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3 Neutral

About Kryoto

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Awesome server active admins, fire fights, vehicles, and killing Fion :P
  2. BEST SERVER EVER :D the admins are always on and guns and PVP are easy to come by always 30+ players on and in the TS you can meet with friends and make new ones. 10 of 10 server
  3. Kryoto

    Looking for bandit group

    sent a friend request
  4. Kryoto

    DaResistance =DARC=

    sent in a application looks like a good group
  5. Kryoto

    RECON is Recruiting (13+)

    so who is this Phantom guy it says he hasn't been on line in like 200 days
  6. Kryoto

    RECON is Recruiting (13+)

    Age:13 Timezone you live in:EST How much time you dayz a day:around 2-4 hours on weekdays and 4-7 hours on weekends Skills: (Weapon Proficiency etc.)assault rifle/Sniper Additional info: Steam: leefun98