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Everything posted by deebz1234

  1. deebz1234

    Hackers on dayz believe it or not!

    just hit my 80th hour yesterday, 0 hackers so far hint: play on legit servers...LOL and experimental
  2. deebz1234

    Name 5 thinga you want the most for dayz asap.

    1. prostitutes 2. hunting 3. bow 4. silenced weapons that work 5. modern rifle like the remi 700 or tikka or something .308 or higher
  3. deebz1234

    Effective range for walkie-talkie?

    `1km with shit in the way, so cherno id say1-2km at max because of the terrain. I have some that are advertised as 10km, they only do about 3km and the area we use em is piss flat farm country
  4. deebz1234


    KoS wins the thread keep up the good work man!
  5. deebz1234

    DayZ birthday idea

    turning 18! what happened to whisky, kegs and threesomes?
  6. deebz1234

    Bullet having better AI than ZEDS?

    I approve of this thread. "zombie, he gives zero fucks about physics"
  7. deebz1234

    Carrying 2 primary weapons.

    if you use google you shall find magic you can carry 2 for now, but its more of a glitch. As for carying on back, I agree. You should be able to at least put another rifle in your backpack...i mean those packs are huge. sacrificing all the slots though or most of em
  8. go shit yourself OP
  9. deebz1234

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    No maybe at 5-10 fps with ridiculously low settings list the model of laptop?
  10. deebz1234

    Identifying Players

    no...just no... no more immersion breaking shiz
  11. KoS is my favorite! :) :D
  12. deebz1234

    Post your PC specs, in game settings and FPS here

    You sir, have the biggest e-penis here... that is a serious rig
  13. deebz1234

    rivers and higher mountains

    first we need to be able to go up inclines! LOL...i remember trying to get up the hill on taviana...soooooo annoying, took forever with the silly walk-slow-incline nonsense.
  14. how do these threads still exist? should be an auto delete bot as soon as either KOS or Humanity system is posted hah no OP, there will not be anything of the sorts. In real life do I get "humanity points" for not hitting cyclists with my car? No I do not, which sucks because if that was the case id get bandit points for hitting them maybe? sweet. Watch the dev blogs and rocket's videos and such, your questions have been answered. go play dayz mod variants for a humanity system tralala
  15. deebz1234

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Ya definitely a troll haha overclock that processor to 4.25+ ghz and you will run dayz as good as any
  16. deebz1234

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    of course it will. Has this thread become a pissing contest? I mean, the steam page lists the minimums and over half of the people asking are well above that. Plus the numerous readings on google and here about performance expectations in SA. anyhoo...common sense!
  17. deebz1234

    Please Add The Ability To Text Over The Radio

    dealextreme mics for $2 staples, mics for $10 walmar mics for $10 the end
  18. desync people desync...
  19. deebz1234

    V 0.42.115961 on internal Server

    is there a changelog?
  20. deebz1234

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    arma 2, 3, dayz, SA all heavily rely on the CPU that 2.2 ghz will not really play well. the 3.4 ghz with better 765 graphics card will play 10x better actually quite well even. Consider the bare minimum requirements as per the dev's is 2.4 ghz! So 2.2ghz laptop will chug chug
  21. I used to use an xpadder mapped xbox 360 controller with DayZ...lets just say I didnt win nearly as much pvp battles as i do now. It is quite comfortable to sit back on the couch and play on a 50" lcd, however its just not "right". Something about it...i dont know. 10x prefer keyboard and mouse and a 144hz 22" monitor in my face As for performance...i dont even think ps4 and xbox 1 have enough juice to play SA. Arent the ps4 and xbox1 like 2ghz 8core? I mean, im running quad core 4.25 ghz and only get 60 fps if the stars are aligned lol. my quad core 2.5 ghz struggles to maintain a reasonable fps on high pop.
  22. deebz1234

    Will there be more performance updates?

    didnt the nvidia and amd updates get delayed? Wasnt rocket saying they should be released like a week ago to exp? cant remember the specifics but i recall it was soon. As for performance improvements, they have done great so far. 20-35 fps at start, now im hitting north of 55 fps with dips to only 30...that is a great improvement in my books so far!
  23. deebz1234

    new canadian server?

    server info title and ip please could be funny server. trying only playing on a select few mpgs, fragnet, gameservers, vilayer (vilayer are great, safe, legit and low ping)
  24. riddled not even close. 60 hours in, never seen a hacker will play again horribly whiny thread