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Posts posted by MasterCraftyMonster

  1. Age 13

    Timezone you live in: GMT +0 hours 1 min

    How much time you dayz a day: 2-3 hours depending on homework :(

    Skills: (Weapon Proficiency etc.) Tactics, movements of prey, good motion detection (can see someone move a good distance away), Devotion.

    Additional info: (Optional) I have skype,I am a scout so i can think more like animals, i play on a laptop, some days i will be on later as i have to go to my dads house. Ruthless but not life wasting, will not kill innocents unless needed, will conserve ammo as much as possible, will not charge in. will follow orders. will kill innocents to protect my squad will not venture without permission will not blow cover will not spill secrets will not fire unless nessecary. will not reveal camp.
