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Everything posted by deebz1234

  1. deebz1234

    Ruger 10/22--My future hopes (Archangel kit)

    what he said ^ they are fun IRL though...my bro has an archangeled or some other stock 10/22 with folding stock..looks like a mini AK its hillarious!
  2. deebz1234

    Ruger 10/22--My future hopes (Archangel kit)

    i think the regular 10/22 would be amazing...not some fancy ass kit. the point of the archangel kit is to make it look like an AR...so basically no point except "tacticoolness" just for the game i find it neat to keep things OG...IRL im a gear whore...i have this kit for my 700 LULZ
  3. deebz1234

    Night Time is Unplayable

    ahem ahem ahem BreakingPoint ahem man they are doing it right over there... - proper arma 3 night lighting looks fucking bliss - server hop timer (eliminated server hoppers instantly!) - custom weapons and sound, the sounds are nuts...honestly it has the same feeling as shooting IRL overly loud bang echo, just right! my girl always knows when i play BP
  4. deebz1234

    origin of species

    too bad its badly damaged! lol i wonder if its missing pages?
  5. deebz1234

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    DDDez, your fine to wait on the processor, its a great socket and will last a while. If you havent already bought it, get the K for the extra $20 or whatever it was...dont worry about overclock yet. or you can do some very basic overclocking without a water cooler. At least with the K you can blow that processor wide open with a water cooler at a later date ($50) Haribo_Almighty im not really sure where, but im sure search function should reveal a ton of AMD info. search bar is top right of this screen. Search Optimization, fps increase (there is a sticky thread on FPS increase), AMD, etc somewhere in this thread some Admin posted some link for AMD users..cant remember where https://www.google.ca/search?q=dayz+SA+AMD+fix&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&gws_rd=cr&ei=CinUUufAK4z8qAGJs4CwCQ DONT DOWNLOAD ANYTHING unless you are positive its safe, im already reading about theoretical and potential "key stealers" for SA in the form of FPS fixers...
  6. deebz1234

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    What motherboard? if its a half decent asus or gigabyte or something more techy then you will love what you can do with the unlocked chips. i recommend the antec 620 because it out performs its older brother the 920 and about everything else on the market that is more expensive. ive been running one for 3 years now without fail..i got my $ 60 worth. (they are cheaper now)
  7. deebz1234

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    you will have max settings for the most part...capping 20-25 fps in cities and prob no higher than 50fps peaks in the wilderness your cpu speed could stand to be over 4ghz...significant fps increases but you have a low resolution which is helpful for fps. i would spend $50 on the antec 620 cooler and overclock that slut to 4.5 ghz and laugh
  8. deebz1234

    Do you agree with modding in SA?

    it goes both ways...you will have shite cheater mods and great mods...or no mods...but its your choice in the end...
  9. deebz1234

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    seems to be a few users having trouble with the AMD processors...but the HP of your rig should be fine for HIGH - 50+ fps might need to do a bit more research and optimization to squeeze every FPS out of the AMD cpu
  10. deebz1234

    Question about FPS and Performance? Sorry =(

    hyperthreading should improve gaming performance for games that use more than 4 cores... dayz doesnt use more than 4 cores...very few games in 2013 even used HT
  11. deebz1234

    How to read books?

    think IRL...put book in hands...lol
  12. deebz1234

    Do you agree with modding in SA?

    i love forums...some of the responses...like come on people. opening up SA to mods will definitely make "easy mode/guns/etc" or whatever the fuck that yahoo was going on about. But at the same time it will give way to some really amazing things...think dayzero. That mod was OG as they come but just so much more immersive and no stupid gimmicks or quick PVP that so many hate (think overwatch)
  13. deebz1234

    Question about FPS and Performance? Sorry =(

    I disabled HT and couldnt be happier...mind you I disabled HT to achieve a certain OC
  14. deebz1234

    Vehicle release date?

    They should have tossed the bicycle only in to release...and maybe like 5 per server. no need to rework that beauty! hah the 5 with a bike would be king on the servers, would be a ton of fun
  15. deebz1234

    Question about FPS and Performance? Sorry =(

    Im useless with AMD but I have read a butload of posts regarding AMD in the "can i run it" threads. Is there a specific fix regarding AMD and dayZ? I think a mod even posted a link to some fix for AMD users. (i recall reading some mod posting something for an AMD user)
  16. deebz1234

    BattlEye Bans?

    and an excellent premise to hide a cd key stealer or even a legit program with a key stealer inside
  17. deebz1234

    Communicating Without Headset

    headsets are for nubs 5.1 with speakers physically around you give the best immersion. proper microphones are da shit for quality. (vs headset/bluetooth/desktop thin/etc)
  18. deebz1234

    BattlEye Bans?

    wow... I dont think they can help your friend either...just buy another copy. From what I remember reading it was your own dumb fault if you lost your DayZ cd key. if your friend likes click random things on the internet, or wants to download some more shit. I found this wonderful program you can download and you just put your paypal info in and it sends you money instantly..its pretty legit :)
  19. deebz1234

    Whats going to be in 0.31.114160

    jizzed in pants ^ wtf is that a screen shot of??? if all that was added in the next patch id name my first child NorthWestAirfield...and its due in feb...haha
  20. deebz1234

    Communicating Without Headset

    Most people will shoot you, no com = bad you can buy a desktop mic for $10. I would suggest this route, rather than trying to QE your way to friendliness.
  21. you simply chose the wrong server and this caused the wipe. search the forums to find your answer. basically stick with a favorites list of similarly names servers: IE dayZ Ca-24 mpgs.com DayZ NJ-12 gameservers.com make sure they all share that naming convention. Not dayZ crazymanserver 24, 24/7 day, loot
  22. deebz1234

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    id stay away from amd if possible...here is my system and i get amazing fps. you can buy my systemf or less than $500 and its good for future upgrades gigabyte ud3r x58 i7 930 - 4.25 ghz antec khuler 620 ($50 watercooler, used to overclock very simply from 2.8-4.25 ghz = massive fps increase) evga gtx 570 murders SA So in your case i would do this: i5 2600k, or the i7 3770k gtx 570 research motherboard $ vs performance and future upgrades Asus or gigabyte mid range is fine antec khuler 620 (dont bother with the other manuf or the 920, the 620 outperforms them all) and overclock to 4.5+ ghz (google how with cpu/mobo, very simple these days) a gtx 570 is plenty, shit even my work pc has a gtx 460 and can play fine. but the kicker i the processor. need over 4 ghz to play SA
  23. deebz1234

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    will love SA your CPU and clock speed will be great! no bottlenecks on that system, expect as high as possible fps.
  24. deebz1234

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    sounds like a laptop? not enough ghz... thats really not a "really good" rig. Gfx processor is holding you back, also 3.4 ghz is not a lot for DayZ SA