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Everything posted by deebz1234

  1. So in the arma3 world, most of the launch parameters have become placebo. DayZ being independent but similar to arma 3 in some ways, has a lot of talk about launch parameters and cfg file edits, etc. can you devs please confirm what launch params actually do anything? Ive been doing a ton of testing and different system configs trying to find a sure fire logic to all this (HT on, HT off, no launch params, cpuCount=xx, etc) -enableHT= (i dont think its implemeneted) -cpuCount= -exThreads= -high Can you devs confim what is working and what isnt. most of the google is all dated or hearsay, we need this info concrete. thank you
  2. deebz1234

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    its all about choice...cherarus is so boring to many of us. this would be amazing: http://arma3.com/tanoa look at those lush jungles!
  3. deebz1234

    Why is DayZ Standalone not for the Mac

    i ran dayz on a bootcamp mac book pro Ran like a turtle specs are specs the issue with macs is they are built for design/gen pop. custom PC is built to your spec. to get a store bought mac with the HP to run SA takes a fair whack of cash. It needs an i7 3.5 ghz+ and a dedicated gfx card (gtx 5xx or amd 270+) a base i7 quad core over clocked/ decent ram/gtx 570 = approx $300 for barebones. you cant beat that...to get these specs on a mac your spending 3-4x the amount. stupid macs
  4. deebz1234

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    had the best session in a long time last night, as soon as i saw 75 player server i knew it was going to be good. there were way too many "boxers" in BZ... i played outrun for a good 15 minutes with 2 separate players. what is the fascination of mele in EXP? i mean there is sooo much shit to do and explore, i cant be fucked to interact with players let alone do the usual douchy stuff that most kids do in stable. excellent progress, the game is looking really good and fps isnt too bad. 35 fps in cities, 90+ outside. things ive noticed lately: night servers So predominant in exp? frequent "please wait" at startup?
  5. deebz1234

    internet connection

    when you list your speed test results, or ISP package, it is in MEGABIT (in most cases) so a 10 Megabit connection is very very close to actualy download speed of 1 megabyte per second which is also comparative to approx 1000k/s actual download speed my funky ideas are completely sound, albeit simplified for the reader if the OP has a 1.5megaBIT connection (as per isp packages or speedtest.net) then his actual downlod speed is no greater than say 150-300 kilobytes infact sir you are crossing your bits and bytes chart for reference: 1500 kilobits 1.5 megabit (as in connection speed) 187.5 kilobytes (as in what the average web browser shows per second) 0.18310546875 Megabytes (as in when you exceed 1024 kilobytes (in steam downloads and browsers, it generally tells you in Megabytes per second) no need to continue this explanation
  6. deebz1234

    DayZ Mod or Standalone?

    ya man its all about the gfx now too, i hadnt played in easily 2-3 months. popped it on over the weekend and was like wooooooo smooth frames and very nice lighting. something must have been updated since last i played...its looking really AAA these days.
  7. deebz1234

    internet connection

    my suffixs are wrong, math is fine. a 1.5 meg connection does about 200k download per second. which is very very light. where as my 35 meg connection doest about 3000k/s (or say 15 meg connection is about 1500k/s, again very roughly here) 1.5 meg is like 10 year ago dsl. that being said if you can only hit about 200-300 k/s, its barely enough for what a high pop 50 person server demands per second/hour
  8. deebz1234

    DayZ Mod or Standalone?

    arma sale, buy arma 2,3, and just buy dayz SA anytime as its cheap then you can tell us which is better i cant fathom the gfx from the mod, my eyes would bleed prob
  9. deebz1234

    internet connection

    1.53mbps is really slow. think of it like being able to download file at only 200kb/s i think dayz uses more than 200kb/s ive heard approx 100-200mb per hour on high pop servers. so maybe your connection would struggle greatly on high pop servers and not so bad on low pop servers who is your ISP?? what is your monthly cap? By my poor calculations, your max capable speed of 1.53mbps (~200kb/s) is not sufficient for 200MB/hr usage (~3MB/s) but my searches have found huge ranges in usage...
  10. deebz1234

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    irl drinking games somehow....
  11. deebz1234

    New player , help me optimise please

    hope it works decently, the other problem is dayz isnt a full release game. So this geforce experience would say work better on a game like dying light or battlefield for example. but thats what these forums are for, helping getting it running decently. but if your at 30-40 fps in the city your good.
  12. deebz1234

    New player , help me optimise please

    geforce experience is crap. its generic and doesnt always work for the better. its for people who dont know their own systems, who want a quick mediocre fix. not for those who know their rigs and want to optimize properly.
  13. deebz1234

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    how bout some shooting sports? someone bring a truck about 500m on shore and we do target practise ill swing in if around that day hows ur new pc?
  14. seriously? i wonder if they are just using the name or what, its the top map atm. and too bad namalsk was just being used as a test bed...
  15. is this an early april fools joke? they are actually considering another map? or add in? cause wholey fuck chernarus plus is boring... SA needs a re-hype and a new map would do just that. anyone play bornholm on arma 3 overpoch or breaking point? insanity, that map is pure sex and brings life to everything
  16. deebz1234

    New player , help me optimise please

    dont expect more than 30-40 fps in congested cities or action packed situations. this is about as good as it gets for high end rigs. forest/wild fps should be 80+ but on the current patch we are dealing with massive performance drops from previous. what is your clock speed? this helps immensely. you can have 4.6ghz with that cpu easily and ideally. in terms of optimize. you want to set render resolution to 133-150 (this maxes out the use of ur gfx card and make it look perdy) (super sampling) turn off bloom, post process and blur rest can max out. or open up fraps or any fps osd, and adjust each value till you see fps spikes or declines, doesnt take long to setup optimally.
  17. deebz1234

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    whos dean?
  18. deebz1234

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    memory leak ctd #2 just now but the fps...jesus christ.
  19. deebz1234

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    Ill vouch for some fps drops. extensive testing: pre 0.54 wouldnt drop below 30 fps. average in cities/firefights 45 fps. over 100 fps outside of cities. (on bling servers 20-50 ping) now i cant surpass 28 fps in cities and cant go above 50 fps outside. what exactly did you devs do?? memory allocation? rendering serverside adjustments? its brutal. multiple servers and multiple launch parameters. ie: --NO launch params -cpuCount=12 -exThreads=7 -high -noPause -noSplash -malloc=tbb4malloc_bi -noPause -noSplash -cpuCount=12 -exThreads=7 -malloc=tbb4malloc_bi -malloc=system (no difference with any combo of launch params) good job on ridding the need for these launch params. however we are seeing worse fps by a long shot also tested my work rig dual core gtx 460 and seeing piss poor results pre/post 0.54 have only had 1 ctd, so cant comment much on that. ive never used a maxmem launch parameter
  20. deebz1234

    Pc Specs

    a8 is ancient to start, amd is to be avoided like the plague if possible. but they are cheap and run "most" games ok. dayz arma2 arma 3 need high horsepower single core performance, so this rig is not going to provide you with that. amd single core performance is sub par to intel, but regardless the rig is too slow for dayz. i sold my i7 930 (4 core ht off) @ 4.3 ghz with aiw water and gtx 570 for $325 and it played dayz really really well for the price, and any other game on the market NP. med-high and some games on ultra. id look around your local kijiji and see what can be had,.
  21. deebz1234

    Guide to etiquette? How to be new right?

    shoot first??? id say that solves this dilemma :)
  22. deebz1234

    Will DayZ support the Oculus Rift?

    haha glitch latter death, you fall of your chair... i think its well worth it still, the head tracking is insane. you can set it up that when you move head forward it would look down sights, and turning head left/right does so in game with a good pc, no lag and apparently 1:1 movement. obv would only work well in first person servers... cant fucking wait to try it
  23. deebz1234

    Will DayZ support the Oculus Rift?

    wouldnt it already work? I read lots of people using it. Im getting one soon and will test, theoretically it can work with any game right now. you just basically want the massive fov and ability to "look around" head track. Makes the world immersive enough...your still using a kb and mouse and sitting in a chair lol.. i think the only way for it to be fully 3d is if it is developed from the beginning proper in 3d with OR in mind.
  24. deebz1234

    Want 40+ FPS in big citys? Click here!

    my i7930 rig @ 4.3ghz to the 5820k @ 4.6 gained 20-30 fps outside cities and maybe 5 fps in cities. but i know have 200% render and all settings on max. the i7 930 had weaker single core performance. The 2600k is a beast as you well know, so i dont think dayz/arma3 will show you any improvements. Other games im sure will benefit. x99 is amazing though, wowly shit its fun to build.