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Everything posted by obblebobble1@hotmail.com

  1. Fatal is a DayZ server which also hosts the Fatal Clan. Anyone can join this server and even make their own clans unique to the Fatal Server! Although the server hosts our Fatal Clan, you are welcome to join without being a part of the clan itself. Our clan members do not get any perks above other regular members. The server is almost purely vanilla besides the increased vehicle spawns, the server was created for a place where our clan can call home. The server is restarted every 6 hours, starting at 8am, so currently we are a 24/7 day time server, if you would like to change this post below. The more people you get requesting night too, the more likely it is to happen. If you require any more information send me a PM or reply here, also leave suggestions/comments/feedback. Fatalgaming.org -- Rules -- The server has rules of which everyone must follow including admins: - No hacking, hackers will be banned without warning - No racism, this could offend some users and will not be tolerated - No abuse, swearing is okay, but our members come here for fun, not to be abused. Some abuse is allowed when performing hostages, robberies, etc. - Speak english in both voice chat and text chat - Do not spam side chat with either voice or text The IP to connect to: Currently: ONLINE -- Some of our server features -- - DayZ Anti-Hax - Active Admins - BattleEye Bans - 100+ Vehicle spawns - 50 slots - Lag free and 24/7 3rd Person - ON Crosshair - ON Nameplates - ON Side Chat - ON Hope to see you online, please visit our website: Fatalgaming.org
  2. obblebobble1@hotmail.com

    Fatal Server - Regular - 100+ Vehicles - Private Hive - Clan and Normal server

    Join our website - fatalgaming.org
  3. obblebobble1@hotmail.com

    Fatal Clan and Server - Recruiting

    We work as a team yet won't carry you throughout the game, when playing with the clan you should be pulling your own weight and listen to everything the squad leader says. Fatal is both a friendly and aggressive clan, we are generally against KoS (Killing on sight) depending on the situations. We will never kill an unarmed player unless they act as a threat to our clan members or are on our KoS list. If a player has items that we need, they may be killed but generally robbing or taking the player hostage is preferred. When to kill information will be stated later. Besides from our aggressive side we can also offer blood transfusions or supplies to others if they are friendly. The fatal clan is based around the Fatal server, acting as our clan home. Anyone is welcome to join the server but our clan will roam the land ;) Our clan has no perks above other members when playing on the Fatal server. Click here for a link to the server information and thread Hope to see you online, please visit our website: Fatalgaming.org Joining requirements: - Owned DayZ for at least 3 weeks - Basic survival and combat skills - Map awareness, such as finding your location and getting to a specific location - Friendly yet aware attitude, not too agressive - Teamwork skills - Microphone - [Fatal] Tag before your name IF you are accepted Fatal Rules: - All of the Fatal server rules - Never betray a clan member or alliance member - Listen to the squad leader - Dont argue amongst your current squad - Dont take a vehicle if it's owned by another clan member, unless given permission by that member or a squad leader/staff - Make sure your profile name has the [Fatal] Tag - More rules to come - Fatal Combat Rules: (Not followed as strictly) - Dont KoS, some exceptions (KoS list or they act as a threat) - Don't shoot unless told, you may shoot if you must, for example, your life is in danger, something was stolen, etc. - Don't kill unarmed, only kill if they are on the KoS list or are acting as a threat. - When robbing or taking hostages, ask all others to stop moving and to face away, if they don't you can shoot. Then ask them to drop their weapons and anything else you would like from them. Take the weapons or tell them to walk away and not come back for a few minutes giving your squad time to get away. - More combat rules to come -
  4. obblebobble1@hotmail.com

    Fatal Clan and Server - Recruiting

    Join our website - fatalgaming.org
  5. obblebobble1@hotmail.com

    Fatal Clan and Server - Recruiting

  6. obblebobble1@hotmail.com

    Fatal Clan and Server - Recruiting

    Sure, just write up an application on our forums - fatalgaming.org Check the fatal Dayz server section and write one up in general discussion :)
  7. obblebobble1@hotmail.com

    Fatal Server - Regular - 100+ Vehicles - Private Hive - Clan and Normal server

    True, we are hosted with HFBservers. Feel free to ask any questions on our website - fatalgaming.org
  8. obblebobble1@hotmail.com

    Fatal Server - Regular - 100+ Vehicles - Private Hive - Clan and Normal server

    Bump - New site - Fatalgaming.org
  9. obblebobble1@hotmail.com

    Fatal Clan and Server - Recruiting

    Bump - New site - Fatalgaming.org
  10. obblebobble1@hotmail.com

    Fatal Clan and Server - Recruiting

    Up to 7 clan members!
  11. obblebobble1@hotmail.com

    Fatal Server - Regular - 100+ Vehicles - Private Hive - Clan and Normal server

    The server is now in the top 1500... Getting there!
  12. obblebobble1@hotmail.com

    Fatal Clan and Server - Recruiting

    We now have 5 clan members! :)
  13. obblebobble1@hotmail.com

    Fatal Server - Regular - 100+ Vehicles - Private Hive - Clan and Normal server

    Server is getting a bit more popular, more active members, come join today! :)
  14. obblebobble1@hotmail.com

    Fatal Clan and Server - Recruiting

  15. obblebobble1@hotmail.com

    Fatal Clan and Server - Recruiting

    Haha, thanks, that's fine :)
  16. obblebobble1@hotmail.com

    Fatal Server - Regular - 100+ Vehicles - Private Hive - Clan and Normal server

    Thanks for the comments. I think an all night server would put new players off due to how hard it is to see without NV goggles, but we could set up a 24/7 cycle. And to Jarski, I personally am not a fan of custom guns and dont know how to add them unless using rcon which would mean everyone who joins must download it which can be a pain :/
  17. obblebobble1@hotmail.com

    Fatal Clan and Server - Recruiting

    Bump again :)
  18. obblebobble1@hotmail.com

    Fatal Clan and Server - Recruiting

  19. obblebobble1@hotmail.com

    Fatal Server - Regular - 100+ Vehicles - Private Hive - Clan and Normal server

    Reserved for whatever reasons I may need it for :)
  20. obblebobble1@hotmail.com

    Looking for a clan or group

    Hi there, I think fatal could interest you, feel free to PM me for more info :)