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Everything posted by deebz1234

  1. deebz1234

    anti-hopping or why it's useless for the moment.

    you sir are a nob end it should take you significantly longer than 30 minutes to loot up. basic loot is rags and food/drink and maybe melee..not magnums lol. as it stands right now, they are working on a loot mechanic like the mod. it is performance issue atm, this is the reason we didnt have re-spawning zombies. and why we dont have re-spawning loot. your topic has been posted several times
  2. deebz1234

    New to computer gaming

    firstly, research...i know thats tough for most people now a days...but its worth it. secondly buy from warehouse stores like canadacomputers, tigerdirect, ncix, etc buy either individual parts or barebones kits...i showed another user on here a 4770k barebones kit that came with ram and hdd for cheap. great deal, but higher budget/performance than u need. or maybe you should go the gusto and be more futureproofed? psisyndicate and frankieonpc on youtube have their system specs listed, those are great start points. also fyi the asus 144hz gaming monitor is on sale various places for like $200. its a steal and truly epoch
  3. deebz1234

    Good Ol' Kill-Ban

    fuck you and ur playstyles. dayz is dayz, no rules go cry elsewhere
  4. deebz1234

    help with framerate?! (specs included)

    TLDR folks USE THE FUCKING SEARCH or google. the rules are very simple, general trend for SA is: ghz => 3.5ghz = great fps/quality video card => gtx 570 = great fps/quality ghz => 2.5? = ok fps video card => gtx 460 = ok fps ghz > 2.5 ghz = shit fps video card > gtx 460 = shit fps laptop with significantly less spec? unplayable. laptop with gtx 460+ and 3 ghz + OK fps
  5. deebz1234

    help with framerate?! (specs included)

    wtf how is it people dont check game specs before buying? or is everyone so young they have never bought a pc game at a games store? Did no one ever lust after a voodoo2? you kids have it good these days
  6. deebz1234

    Bambi Mafia has started.

    i also vote for most useless thread. someone delete
  7. deebz1234

    SKS : can't hit over 200m

    the sks IRL is a useless tit. but its a true zombie gun. A workhorse. decent at 100m, useless 200+ irons only go to 300m irl iirc. Groupings at 100m are brutal
  8. deebz1234

    Anti wall hack on EXP?

    Bug or implement? So I was just west of Kamyshovo, just 20metre north of the road in the rocks. block 117/118 dayzdbmap Was proning on the sand patch next to the rocks, checking out the town before I loot (through a PU scope on a SKS) I rolled right, closer to the rocks and suddenly my character started having a seizure (as if cliping in to the rock) So stand up and try to get out, vault, etc, and then suddenly it shoots me in to the air southbound and drops me on the grass just above the road. So I spawn near by, run back to body and its un-lootable. (why coouldnt I loot it? is there a 10 minute rule or less? surely I was less than 10mins) So was this some sort of insta death mechanic for people trying to clip in to stuff or just a crazy fun bug? NOTE, i was NOT trying to wall hack or anything shady.
  9. deebz1234

    Full weetod fresh spawns

    I understand your frustration, but that wouldnt fly. the forums would lood with tears.
  10. Irish, im with you m8. Ive had my mature opinion on broken mechanics and band aid solutions just shat on multiple times on the Mod and SA forums. Typically by die hard fanboys who think we should just shut up and enjoy alpha haha. i love the game and am plenty happy with the progress, but fuck if you try to express anything negative about the mechanics of this game. if you complain about KOS or wall hacks its ok...but if you bad mouth the zombie mechanic or anything dean says WATCH OUT BRA hahaha
  11. deebz1234

    24 hours of game

  12. deebz1234

    Why are you whining about FPS?

    AMD is shit for dayz, problematic from the start ^ (try googling aout dayz sa and AMD fix) its all GHZ broz dual core is fine if you are over 3.0 but its buthurt if your running 2.5 ghz core 2 duo with a medium level card. i thnk the general problem is people are stupid these dayz...i grew up wanting to know every single thing inside my computer, building/modding 486/pentium 1, etc. so generally I can figure out what is up where the problem lies, etc. These days if it doesnt work, its straight to rage/complaining/entitlement (I CAN PLAY CRYSIS @ 50FPS, SA is SHIT i WANT A REFUND)(without knowing why or understanding the difference between the two) sigh...
  13. awesome thread..i wish we had a pic of the OP or a live video of him right when this happened. my imagination is a 12 year old with raging to no end
  14. deebz1234

    Waste of my experimental time

    i play strictly EXP...finding way more loot. you just suck
  15. completely. there shouldnt be a difference. its alpha..should essentially just be what the devs toss at us. havent left EXP, its 10x better than "stable"
  16. deebz1234

    First time I lost my temper :)

    i wish everyone had the mod experience, and understood the drastic and grueling changes we all went through over the development of the mod. there was so much crazy shit, at one point the zombies would knock you to the floor one punch from 5 metres away lol...there was also an infection mechanic where if you took one hit from a zombie you were essentially dead. or would be in short time without impossible to find AB complaining about alpha zombies makes me chuckle
  17. deebz1234

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    realistically you will struggle and be frustrated and disappointed. i have a core 2 duo @ 2.7 ghz with a good video card and it struggles to get 20 fps with every tweak possible so your laptop will shit itself. also your draw distance and object details will be set to ultra low and you may or may not enjoy your stay
  18. deebz1234

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    again common sense would dictate you check the minimum requirements. then you would see you are borderline, aka non playable.
  19. so dont be friendly...its not hold HandZ unicorn fun land i stalk you from the bushes, you never see me, i decide if your a threat, i watch your movements your gear, etc and maybe you wont see the bullet or maybe ill say hi and be on my way
  20. deebz1234

    DayZ Standalone Problem

    Procesor: Intel Pentium Dual-Core CPU 2,93GHz RAM: 3GB Graphic Card: Nvidia GeForce 8600GT 256MB theres your problem... if you use your brain and a bit of that lost art of common sense, you would look at the minimum requirements before buying a vijeo game. then you would notice quite simply your pc is no where near powerful enough to run the game.
  21. deebz1234

    Whats up with the mouse?

    Troll power to the max!
  22. deebz1234

    Character wipes still happening?

    15 hours same character, you are useless and know not how to search stick to vilayer, gameservers, fragnet, mpgs, big name servers and experimental. if you jump from server to server or log out and come back to quickly "your gonna have a bad time"
  23. deebz1234

    Will my character save if I wipe my computer?

    tested the above method, works flawlessly. its like an update in graphics too, so crisp and clear now. character still there. question, will my gmail disapear if i format my pc? answer, no because it lives in google land
  24. priority #1 devs hunger strike till fixed
  25. deebz1234

    DayZ: The Ultimate Hiking simulator

    some real wizards on this forum "i can not figure out life, why must i suck so much and life be so hard...lets go complain on the forums! yaa" "try putting a coin in the keyboard next to the forward button" "oh...ok ya that worked...good thing i made this thread"