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Everything posted by deebz1234

  1. deebz1234

    How the alpha could be MUCH BETTER

    how to fix the alpha remove loot spawn on restart only, insert a loot timer like arma 2/3 (dayzmod/breakingpoint) fix the day/night cycle add penalty for server hopping add 1 vehicle the end on that note, here is a few lines frmo the new update coming hopefully today. be happy! Design: players who disconnect when unconscious will dieDesign: players who disconnect when restrained will dieNew weapon: Magnum .357 Revolver + ammo
  2. deebz1234

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    guys i just wanted to point out why alpha is so tits FROM THE NEW UPDATE " Design: players who disconnect when unconscious will dieDesign: players who disconnect when restrained will dieNew weapon: Magnum .357 Revolver + ammo" hoestly, finally seeing our complaints come to fruition is a great feeling.Just reading these 3 lines makes me very anxious to play the new update and i know im going to destroy my friday night on SA due to these 3 lines haha. exciting! NOW, rocket, just add a loot timer respawn and server hopping deterant and were done lol
  3. deebz1234

    Full geared, now what to do?

  4. deebz1234

    Too many veterans

    " You do NOT want to alienate newcomers. Frame that any way you want, say I'm against pvp if it makes you feel better, but the question is far more complex. How do you give a first timer an experience that they will want to expand on, without frustrating them? " you answered your own question. remember first time you played dayz mod? everything changed... it will be the same for new comers in SA for sure, I can already see it based on the alpha. that being said, it is frustrating because it is missing some very very KEY elements. It seems they arent doing much atm to fix them. - simply adding more spawn points throughout the map will help spread out the play base. - simply adding a loot timer, instead of ONLY LOOT SPAWN WHEN SERVER RESTART (insanity) will encourage exploration and that old dayz looting experience that got us addicted to the game in the first place. Also help with server hopping...and on that note, bring a penalty for hopping. but for gods sake bring a loot timer if you do that...running around on a 50 person server that has been looted already is extremely off putting. - VEHICLE (even just 1 type of car is enough for now) - insert maybe 3-4 more weapon types and it wll be 10x more interesting to new and old players. the end, its that simple. the problem a lot of people are having is coming to terms with this "alpha" concept. I dont really think they understand what it means... we constantly see threads going up of people bitching and whining about this and that, and while they have their right to post, its fucking annoying and gives a bad message to other newbs. they only need to fix some very minor things and focus on some more realistic fixes, than complex medical systems and hunger/energy systems and all these wonderfully complex ideas rocket has. This will make it more playable and enjoyable to the majority of people for an Alpha stage. IE fuck the vulnerabilities in the latest patch, you should have fixed that negative mouse acceleration garbage...come on. hackers gonna hack, regardless of what you do. so lets work on getting the mod to a level that will entice the masses to play. (althoug the hype train did a good job of that haha)
  5. deebz1234

    Character File ?

    dude like dayzMod isnt it tied to your steam id and Guid and the hive? one of the bonuses of your data being stored on the hive I can play on my work PC and home PC with same character without having to bring anything over. (obviously not at same time) did you play the mod?
  6. deebz1234

    Weird Mouse movement DayZ standalone.

    This should have been priority 1, but at least frankieonpc is comlpaining about it to rocket. Hopefully that expedites the process. its sooooo difficult to scout around inside, nevermind close quarter battles
  7. deebz1234

    Barracks in Balota

    you just have to pick empty servers and you constantly get an m4 or high end gear
  8. deebz1234

    Weird Mouse movement DayZ standalone.

    hrm hrm https://twitter.com/rocket2guns/status/412997366476595200
  9. deebz1234

    Barracks in Balota

    also folks remember people are running to balota, server hopping for 10 mins and becoming fully kitted out. if you want to survive, stay clear of those hot spots. and play survival game up north west or something. this is temporary until they fix the loot spawns...or lack thereof .
  10. deebz1234

    If people really want kos to be toned down

    the KOS is better in SA than the mod so far in my experience. SA is so simple and there is nothing else to do at the moment, so KOS is an inevitable passtime. Also with updates and character wipes who cares about KOS... I think we should have spawn points all over the map and stop focusing the spawns on the coast...that is so annoying and promotes KOS
  11. My argument would be look at gta 5. But it is no where near as advanced as this engine. It looks pretty its largest than chernarus but it runs at 30 fps @720p lol! I would murder the Internet if I had to play DayZ at that low res haha
  12. deebz1234

    loot not respawning

    guys its ridiculous to expect the loot not to respawn, it kills the game and encourages server hopping... how the fuck is this not priority 1 and already fixed??? from my understanding it was implemeneted on purpose this way, so that its more realistic. "once its gone its gone" for the loot is insane in a MMO. people only join high pop for PVP and jump from low pop to high pop when they need loot...so ridic.
  13. deebz1234

    How to get M4 in Minutes.

    however it would be curbed immensely if they would put a proper loot timer in high pop servers...instead of the silly when its gone its gone mechanic... I will not go to a server where I know has been poached of all loot and this experience becomes nullified by some game mechanic, i will play on a server that I know has a chance of re populating the loot. its simple... turn on the old loot timer from dayz mod with proximity and all that, at least people arent jumping from server to server as much...
  14. deebz1234

    unconscious look stupid =(

    whats insane is you just stay unconcious forever??? so its like being dead?? or what?
  15. deebz1234

    Where are the guns?

    bring back the double zoom when looking down the scope/sights!
  16. deebz1234

    DayZ UI / HUD Photoshoped *UPDATED*

    for the people saying its too gloss and fancy, why not just gritty up those layouts haha. just put a bit of speckle and other filters and presto you have pretty & gritty
  17. deebz1234

    Why did I pay for this shit?

    nice troll tactics...i was too coming in here to fingerbang my keyboard at you
  18. deebz1234

    When will we see the sun?

    how come the dev's havent really opined on this? Is it the number 1 complaint? Can we at least know what the local server time is or a simple day/night icon? i mean wtf happened to choice?
  19. deebz1234

    DayZ UI / HUD Photoshoped *UPDATED*

    sweet layouts man!! i really dig that inventory menu.
  20. i think the time penalty is a good fix for now, but like I said about breaking point arma 3...its soooooo annoying. and how many times do you get an error joining servers right now in alpha? its not uncommon to have issues. there would be a lot of accidental penalties given out, which would lead to uproar on the forums
  21. deebz1234

    How to get M4 in Minutes.

    this thread should be removed. yes yes we all know how shitty the loot spawn system is, and how it promotes server hopping. but now everyone is literally running around with m4s and its stupidly annoying COD
  22. deebz1234

    Where are the guns?

    there is probably 20 threads on the loot spawn system, may be worth looking around on the forum first before posting this drivel.
  23. hey guys before we go to far with this lets look at the biggest reason. The server only adds loot on restart (i dont see anything contrary in the new changelog) -there fore once its gone its gone. -so people will server hop cant fight it -put back a reasonable loot timer and you will see this diminish -put in a WORKING timer and see it diminish On the timer, breaking point arma 3 has one. - it is fucking annoying to no end This is how the anti server hop timer works, lets hope they can figure out how to make it so the server can distinguish from an honest server change and server hop. * attempt join your desired server -times out or some random error (just giving a hypothetical situation) * hrmm thats annoying, oh well ill join another server and that should get me playing, sweet. -servers think you are hopping, penalized with an 8 minute timer * smash monitor with fist and walk away
  24. deebz1234

    Suggestion: Spread out the military grade spawns

    cause the spawn points suck balls and thats where they end up
  25. deebz1234

    What I think the night should look like;

    boring... why not show off the beauty with a little fake saturation!