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About WhiteLobo

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. WhiteLobo

    my issues thread, current graphic issues

    that fixed the window screen issue. but now i have other issues i need to figure out :/ i have no idea how to really describe this issue without posting a screenshot, so ill post a screenshot and see if it helps.
  2. WhiteLobo

    my issues thread, current graphic issues

    Looked in my steam>steamapps>common>Dayz folder and there is no such thing as a dayz.cfg i have not started an offical game yet because of this issue. still no cfg file after starting the game. but i got an error and a partialy black screen to boot :/
  3. So I started up Dayz standalone for the first time. I noticed that the screen was pushed 2 inches to the right leaving a huge black bar for 2 inches on the left. my monitor's native resolution is 1440x900 I have tried switching to every single resolution 1440x900 and below and this never changes things. I don't know much else to do besides post here. thanks
  4. first off, i have a logitech g5 mouse with the latest setpoint software. when i first got into dayz it seemed like the mouse speed was crazy high. i tried turning it down very low, yet it was still very high. I'm starting to think that the setpoint software is not detecting dayz for some reason. even though in the options for game its set to detect anything insteam. using dayzcommander btw, and it's set to launch through steam. going to go on with my setpoint settings, so maybe i can get some help. pointer speed is one notch right of the very center on the scale. pointer accelleration set to none in game settings game detection is enabled and set to apply game settings when a game is detected. keep mouse acceleration and keep mouse speed Unchecked keep righthand/lefthand button assignments checked keep keypress button assignments checked keep other button assignments checked speed and acceleration setpoint implementation advanced game settings report rate 1000 1 2000 3 800 <<<< default settings, always on middle dpi setting 5 400 Recognized games wow games using steam games using opengl games using direct input .
  5. iv'e already started dayz with six launcher, I was told commander was more user friendly. since iv'e already got dayz installed with six launcher, how would i go about switching to commander?