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Killdozer (DayZ)

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About Killdozer (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Killdozer (DayZ)

    "Waiting for server response"

    I was also on last night when this started and it was hit or miss if you could join a server or not. The Waiting for Server response was coming up on any server but it wouldn't disconnect you if you were already in game.
  2. Killdozer (DayZ)


  3. Killdozer (DayZ)

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I like the murder system the way it is. Staying as close to how it would be in real life makes this game exciting and tense. if you have a reporting system or some way of knowing who shot you from their well concealed location than IMO it all goes to shit. Awesome job so far Devs.
  4. Killdozer (DayZ)

    We need a purpose.

    I agree with the others here that aren't keen on adding missions. I think the implementation of additional mechanics like barricades and the like will promote more robust gameplay. I can envision entrenching an area with a group of friends and defending it as we continue to explore and gather materials for further expansion. I like notes or clues but missions to me sounds like questing which is not why I love this game. My favorite aspect is that everyone can approach the apocalyptic scenario and survive it in their own way.