2 questions: The "DayZ Map /DayZdB" says: Building: land_misc_deerstand Zombie chance: 0% Zombie count: 0 - 3 Loot chance: 50% Loot spawns: 2 No Zombie chance to spawn. So what are you talking about zombies at deerstands? At 26:41min you check out how many players are on the server. At the moment, I don't have found a ingame map . So how do one can found out how many players are on the server when you have no map? I give you 2/5 ooints for this beginner guide. Important parts are missing: how to deal with zombies in detail (how close can i get to zombies at day /night / when crouching / when walking etc. / on streets /on grass / how to avoid zombies / what about stealth elements etc etc etc). In your vid I just see you running around in the open like an idiot and asking for shooting and more zombies. For beginners without any weapon that can't be it.