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Fadez (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Fadez (DayZ)

  1. If you're looking for a bandit group and you think you have what it takes to join a well organised group, carry on reading. I'm not looking for new players, i am looking for experienced bandits that don't KOS but kill for a reason. We will be doing several things: - Robberies - Extortion - Survivor hits - Murders - Raiding cities/camps - And more... To join you must understake a challenge, if you fail you will most likely be killed or left for dead, if you succeed you will be given more info. If you are a mature gamer with a microphone apply below. If you are a hacker/script kiddie don't bother applying. We play on a private hive server and if you decide to join we will share the website and server IP with you via PM. The community has a server, website and teamspeak, not to mention they have active admins. Application form: Name: Age: Ammount of time as a bandit: Microphone/TS3?: