary weapons take up 5. The coyote patrol pack has 8 slots, and thus does not fit a primary weapon.
  10. The only way to have fun in day z is to constantly say "fuck it" and just play. Tie value to your gear and it will negatively influence you; you'll get all paranoid and overly vigilant. Just keep quiet, and make sure you spot others first.
  11. nerfed


    Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting your character should require actual sleep or anything that consumes your precious time for no reason. what I'm suggesting, is more of a solution to people instantly disconnecting the moment danger says hi. Sleeping (or not sleeping) would come with some (dis)advantages as well, to make it more tempting to actually sleep. Sleeping would work with a utility item that you spawn with. You can sleep anywhere you want. Going to sleep takes 5 seconds, after which you can safely log out. Note that You can't go to sleep if you are in shock (commonly caused by being shot, or even just shot at). Advantages to sleeping: You had a good rest, and you're ready for another day of survival. - You regain blood very slowly over time, even after you disconnect. - Broken bones will heal after a certain amount of time spent sleeping (you really shouldn't rely on this, but it can work out if you don't feel like playing anymore and happen to have broken legs.. Go to sleep, and your legs are healed the next day). Penalties for not sleeping: You've had a terrible sleep, and wake up in a heavy state of shock. It takes you a couple of seconds to fully wake up, and realize you woke up from hunger and thirst. - Upon loading, your character passes out for 10 seconds (you join the game 10 seconds before your character wakes up). - Hunger and thirst are very low, leaving you 5 minutes before they start flashing. - Your character has a severe case of shock upon waking up - Your character screams upon waking up (should give away your position if anyone is nearby). I really think this fits in day z. On top of that, it also discourages people from instantly disconnecting when they're in trouble, and encourages people to spend 5 seconds to 'safely' log out (rather than having your character remain active for 5 seconds after logging out). Also on top of this suggestion, it would be nice to have your character instantly disappear when you log out while asleep, but have your character remain on the server for 5 seconds if you log out without sleeping.
  12. I'm getting kinda tired of all of these, and I'd like a server that has all disabled. Rather than having to try out each server one by one, is there a way of actually filtering? Thanks in advance.
  13. I really don't see the point. Running around with mic on direct chat, constantly repeating "I am friendly. If you can hear this, please respond". Someone heard me, used the directional mic chat to his advantage to find me, and killed me. Fun. Near a barn. I'm hidden in the woods, and see a guy in front of the barn trying to sneak in. I turn on mic chat and start talking to him, telling him I'm friendly, asking him if he is, also telling him not to come closer. Guy doesn't respond at all in any way. After a few seconds, he starts looking for cover, moving from bush to bush in my direction. I flee as I don't want to get shot or kill him without reason. All he seems to have anyway is a winchester, and I have no interest in that. After running a considerable distance away from him, I look back and spot the guy in the distance, still looking around for me. Eventually he sees me from a distance, and he immediately shoots. He misses, I shoot back and kill him.
  14. nerfed

    Your most insane lucky streak

    I found a cz550. I love that thing. Then I got hit. By one zombie. Once. And I started bleeding like no tomorrow, and didn't have a bandage. I then made my way to a nearby barn, where I bled to death from 11000 (nearly full) blood. After respawning I made my way back (got lucky and spawned relatively nearby), but my body disappeared. I gave up at that point and just respawned, telling myself I'll just go from wherever I spawn now as there's nothing for me to look around for. I spawn at the factory (west of cherno). I pick up a toolbox there, and run west toward cherno. At one point I see a guy running my way, in the distance (I'm in the woods, so he couldn't have seen me yet). As I come closer, I notice he has some form of assault rifle, so I start running his way, zig-zagging. I get up close to him, and start sprinting circles around him, yelling "FRIENDLY!" over direct chat. We had a talk, and he gave me a can of beans. I then reached balota. There was nothing in the hangars, but I found a GPS in the control tower. I then ran over to the medical camp, and found an assault rifle (forgot which one. It's one of those with a grenade launcher attached), and an M9SD with 2 mags. In stary's military camp I found 2 more mags for it and a military flashlight. I then tried to put the m9sd in my backpack (czech vest pouch), but I miscalculated and only had 4 slots open on it, instead of 5, and the m9SD disappeared. I'm still happy with the assault rifle though, it's awesome (I even have 4 mags for it).
  15. nerfed

    Pvp Server hopping

    It could've just been plain old bad luck. Earlier today I logged on and spawned right behind a guy at the balota medical camp.
  16. It all makes sense, just give it some thought. When you see someone at the coast: We all spawn without a weapon, might as well group up. When you see someone inland (meaning you should both have a weapon): Are his weapons better than yours? Yes: He will shoot you out of self-preservation (in other words, to make sure you don't kill him for his weapons). No: He will shoot you for your weapons.
  17. You were out of sync with the server. This means that others will see a 'ghost' of you, which is just you sitting still somewhere, or moving in one direction at a constant speed. If your 'ghost' is shot, it will register once you regain connection. Often, this means you don't see/hear anyone, nor do you hear any bullets being fired. You just die 'randomly'.
  18. When you're hit (or even shot at, I think) you go into shock. I'm thinking there's a good trigger for disconnect penalties; if you disconnect while in shock, you should have some terrible penalty upon connecting to a server (or perhaps even just instantly die for trying to disconnect while shocked). It's all good if you have the upper hand of seeing someone first and disconnecting to avoid the encounter. If you get shot tho, and try to disconnect to cheat death... well then, screw you. He is now .
  19. nerfed

    is there AA-12 in dayz ?

    Double barreled shotgun was on the wiki within an hour after it was added (if not within minutes). If it's not in the wiki, don't pick it up and, whatever you do, don't log out with the thing in your inventory if you do pick it up.
  20. Does bring up any memories?
  21. nerfed

    Looting empty Servers

    It's kinda.. 'balanced'. On >40 slot servers, there are always a couple of people at the popular areas. A lot of people realize this, and stay away from those areas. There will usually only be 1~3 people (4~10 in cherno/electro). On servers with 10 or less players, everyone thinks "Hey, only 10 people. [insert popular area] has no people in it, time to loot!" and as such, there will still be at least one person in each of the popular areas. You're always in danger, regardless of the player count. Servers with a low player count are also prime targets for: - Server hoppers - Bandits (they know people are coming for the popular areas). Don't be surprised if there's 2 bandits with sniper rifles covering stary, topped off with random server hoppers able to spawn behind you at any time.
  22. ...You run in a straight line, with a crossbow-wielding guy behind you. You deserved it. Edit: Just wondering. At what point in time did you have the brilliant idea of "Blimey, a bloke with a crossbow! Let's run past him and see what he does! A mighty fine prank, I dare say." I don't know about y'all, but if I'm unarmed and see someone who could potentially hurt me, I'll do anything but running up to them.
  23. nerfed

    Why so much rage?

    So then instead of teaming up with or killing being your own choice, you're forced to team up with some people and kill others, just because of their preferred 'team' ?