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About 'Phix

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. 'Phix

    RECON is Recruiting (13+)

    Age 14 Timezone you live in: GMT +00 How much time you dayz a day: 6-8 hours Skills: (Weapon Proficiency etc.) Accurate sniper at long & short ditances also a good scavanger when it comes to survival skills.
  2. Player name : Phix Age : 14 Country: Ireland Role you want to play : ( medics , sniper ....) Sniper Are you a veteran in DayZ ? No havent been paying that long but I used to play arma 2 on old account befor i cot hacked. DMR or M24 : ( explain why.) DMR, not only does it have a large clip it has a fast fire rate which comes in helpful when up against a croud of zombies, also nightvison works with the DMR making it good in dark scenarios. Steam Name : bingo4u
  3. 'Phix

    Looking for group members

    What country do you live in?
  4. Added you but looking for UK/European Gamers
  5. Hi, im a new - mid experienced DayZ gamer. I have played a bit of arma 2 wasteland mod so I know what im doing, im an accurate sniper at a mid - long range. Im just looking for a team of friendly players who I can talk to via voice communications. Im just in it for fun :) Im in Ireland which is GMT +00 so ill be on the same time as UK gamers. Also ill have a mid - bad connection to servers outside europe. Im 14 so that might put some people off but i need a team of fun/good players to play with so if anyone would let me in just leave me a reply. IM NOT LOOKING TO START A CLAN/GROUP I WANT TO JOIN ONE WITH 3 PLAYERS + (THAT SPEAK ENGLISH)