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Everything posted by b683960

  1. b683960

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    Wow, good one.
  2. b683960

    Day Z! BANDIT DIARIES!?! Failing Like A BAWS!

    My spontaneous reaction is ... "Attention-deficit disorder in everyday life" would be a better title for that vid. And by the way: there is an extra thread for videos...
  3. b683960


    One server wants me my privat cell phone number to carry out a whitelist procedure. Should i do this?
  4. b683960

    Can I do anything about this...?

    You are wrong. In the beginning there is no can of food. Flashlight and bandage, thats it.
  5. b683960

    DayZ Standalone Closed Testing?

    have heard rumours that dayz standalone will be published on summer 2013.
  6. b683960

    Big Trade

    Thank you for all of the beautiful details
  7. Actual i am more interested in the options of the server rather than how many aircrafts are there. 3rd person view yes/no Nametags yes/no Deathmessages yes/no why can i trust your server? 99% Hackerfree server yes/no? Timezone ? etc... etc
  8. b683960

    Starting off tutorial

    2 questions: The "DayZ Map /DayZdB" says: Building: land_misc_deerstand Zombie chance: 0% Zombie count: 0 - 3 Loot chance: 50% Loot spawns: 2 No Zombie chance to spawn. So what are you talking about zombies at deerstands? At 26:41min you check out how many players are on the server. At the moment, I don't have found a ingame map . So how do one can found out how many players are on the server when you have no map? I give you 2/5 ooints for this beginner guide. Important parts are missing: how to deal with zombies in detail (how close can i get to zombies at day /night / when crouching / when walking etc. / on streets /on grass / how to avoid zombies / what about stealth elements etc etc etc). In your vid I just see you running around in the open like an idiot and asking for shooting and more zombies. For beginners without any weapon that can't be it.