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Everything posted by deebz1234

  1. deebz1234

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    cpu is the bottleneck here dudesky. try simply upgrading that, depending on ur motherboard. get an i5 and overclock the little ho and you wil be fine. i play on high with great fps with 4.2 ghz and a gtx 570.
  2. not sure about ballz out, but for $40 you can get the best model all in one cooler antec 620 (not the 920, the 620 is far better at cooling) and then you can simply over clock following google : i7 950 overclock settings it will take you a few hours but will see instant 20 fps increase in dayz or more i have been running this aiw cooler for like 3 years without fail...its fucking good
  3. OP i have the same system ish what is you cpu speed? the 950 is notoriously easy and safe to overclock. I have the 930 and the gtx 570 and get 60 fps peaks and 30 fps in populated cities. high settings. typical nonsense settings disabled. i over clocked to 4.2 ghz and never looked back. been stable for a year now. just about to toss in a gtx 970, and i doubt the fps will be that much greater. ' dayz is heavily reliant on CPU.
  4. deebz1234

    Blurry peripheral vision

    Coming back after a nice long break. First thing that made me hurt was the blurred vision around the edges of the landscape?? Please tell me this is some sort of glitch and can be fixed. It is just the peripheral and distances. I checked the forums and checked my configs, updated drivers, everything is as it should be. gtx 570 problem maybe? i7 4.3 gtx 570 ssd Thank you will post screens when I can.
  5. deebz1234

    The scary truth about the firestaton...

    ahem ahem
  6. deebz1234

    How is it going?

    I havent been on in a while either, jumped on very recently and couldnt get out of a house due to rubber banding...time to put it down for another month or so. Regarding that rubber banding, how can arma 3 and breaking point have 100 person servers with high FPS and no rubber banding? they are very very similar engines and before all the fanboys start harping on this point, why the fuck can they have such good performance and SA have such shit? I mean BP has custom maps coming out and a new zombie AI mechanic that is very intriguing. Not to mention vehicles and weapons and custom sounds, etc. You would think all of the custom stuff would make the servers suffer, but no they run 60 person minimum servers. where is the disconnect ?
  7. deebz1234

    DayZ mod better then Standalone?

    hah try overpoch. its maximum to the extreme every feature you could imagine, too bad they cant port this stuff to arma 3. OP you should try breaking point arma 3, its 10x what SA is at the moment. its like dayz mod but all beautiful and shiny on arma 3 with 3-4 different maps and a custom maed map coming soon
  8. OVERPOCH and breaking point for the win they are truly amazing overpoch just shows how far they can take the mod and breaking point a3 is just perfect. consider there little 3-4 man team (dynamic heli crash, diving wrecks, proper pvp, ballistics, they even got jsrs to make the sounds custom lol, and SA just got fishing...wopeee)
  9. amazing, yet another reason why I always go nvidia these days when ATI was around, different story. As soon as they got bought up by AMD i switched and have never been happier.
  10. deebz1234

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    my god people.... vehicles are as much a part of dayz as the hatchet now for those of you who think they are not needed? fuck off and for those of you wondering why they arent in? they will be in 2016... (lol) consider how much rubberbanding is happening in the new EXP patch, for what? -some basic game elements now imagine something as resource hoggin as a bicycle (or car, same resources)...the game would be unplayable at the level it is now.
  11. deebz1234

    Trouble with racist names

    welcome, let me introduce you to the internet. how people get offended by racial names on a fucking mmo is a mystery to me i mean come on... i was playing on a server last night and a player name was TheRapist. Sure being raped is worse than someone calling you a #$%^&
  12. because thats how it was in the mod and thats how it should be. there has to be some leftovers for us vets to enjoy... the game loses a whole aspect (base building, persistence, vehicles, etc) by your rational.
  13. im on hold too, till ballistics are fixed. cant justify playing a game which shooting mechanics more closely resemble random throwing of dice but every week i come back to view the forums, i see little to no progression on core mechanics...only silly additions of weapons
  14. deebz1234

    the future of dayz

    who in their right mind would want to mod SA...lol the only appeal would be the map... arma 3 is far better for modding and look what people have done already in comparison to SA with a full payed dev team haha look @ the top 2 mods for a3...
  15. deebz1234

    Vegetarian Survivors

    wow this forum....
  16. deebz1234

    Describe your dayz experience in 1 word

  17. breaking cough point cough arma 3 #2 mod for arma 3 now dynamic heli crash sites crashed c130 factions system really well done devs constantly updating important things... non lethal custom made map extra ported maps actual weapons ballistics & proper pvp now thats progress!
  18. what limits? please explain...as there doesnt seem to be any or any potential limits. as for h1z1, i dont think its a different game. They are trying to get in onthe zombie survival genre...same shit diff dev. happens to be an interesting engine that can support hundreds of players per server, larger maps and everything the mod did+ on release... time will tell of course. breaking point - more weapons 4 maps 1 new custom built from ground up map for bp arma 3 ballistics, zoom, etc = amazing vehicles heli crash dynamic crashed c130 realistic pvp faction systems with perks (love it or hate it) i can keep going here.... considering SA is using a variant of the RV engine, and arma 3 is using rv4 engine, how can you say there are any limits?? they are using essentially the same engine ... am i right?
  19. i feel dayz is going to either: die due to h1z1, forest and breaking point arma 3 or the devs will finally move at a better pace and show some bloody progress BP is fucking tits, they even created a new map from scratch with all enterable buildings etc, releasing in a week or so...i mean come on...they are university students working in their free time ... for free and its already #2 mod for arma 3... h1z1 time will tell, but out of the box they will have a better setup than SA currently has with potential for larger maps and more players and less lag/desync...arleady proven and implemented like wholey fuck the next 3 months are going to make or break SA.
  20. deebz1234

    DayZ lagging with good computer? HELP!

    amd cards used to be notorious for not working as well as nvidia with SA. there were several "fixes" and tweaks to make it more playable. i still run a gtx 570 and have everything almost maxed at 40-60fps outside cities and reasonable in cities 25 fps at least full pop then again i havent played in 4 weeks
  21. deebz1234

    Looking for people to play Dayz while Skyping

    Your writing skills are much more advanced than the usual on this forum HAHA Oh man, your sentence made me laugh.
  22. deebz1234

    R.I.P Elektro

    i love all the pvp hate, you guys are too much. to each there own first of all in a survival open world...play as you wish. in relation to SA, its boring. So people must design their own play styles for now, or play something else until the devs deem it fit to add features and function to the game. I have yet to turn on SA since the spawn changes and recent update, but elektro/cherno/apartments were a very fun part of the game. Given there was high pop in those areas for interaction, pvp, etc.
  23. a head like a fucking orange! haha
  24. deebz1234

    The reason Zombie clipping isn't fixed.

    bring back rick1633 woo!
  25. deebz1234


    buy arma 3...