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Everything posted by deebz1234

  1. deebz1234

    looting your own body / or any body

    could be bugged i sometimes find this happen, tis alpha I even put my sks down to use a mosin and it was forever stuck to the ground.
  2. there was another satellite user in here mentioning super high ping. pretty much non playable with sat internet due to the nature of the game
  3. deebz1234

    I've heard troubling rumours...(no helis)

    just not dayz without choppaz and crash sites... small amount of choppers each server never hurt anyone. we lone wolves can out maneuver a chopper, its the coast cunts who comlain about being griefed by chopper death squads
  4. deebz1234

    This is why we should use ArmA III's Engine.

    wow, I am blown away everytime someone posts a shot at SA or some sort of comparison...jebus, its better than a KOS thread but you fanboys want to linch the OP still.
  5. deebz1234

    Fully Geared Up

    since when are m44s in? new patch? its 6am i gotta goto work contemplating firing up SA and finding the elusive m44s:)
  6. deebz1234


    Racial inequality!
  7. Consider SA has been in development for how long? Breaking point arma 3 is only about 3-4 months older than the SA public alpha release (if i recall correctly) Also they are using Arma 3 as a base...which is a perfect base in my opinion. Do you think the SA dev's should have maybe used a bit more resources from Arma 3? Do you think they have done enough given what they started with? Basically breaking point has: vehicles more and better weapons realistic and fun ballistics zombie hordes better performance 3 fucking maps! (altis, thirsk snow, thirsk summer, stratis) hunting etc etc etc Look at what happens when the modding community gets involved! Imagine what people would do with SA if it was opened up a bit. This video shows off some amazing things in BP a3, they have come a very very long way. kudos to them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xwo38OYWlqo&list=UU9orSxnBRPy-fBLgv2JeWKA&feature=c4-overview
  8. deebz1234

    Hunting, vehicles, multiple maps, hordes, wow

    they borrow some elements from a3, but not others... the amount of complaints regarding ballistics, zoom and weapons so far (gews has pointed out many flaws). Taking a few more bits from a3 would have been a great start. That is one element I would have love to see in SA (ballistics and weapon performance) In terms of vehicles and other stuff, the scripted naure is what they are trying to stay away from in SA. Rightly so for a standalone game. It is pretty amazing all of the features though in BP. remember in BP they did a full custom sound pack, working with a sound guy. amongst many other things from the ground up. I used to follow the devs but not anymore, it was pretty amazing the amount of stuff they were doing from scratch
  9. deebz1234

    Hunting, vehicles, multiple maps, hordes, wow

    ^ thanks for actually replying in a non fanboy way lol much appreciated discussion
  10. deebz1234

    Hunting, vehicles, multiple maps, hordes, wow

    wow dudes...discussion not the typical alpha, etc Notice I made bolt these 2 points of discussion, jesus christ read and opine Do you think the SA dev's should have maybe used a bit more resources from Arma 3? Do you think they have done enough given what they started with?
  11. deebz1234

    How to fix server hopping and combat logging!

    I think if we have about 10x more threads matching this one per day, we will finally fix server hopping and combat logging. someome please delete this crap
  12. yup it does... thats why you stick to legit hive servers...like common sense ones. gameservers.com, EXPerimental servers, fragnet, mpgs, etc the ones with a reputable name...use ur common sense dude
  13. deebz1234

    Character wipes still happening?

    0.5/10 thread not approved 9/10 chance of troll
  14. deebz1234

    Long range scopes?

    i have to agree...LRS spawn has been fiddled with on EXP only finding PU scopes, found about 2-3 PUs per session over the last week. I have an SKS with pristine PU, a mosin compensator, bipod, paint, etc...but no mosin or LRS... how am I supposed to snipe fresh spawns from elektro hill with a PU scope ughhh :)
  15. deebz1234

    Well, that was lame

    you can use other free programs to record. could have been horrible desync. hows your connection? your ping? you pc spec? i know it sounds lame, but its probably just being buggy dayz. or a hack of course..but chances are less for that
  16. deebz1234

    Experimental Zombie AI 35.115791

    havent had any zombies surprise me in the forest yet, im not sure if that is implemented fully on EXP or? or the reports are way over exaggerated
  17. deebz1234

    So how does the timer trump server hopping?

    i used to server hop, now I do not... case and point. your argument about level of inconvenience doesn't fly. I play the game properly, although no where near as much as some. I dont have a problem finding loot.
  18. deebz1234

    Experimental Zombie AI 35.115791

    all i know is next morning after drinking a bottle, i feel like a zombie and cant see 15 feet...so there is no way a real (or fictional) zombie could see 200m LOL Zombies are essentially living dead right? so if thats the case then there is tissue damage and degradation? So therefore the eye sight wouldnt be better than living... that argument ok?
  19. deebz1234

    our map isnt "small" its not "balanced"

    i love how people complain about map size...its mind "bottling" isnt it 200sq km or so? plenty for a game. plenty for now. quality is more important than quantity...JUST LOOK AT ALTIS! its 10x more boring and shit tons bigger.
  20. deebz1234

    Experimental Zombie AI 35.115791

    Agreed the new zombies are far better. HOWEVER was in the new town last night up north and a zombie spotted me and chased from 200m. he was a fucking spec in my perif...come on...not realistic. has happened a fair bit, seems 1 zombie in a given area is on eye steroids...
  21. deebz1234


    hes playing arma 3 on cherno...jesus pay attention not SA...
  22. deebz1234

    Map needs more personality

    you play the mod? scripted events are standard and coming, relax. as for the map? one of the highest regarded maps in gaming. It is truly epic. You mentioned 2 things...can you offer more ideas? may be more helpful, your post comes across as a complaint. As for Alpha, its about stability and performance...and look we started at 30-40 fps on high end systems...now im at 60fps outside of cities..so were on the right track. Scripted events take a HUGE toll on fps and performance...so while we dont even have loot respawns they wont be considering broad scripted events. The helicopter crash sites in the mod were awesomeness to the max!, however they pretty much guaranteed one of two things: 1. firefight pvp 2. end game gear (like military snipers, etc) Not really the approach for SA... so people save your beans and save your threads.
  23. without reading your post. YES
  24. deebz1234

    How long before we get another map?

    dude crack open arma 3 and play Breaking point ... then come back and retract your statement... Altis is like double the size or something!? i stopped playing breaking point a3, even though it is 10x better than SA in every way (vehicles, accurate weapons, ballistics, custom shit, etc) except for the MAP. i fucking hate altis...