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Tex (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Tex (DayZ)

  1. It'd still be in the Alpha phase, and close to where it is now. They've got their schedule, and I hope they continue with both the pace and the direction. I'm also a huge fan of bases, hunting/cooking/crafting, etc (vehicles aren't really necessary when you can transverse the map in an incredibly short time). However, Rocket and company do this for a job. We do this for fun/hobby/a sadism fix. Probably best to let them do what they're employed for, and not backseat/armchair develop.
  2. Any news on what happened to the server, or when it might be back up?
  3. Having trouble accessing the server after the latest patches for Origins and Dayz. Can you PM me/reply with the details so I can get back on? Thanks!
  4. If you're interested in a fantastic server and DayZ mod to play on then I humbly suggest checking out this DayZ Origins server: Official DayZ Origins #GX zero-fps.com - The After-Life Reigns It's a fantastic community of individuals, and I guarantee you will enjoy your experience. It uses the DayZ Origins modifcation (FAQ here: http://www.dayzorigins.com/), which provides an experience that has brought veteran DayZ players back to the game (including myself). Aside from the plethora of vehicles, weapons, AI players, and different variants of zombies on the server is the ability to construct your own private - and secure - house. You can also construct different sizes of garages to park your vehicles in and store all the epic weapons you come across. One simple way to access the server is through utilizing DayZ Commander (you can acquire it here: http://www.dayzcommander.com/). Simply install DayZ Commander, click on install/update (in the top right corner of DayZ Commander), and scroll down to DayZ Origins in the mod selection list and install the modification. You need Origins 1.7.1, and an up-to-date version of DayZ. If you have any questions, or need assistance, please feel free to send me a private message. I will do my utmost to help you out, and can also provide you with the IP for the server's TeamSpeak. If you're even slightly interested then give the server a try. DayZ Origins The After-Life will provide you with one of the best, and engrossing, DayZ experiences possible.
  5. Tex (DayZ)

    A place to call home

  6. Tex (DayZ)

    Vehicle and loot spawn

    Yeah, it's so unfair that the person paying to run the server knows where the vehicles are, and you're right that they're all assholes who're just going to horde them with their friends that you don't even know but who must of course be pathetic. GG?
  7. People still shot people on sight, and this went for bandits on bandits and survivors on survivors + everything in between. People complained about how ridding the suits made things worse, but it clearly made the game more interesting and (if it can be said for a video game) realistic. It also probably helped increase the average life of players because instead of taking for granted that the guy in the survivor suit was their buddy they now have to consider that he may in fact just be waiting to put a round in the back of their head. You should also consider that there were a lot of people with bandit skins who'd gotten the skin because they killed a survivor shooting them when they were a survivor.
  8. Tex (DayZ)

    Bug: Lost in the middle of nowhere.

    Yeah, you're in the debug desert for certain. This can happen randomly (as far as I know), and it doesn't matter what your location is. Sometimes it's frequent, and sometimes it's infrequent. From my understand (and this is probably wrong/overly simplified) it's an issue with a corruption of the data when your character saves, and the devs are working to fix it. I don't remember precisely, but I saw mention of the issue in one of the recent patch notes, and if they did fix it then it's just a lot more infrequent (i've had it happen once in the past two weeks?). It sucks, but you just have to deal with it. Happened to me yesterday right after i'd gotten grouped up with my friends the night before to raid the NE AFB. Logged on the next day and was in the debug desert. Now, there are some threads around the forums that claim to be able to fix it. Try searching for "debug desert" or "debug fix" or something similar. I wouldn't advise it though since in my experience they're not 100% fixes, and you'll end up wasting so much time that if you'd just respawned and humped it back you'd already be 3/4 of the way there. Good luck though.
  9. Tex (DayZ)

    Bug: Lost in the middle of nowhere.

    Did you d/c after you left the airfield? If not, then you must have run pretty far to exit the map. I'll assume you d/c'd, and now you're in the Desert of Debug. You can try following one of the random threads about how to fix that (good luck), or you can suck it up - respawn - and start over. The latter is the quicker option. I also highly doubt there's any admin out there who is going to respawn you, and I don't even know if they can.
  10. Tex (DayZ)

    Been literally humiliated.

    Learn to hide.
  11. Tex (DayZ)

    Player levels?

  12. (05-25-2012 07:31 AM)SockpuppetSamurai Wrote: Haven't read all six pages but OP is absolutely right. There are so many tears on the forums from players who want to change the game from an all out survival game to a game that holds your hand in the darkness and comforts you when you get murdered. Most are from people who should probably just play a different game they complain about ridiculous stuff, Player X complains about the open pvp and the "morality" of murdering other survivors, player Y complains about the temperature system. "It's pointless and a hinderance", player Z complains about everything that makes DayZ what it is and wants designated pvp zones, saved loot when you die, and a fucking cake to eat when you're hungry.. wtf? I'd like to encourage Rocket to make DayZ even harder, more zombies, extreme weather, maybe some blizzards and shit where you have to find a house to wait out the storm or die. I would like to see this on a map 10x the size where you spawn in a random location and your mode of transportation to where you think your friend on ts might be is a beat-up 1965 Dodge van with an erratic idle and slipping clutch. Morphine doesn't heal fractured bones and a blood transfusion isn't as simple as making a PB&j sandwich. I would like to see a world where a can of beans is worth it's weight in gold and zombies can smell tears from a mile away. I want to hear the cries of pain when you shoot someone over a twinkie that's been baking in the hot sun because you're starving to death and sharing isn't an option. A world filled with zombies of all ages; gore covered child zombies that screech as they run at you causing you to piss yourself, bony elderly zombies that scratch and crawl their way across the ground, ribs and spines protruding through blotchy pale flesh. Fuck yeah, that's what I want, I want to die in the first fifteen minutes from a zombie horde that makes my ass pucker or from a survivor in tattered cloths with a thousand-yard stare. Then I want to do it all over again. I want to fight a group of morale deprived survivors over gasoline for my shitty van, loot the corpses and continue on my way just trying to survive a minimum of 2 days before I'm eaten alive. Instead, I read about players wanting more fuzzy bunnies and rainbows, sparkling gear and health potions. You articulated exactly how I feel. Thank you, and fuck yeah.
  13. Tex (DayZ)

    Elysium | Department of Defense

    I think you posted in the wrong thread. This is the bandit thread....you're looking for the Survivor thread. Maybe I got it wrong...I am a bit drunk and it is 3am. bests.
  14. Thank you. The two pairs of NVGs and the two pairs of rangefinders were nice. The silenced m9 & the m107 with the multiple magazines were welcome as well. The ATV was a nice bonus to top it off. Above all, thank you for the heart-pounding moment when I heard you arrive and figured you'd either a) driver over me, or b) shoot me down like the rat bastard I am before I managed to scramble to the top of the control tower and perform the dirty deed. best, Tex
  15. Tex (DayZ)

    Kill on Sight Solutions?

    Become a better/smarter player? Calculate risks differently? Learn from past mistakes? The burden of responsibility to resolve this question rests solely on the player, and not the devs to change the social dynamics of this fucking amazing work of art. This is the zombie apocalypse. Deal with it?
  16. Tex (DayZ)

    Bandits I THANK you,,,

    Thanks, and you're welcome. Good luck out there.
  17. Yes. Let us discriminate against an entire segment of the player population because another segment doesn't like it. Please, just say it like it is and don't sugar coat it with bullshit. Putting in consequences that completely destroys the way people play is utterly retarded. Sure, you can say bandits cause a problem for you and the way you play. However, if you use your brain, and actually develop friends in the game that you work with, then you minimize the dangers from bandits. The fear of bandits killing me and making me lose everything i've gathered in the past week without dying is part of what makes this game so great. You're not only dealing with zombies, but you're dealing with people out to murder you for your beans. If you don't like that then just go back to Left For Dead, or wait until EA or someone else makes a pussified version of DayZ for the masses. This game is hardcore, and that's what makes it so god damned fun and addicting. Period. Rocket and the rest of the development shouldn't have to change an amazing game simply because some people get butt hurt at the thought of dying to another player. Jesustapdancingchrist, people.
  18. So you want to play DayZ, and i'm sure you'd love to play a more stable version of DayZ without bugs/glitches/etc, but you don't want to pay for that? Bohemia is a company - not a charity. Be thankful you're not dealing w/ EA or something akin to its ilk, and be thankful you have the opportunity to experience DayZ - period. God damned complaining fools.
  19. If you want to play a game where you don't die then go play Farmville.
  20. Practice caution? Adapt? This is the zombie apocalypse. You shouldn't be able to determine whether someone is going to shoot you because of how they're skin'd in game. Trust shouldn't be something that builds easily. Come on, buddy.
  21. Tex (DayZ)

    Is DayZ what you expected?

    You're either terribly unlucky, or not making any effort, which I doubt to be true...but I read so many posts from people complaining, and I can't help but feel that many of them are not making any concerted effort and merely bitching because stuff isn't being handed to them. So, let me apologize in advance if this isn't the case. In the past week I've made four reliable friends, and i'm sure there are plenty of others out there who can say the same. Try connecting with people on steam? There's some coop group on steam that's looking for like minded people. I'd join, but I get wild urges to go on murdering sprees from time to time and I don't think that's something they're very thrilled with there. There will always be players who pk, and players who coop. It is the zombie apocalypse though....and it's even better than what I expected it to be. Best of luck, and hope your experience changes shortly.
  22. Tex (DayZ)

    Gear menu

    I don't know how easy it would be to change that since that's how ARMA2 is setup. Regardless, it forces you to make decisions about what and what not to have. Having 89350278589023752 magazines of .45 would be nice....but this is the zombie apocalypse after all.