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club80 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by club80 (DayZ)

  1. Easier way is to use my public spreadsheet, just enter your aspect ratio (16:9, 16:10, etc.) and desired field of view (FPS usually use 90° as standard). https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0An3DPakyKPg-dFB5aXZBcnF6ZmhOZ2x0SDJibWlWZnc&usp=sharing#gid=0 And change fovTop and fovLeft located in your config file NAME.ArmA2OAProfile, here : %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Arma 2 Other Profiles Hope it helps
  2. club80 (DayZ)

    Topic deleted ?

    I had a topic here, but it has been deleted. Hmmm... why ?
  3. A friend and I were just a minute ago on DE 383, a guy shooted me in the back, i escaped from him then he teleported me on a roof (who is normally not allowed to go) and he instant killed me with his rifle, he did the same to my friend a couple of minutes ago. His name was [bLACK] Josh, he has friends with him, i don't know if they are script kiddies too, but it's really boring to loot hours and lost everything from a frustrate kid. I guess this post i useless, but just in case to ban those kids from dayz community.
  4. club80 (DayZ)

    Topic deleted ?

    Ok thank you for your answer Rage VG, I just wondered if cheaters reports are still appreciated or if I wasted my time and if the war against cheaters is abandoned.
  5. club80 (DayZ)

    Topic deleted ?

    I see, we come here to report cheating abuse and we found another kind of abuse... Really sad for the community.
  6. club80 (DayZ)

    Character Deleted

    Btw, you can use it to kill yourself... I finally found a goal to this server.
  7. club80 (DayZ)

    Character Deleted

    I was on NL 93, Czech Pack everywhere. My friend and I just lost our characters, M4A1 SD, FN NV, GPSs, JVNs, etc... when you join another server. :( Plz turn off that crappy server.
  8. club80 (DayZ)

    DE 383 - script kiddy spotted

    You probably ban innocent people regularly using this method easy to cheat. Anyway, it's a message for admins of DE 383.
  9. club80 (DayZ)

    DE 383 - script kiddy spotted

    What kind of evidences on Internet... it's trivial to fake a video. I'm just here to report what he did. Admins have to look up on him. That's the only way to be sure to ban someone who desserve it.