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Everything posted by witcher1979

  1. witcher1979

    when will base building start in the SA ?

    No it is not a new engine at all, please read up and do some home work before you post........
  2. witcher1979

    when will base building start in the SA ?

    Yeah probs cause he said Rust type buildings, that would never happen. I dunno I am just going by what Rocket said. It may well be boarding up windows I don't know.
  3. witcher1979

    when will base building start in the SA ?

    Rocket already said SA will have some kind of base building.......... But we do not know how or anything yet so not quite sure what you are posting.
  4. witcher1979

    when will base building start in the SA ?

    Tents will be a major game changer, can't wait. Tents/PBO fix and I am set for a year :) I also hope when they add cars they are rare and the parts are rare, I remember playing the mod and if you were lucky enough to have a car you were like a god amongst men.
  5. witcher1979

    when will base building start in the SA ?

    Agreed, most of the time it is just best to stick DG on ignore. For me once the PBO fix is done I will be back playing. I just hate the fact those people can run around like that while the rest of us are playing fair. Everything else on SA will come in time.
  6. witcher1979

    when will base building start in the SA ?

    Yeah we know all about your glitching, Mr Hospital roof.
  7. witcher1979

    when will base building start in the SA ?

    PBO checks were not added after knowing about them since the mod so that may tell you something about the time frame. Maybe 2017, and yes they still have jobs it seems. What I find even funnier about DG is on Epoch he moaned about base building ruining the game and it should never ever be in DayZ, now look at him. His words were something like base building does not belong in dayz at all.