Hey everyone, I'm looking to start a group to play DayZ and/or possibly Wasteland. I have limited experience, but I know enough and am very enthusiastic. I'm pretty new to PC gaming but have decent enough equipment. What i'm looking for is 18+ players in the UK that are tactically minded and can deal with a mix of taking it seriously and having a bit of saucy banter, Someone with a bit more experience than me might help but it's not a necessity. Also, in time I might want to record for my YouTube channel, so being ok with that would be handy :-) Mainly I want to have fun, because running solo is hard! To summarise, I'm after players who are: 18+ years old (I'm 24) Situated in the UK Are patient and get on well with people Want to be tactical and organised Want to have fun! PM me or post a reply here if this fits you! Alternatively message me on Youtube or tweet me - http://www.youtube.c...dMannersOwl20GD - http://twitter.com/Bad_Manners_Owl Thanks for reading this, and don't hesitate to get in touch :-) Kieren (Bad Manners Owl)