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Everything posted by deebz1234

  1. EXP is way better. better features, frame rate (most of the time), etc.
  2. deebz1234

    What the f*ck is going on on the coast?

    "Are you people fucking psychopaths? Is there something funny in someones fucking suffering?" yes... let me paraphrase from a post i just made ITS A FUCKING GAME! and another one: Sandbox, play anyway you want. dont expect ur hands to be held OP. KOS and Banditry are normal play styles.
  3. there will always be hackers in online games...its just inevitable. so calm the fuck down and remember its just a game. i swear the intrigue of hacking wouldnt be so big if forums werent flooded with people complaining about haxors! that being said im just hitting 70-75 hours on SA and have not see one hacker yet. that is small fish compared to some of you without day jobs im sure, but still the majority has not seen haxors. so that boasts well for the server side junk.
  4. deebz1234

    Building a gaming pc for Dayz

    get an antec 620 watercooler...air coolers are shit, this is the best siomple water one and its cheap $50. then over clock that cpu to 4.5 ghz and smoke dayz in a bong also you have to pretty much get a better mobo. (more futureproof) asus or gigabyte z78
  5. deebz1234

    Time to head back South?

    its all based on spawn. since they changed the south west spawn rate way back, we all spawn east. so naturall BZ is the happenin place to be lol I just ran from BZ to NEA to NWA, south down the west side of the map across the coast from left to right and back up to BZ..took me weeks. saw 3 fucking people!, i was specifically hunting humans. so annoying. all on high pop servers. then i got all comfy on a rock and it shot me in the air and killed me...ahaha. but man it seems so much more desolate now a days BRING BACK 60-80 person servers!
  6. deebz1234

    Frams Per Second since the last patch +Poll.

    the op is saying since last patch...dont just post your e-dicks lol. I havent experienced a drop, but i havent been paying attention or running fraps. i had 3 other people in game ask me about fps drops since last patch fyi
  7. deebz1234

    Not enough experimental servers...

    LOL? I had at least 6 regular and 3 hardcore last night. wow, hes right, big difference from last night. http://www.gametracker.com/search/dayz/?query=experimental I suspect this is a temporary thing.
  8. deebz1234

    Can I play DayZ with this setup for now.

    whats ur ghz? im 4.25 ghz with a gtx 570 and get 30-60 fps cant complain. sounds like ur rig will be fine, not horrible at all. unless its like 2.4 ghz or something
  9. lol "a very real danger" i dont know what tital fall or ESO is. but im sure I wont play them. South park on the other hand got my beans and playtime. Still havent ventured from SA or Overwatch though.. if all you did in DayZ is play with your friends, your missing alot of what the game offers.
  10. deebz1234

    [Hacker on DE1-10] Noclip Death in Berezino

    im not going to watch the video, but you say noclip...its probably just wall bug? many people do this on many places in the map. its just bugs...not hax0rs but then again I didnt watch the video so correct me if im wrong
  11. deebz1234

    Loose gear on server reset/restart?

    just be a little careful with joining "any" server, as not all are setup properly. you can wipe your character accidentally. stick to true official similarly named servers: vilayer, gameservers, fragnet, mpgs, etc
  12. deebz1234

    Why getting killed is a good thing...kinda

    No no, im with you. Wasnt pointing your thread out. Agreeing that KOS is normal. I guess it came off a bit off topic.
  13. deebz1234

    Why getting killed is a good thing...kinda

    "there is always a choice" that is it sir. I cant believe how many fucking "this will curb KOS" "a study on KOS, how to fix" "how to make player life more valuable fix KOS" threads there are. WTF its DAYZ not DAISY This new batch of SA bandwagon players is right fucked. KOS and banditry are normal behaviours not something to be adjusted or "fixed"
  14. server hop should reset your character... or climb a ladder and roll off a roof. soo many easy options to fix this.
  15. deebz1234

    KoS's Updated KOS Reduction Topic for DayZ SA

    decent ideas, but i just cant get away from the DayZ mantra. its your story, kos or whatever. not some engineered system to make it less immersive and more "gamey" just to rid of a natural behaviour called banditry or KOS. I KOS'd last night, it was a nice man with a cowboy hat and a smart black coat. Him and his friends were running BZ so I saw him, he was super desynced, constant running man, he said friendly, i said friendly and then I helped him out of his desync with a few punches to the head...fastest gear up ever. Then I spent the next hour around the hilltop covering BZ looking for tom foolery and banditry. Made a few great LD kills of crazy people running around axing everyone. was great fun. I would not play DayZ if didnt have CHOICE. I think what OP and everyone is trying to suggest would take away the DayZ from DayZ. Its not a survival game, its not a zombie game, its not a zombie survival game, its not a pvp game. it is a pvp game, its a zombie game, its a zombie survival game, its a survival game...get it?
  16. lol @ op. optimized for laptops...
  17. deebz1234

    New peices to the puzzle?

    we dont find it hard to play on EXP...instant connection, always high pop 50 slot servers. way more fun than stable...
  18. your fps is fine. read ALPHA! Actually pretty fucking good for AMD, i read alot of people having issues with AMD processors. you have roughly the same FPS as me and I have a shittier older system...alpha. gen 1 i7 4.25ghz and a gtx 570 considering how easy it is to test each setting with FRAPS on, i would suggest you go that route and fine tune your system I start with everything on MAX to the MAX and then adjust from there. (using a native resolution)
  19. there are no servers which are more or less friendly. there is looganism happening all over. (looganism refers to fight club, KO punching, screaming in mic, etc) KOS/banditry is not something that is curbed or adjusted depending on the server. DayZ is a free for all, so just be aware of your surroundings. scout towns before entering, etc. Or play second life or some other silly game if you want a sandbox without pvp kos play on LOW pop servers if you want less crazyness, etc. You will not find any less KOS people on EXP.
  20. and this must be the 14th thread of its kind. please stop ALPHER
  21. that jacket screams TWAT haha
  22. deebz1234

    How do zombies notice you?

    zombies are haxors who have ESP they can see you and get you through buildings from 300m away
  23. deebz1234

    The first time i started up the game...

    what? ^ lol "because there is so much weapons and bullets spawning" im on a break too, south park FTW was fully geared, and a rock i was "scouting" prone from gave me a seizure and tossed me 20 ft in the air and 10 ft forward to my death. then my body couldnt be looted...even though i was under 10 minutes running back. such is DayZ welcome to the experience.
  24. deebz1234

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    again folks, seems a lot of people ^ are posting their systems specs and they are blatantly under the minimum required as per the "game box" read the required system specs from here or here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154395-can-i-run-dayz-retail-post-here/page-1 http://store.steampowered.com/app/221100/ OS: Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 7 SP1 (no XP)Processor: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz or AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz (Barely playable with C2D 2.5ghz and a better video card than below)Memory: 2 GB RAMGraphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT or AMD Radeon HD 3830 or Intel HD Graphics 4000 with 512 MB VRAM (not bloody likely LOL)DirectX: Version 9.0cHard Drive: 10 GB available spaceSound Card: DirectX®-compatible if you are well over, you can play, if you just meet it might be frustrating to setup and get a decent fps and if you are under the spec dont bother. DayZ is a performance HOG, due to the nature of the multiplayer sandbox on a ~13km2! map. A lot of information is constantly coming and going from your system to the servers. CPU is very important. 3.5+ ghz i recommend and GPU at least a nvidia gtx 460+. AMD has issues with some games and specifically DayZ. So I would suggest avoiding that for now.
  25. deebz1234

    Anyone Miss the Mod's Medical and Humanity Approach?

    no to humanity, current med system is fine and will only get better. humanity is silly