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Everything posted by deebz1234

  1. deebz1234

    Tutorial on how to equip 2 guns. [Video]

    why cant we put a rifle in those massive knap sacks?? like come on...its a beast...you could hide an m4 in there.
  2. just a friendly suggestion, if you hover over the items in the inventory it sais what they are and do. notice the description of the PU scope says XX zoom, not xx-xx zoom. So common sense or googling would be very obvious that this scope has a fixed zoom. Where as the hunting rifle scope's description says XX-XX zoom. This is an adjustable zoom scope. why do people post this stuff on forums?? it makes me feel crazy.
  3. its a fucking game, leave the camera alone. if everyone can exploit, then so be it. give a few servers for the FPV whiners and leave the rest of us alone, its fine as is
  4. deebz1234

    Mosin vs M4A1

    here is my comparison Mosing = the shit m4 = boring the end
  5. deebz1234

    Current Mosin "Inaccuracy" unrealistic.

    really??? I was shooting last night 800 zero and hitting zombies from green mountin to that town. pristing mosin & hunting rifle scope. No bipod or anything else. gotta be weapon decay like Joj said.
  6. same with anything AR...the ar platform is very rare and very restricted in many countries...even russia. its just not a good platform to have an abundance of... .45 isnt to hard to find though, but yes id say all hunting round should be more scarce than hunting rounds. generally people dont own pistols as much as they own rifles.
  7. deebz1234

    Disable alt-tab

    wow, i vote worst thread ever! you know you can disable them keys yourself right? with some super l337 computing skiilzz... if you having troubles with using your keyboard as it is designed, you could pop the left alt off with a knife easy enough. also you could google about keyboard mapping and binding on the OS level.
  8. ya but how can you say that walking around with 45 mosin ammo is unrealistic?? god, i have a thousand rounds of 7.62x39 for my sks on hand at any given time, everyone owns an sks in canada for some reason lol. do you have any idea how much 7.62x39 and 7.62x51 ammo is in europe?? now finding ar mags and such should be very rare, like true military stuff, but hunting rifles and hunting ammo (also milsurp) is very common to find in peoples homes. People use sks's here for cheap effective deer guns/bush guns. Same with .308 or 7.62x51. so no dont make ammo scarce, make shit that civilians cant get scarce and only found on military sites.
  9. deebz1234

    What guns do you want to see?

    Tikka's maybe, it is from finland so maybe they are present in europe. Can anyone chime in on a popular long range rifle in europe? I wouldnt suggest the remmington 700 or savage 10 as they are too american... how the cz 550 fits perfectly... maybe the tikkas as well. no m24 (remington 700), no as50 or anything heavy american id say. Keep them asian,euro,etc.
  10. deebz1234

    Rockets Expected Features?

    the matrix
  11. deebz1234

    Single shot/burst/full auto keybinding?

    isnt it T? rocket has a tweet on his twatter saying its already in and key is T
  12. dude, check the changelog...they reduced that spawn rate in the first patch...since then i have only found 1 moto helmet delete this pls
  13. deebz1234

    Lower FPS on standalone then mod. (Alot)

    agreed fully..and im not about to google his cpu but majority of peopel can OC. if your in that boat, tough tits go cry... SA will become better, so stfu and either figure out yourn own problems or dont play... god my asus g73 laptop can handle SA no prob, a couple tweaks here and there and i was 40fps and 30 fps in cities..
  14. deebz1234

    Animals you want to see

    chupacabra and the yetti but grizly bears are in abundance over der, so why not
  15. deebz1234

    terribad frames per second and disconnects

    whats your ghz??? you failed to mention one of the most important things. 3.5 ghz is not over kill for this game...5ghz might be called overkill... how frequent is your disconnect and message not received?
  16. deebz1234


    id say BP is your best shot...its way better than DayZ at this point... why would they put SA on Altis...sense this makes not
  17. deebz1234

    Lower FPS on standalone then mod. (Alot)

    you dont have to buy a new cpu...just learn about computers and fine tune your system...IE overclock with a $40 watercooler...and reap teh rewards
  18. deebz1234

    Lower FPS on standalone then mod. (Alot)

    less of a problem sure, but they are optimized better than SA...ALOT better
  19. deebz1234

    A few questions

    fire selector is T (i just read a tweet about that, but cant find it) camping tents is not essential right now, its alpha there is a lot of server wipes and such, so storage is not priority. lets focus on optimization, mouse accell, shotty loot spawn, etc..important things
  20. deebz1234


    bicycle is essentially coded the same as a car in terms of resources and such. so basically can we have just 1 fucking car...like a lada or something shite? should be 1 gyro copter and 1 uaz...the end. i wouldnt complain about vehicles ever again
  21. deebz1234

    Lower FPS on standalone then mod. (Alot)

    DUDE you cant run any of these arma2/3/SA well with sub 4ghz... i probably have the shittiest system that can run Dayz "well" i7-930 4.25 ghz 6gb ram gtx 570 an even i hit 40 fps average...60 high and 25-35 low Honestly, they should have a big sticky: "sub 4.0ghz? STFU" everyone i have helped in arma 2 dayz and arma 3 bp and SA, the solution is overclock overclock overclock to 4+ ghz and all FPS issues were gone. Well issues that we can help...SA is still not what it could be in terms of optimization. Not even close to what the mod could do. Look at dayzero, they should let those dev's tinker with SA. I went from 2.8 ghz to 4.25 ghz for $60 and some time testing and couldnt be happier
  22. deebz1234

    Replace TTSKO Jacket/Trousers.

    LOL @ op...honestly. hey guys, instead of fixing the loot spawn timers and mouse accell and plethora of other important issues...LETS rid of the TTSKO camo because it is not realistic. hbahaha
  23. you can only attached the weapon flashlight to the m4 and only when you have the RIS rail system front end on the m4
  24. deebz1234

    Full geared, now what to do?

    wait till next patch and your character will be "ungeared" haha