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Everything posted by b683960

  1. b683960

    WarmBrains presents... "Always Prepared".

    Fantastic. So delightfully, diabolically. Alfred H. sends his regards...
  2. b683960

    Remember when one bullet killed you?

    The one who hits first, with any weapon, should have the upper hand in a firefight, not the one with the bigger gun. agreed.
  3. Its called "Alpha" because "Pre-Alpha" is not a term that is commonly used. Dayz it's worse than alpha with so many glitches, exploits, dupes, hackers and official implemented wallhacks (M107 wall hack: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/121769-is-this-something-new-for-the-sniper-rifle-m107/)
  4. b683960

    [Video] The Hunger GameZ

    Thxs for the link. Never seen before.
  5. b683960

    [Video] The Hunger GameZ

    Just watched his movie "Manhunt". Wow. And excellent music choice.
  6. b683960

    [Video] The Hunger GameZ

    Give us a link to the "previous" Hungerr Games. More or less professional acting team in the vid. Congratulation.
  7. b683960

    Namalsk - Bandits And Bloodsuckers

    the thing that bugs me the most: your constant trash talking,
  8. b683960

    DayZ Mercenary - Taking out a DeathSquad

    Good music choice. Best scene was at 2:54. That was close...
  9. The App-creator doesn't even know the difference between long/lat- data and coordinates-data. Ridiculous. The smallest location you can define is a square of 100m x 100m. I should have preferred it if there is a accuracy of 10meter x 10meter or 1meter x 1meter. Also there is a App "Dayz Mobile" for free with a detailed map + markers.
  10. b683960

    Elektro is mine!

    So you have quit playing Star Wars?
  11. For whitelisting you have to giveaway your mobile phone number. Thats a no go, at least for me because i dont want to get SPAM from worldwide on my mobile phone days later.
  12. For a better understanding of shooting a Lee Enfield: BAM.... 1 sec pause .... BAM.... 1 sec pause ... BAM.
  13. And please with realistic HUD. minimum: name tags off and bullet tracers off.
  14. b683960

    Ascension (A little fan fiction)

    Excellent writing. Best creative part was ... " As I write this I can still picture his neck sitting idly sideways, his eyes staring vacantly at me as if questioning my sudden intrusion. Behind the man scrawled in blood on the wall was the word “BAMBI”. " Superb.
  15. b683960

    Going full "Daryl"

    a)How far can one shoot and hit? (in meters please) b)Where is the aimpoint for a target with a distance of 10 meter, 20 meter, 30 meter or 40 meter?
  16. Good realistic approach (s/w, real picture, map etc.) and of course excellently written. "I shoot again, and this time hit my aggressor square in the chest. He flies backwards, almost comically, and his weapon flies through the air." Hhmm... 2 sentences... a bit too short to describe such decisive "experierence". Actual this "event" could generate a second whole story. I look forward to what will happen near or in Kameni.
  17. b683960

    How does night time work?

    wow, impressive clip. At 0:25 there was still time for jokes At 2:55: Player1: "We gonna die, aren't we?" Player 2: "No" At the end it would not have surprised me to hear that all of them were killed.
  18. b683960

    The dayz story I am writing

    I get this "There was a problem, please contact support." To the story: sorry but you are not a potential candidate for the next Nobel Prize for Literature.
  19. b683960

    German Let's Play DayZ Project

    It would be more appropriate to rename your "project" to <<Kindergarten reacts to Dayz>>
  20. b683960

    So Would you Kill me?

    I stopped reading after this sentence. You better get the facts right.
  21. In this instance you are absolutely up to date. Rule #4: Seatbelts