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Zionist Wabbit

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Everything posted by Zionist Wabbit

  1. Zionist Wabbit

    Current Selection on PC: Need help!

    mischlig: Yes. I've researched most component's (..to an extent), I'm not too sure on whether they're worth it. Also, thank's to the other two. I'll look into the suggestion's, but I must say this again: With Game's such as Crysis 3 & Far Cry 3 becoming ever-more present and their astoundingly high-end Resolutions demanding so much, I feel I need something over-the-top if you will, I don't want to have to upgrade again anytime soon. Yes, for the next year or two it's far too 'good', but as I see it, It'll save me further cash in the expected 4-6 year's I have it without the constant upgrading & shifting of PC's. A small note; Money isn't a huge issue, and I understand that it may seem quite arrogant, but I've been needing an upgrade for two year's now. If you see area's where I could save, that's great, even better, but I really don't want to settle for less.
  2. Zionist Wabbit

    DayZ Mod Update

    Hmmhh.. Thus far (..the list alone) seem's decent, good at best. I'm not too happy with some of the changes; HeliCrashes spawning as the Client moves through-out the Server (Much how Ammo Box spawning work's, it could lead to HeliCrash spawning) Along with adding varied weapon's.. I liked that the weapon's came few-and-far between. You had a clear choice: A] Follow the US-route, with the M4 / M16 varient's-B] The Russian route, with the AK series and so on (..With the odd German / English weapons). I suppose I'm just too conservative in what I like in-game, ah well. I'll learn to live with it.
  3. Zionist Wabbit

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    People : It's the small thing's which create the great big thing's. The specific locations for Loot Spawn's is one of this; It add's to the realism & immersion that you are one of a handful Survivors, scavenging a vast land just to guarantee you'll live on another day. If you hurry through a Building, you're likely to miss a Can of Beans which may in-turn lead to possible starvation when you're in need on a long trek through forested lands. Yes, it may not seem much, but when you're creating, in it's most basic form, a completely new style Engine for a completely different Game to what it's designed to do, It's quite a lot. Dean and the various other Development Team members spend day's on end looking at Code, to-wit they're rewarded after week's with a few improvement's when they eventually test them. The sheer amount of dedication needed to do such is quite incomprehensible to any Fan waiting - So, I beg of you, just accept thing's may not be to your complete expectation yet, and be happy they're putting so much effort into it so on release it will meet them.
  4. Zionist Wabbit

    How do tell who is a bandit?

    This is a tough'ie. Bandit's (Officially) Have a German KSK Desert Uniform face-covering, similar to a Skiing Mask, with a PMC or Survivor, if you will, body. Although, Bandit's can still obtain a regular Skin via good deeds to friends such as Blood Transfusing ect., and keep doing so until they have a Hero skin to-wit they can bait or fool people. Can never truly tell, simply down to your thought process & risk taking.
  5. After having played for a good hour or two, It's really great! (..I was under 'Y0L0' :-P) Very little lag considering I do have a 180-190ms ping, a nice custom de-bug monitor (I really do hate those that have a huge picture as a header and take the entire right-hand side of your screen), and of course a M9 SD to start with, which is great for any Player wanting a small helping hand at the begining. You've got yourself a regular from here on ;-)
  6. Zionist Wabbit

    How to be "friendly" without getting killed?

    When choosing to be friendly, the moment you see each-other ought to be in your favour, and your favour alone. If they ask you to come to them, do not listen. Although they have quite comforting voices & word's, the amount of Friendlies v. The amount of Bandit's is, what it seems, a 50-1 odd. As such, you should ask them. If they're absolutely Friendly & sure they'll come to you. It's much like a Bandit situation, but rather then exchanging Gun fire you exchange Supplies & amazing memories. Also, above all, be very cautious to Bandit's. Although New-Spawns are unarmed ect. they tend to kill you when they have the chance. If you're weak, you die - It's rather like 'The Walking Dead' in a way. (..Yes, my information may be different to other's, but It works best as far as I've experienced) One side note: If you see an armed Bandit, shoot. Never hesitate. As a Bandit myself, killing Heroes is worth at least 20 Survivors, so they'll target you. My Hero Character: 52 Day's Alive, 1,362 Zeds Killed, 74 Bandit's killed, Countless memories & hilarious moments.
  7. Zionist Wabbit

    Ok HELP!

    You need ArmA: II Operation Arrowhead & ArmA: II (Both of which can be bought together for a small saving as 'Combined Operations'). After having downloaded them, you must run both at least once until you reach the title screen (This is so the Game itself may load all the files needed & BattlEye to completely initialize. After that, it's mostly clean-sailing from here-on. Download DayZCommander to install DayZ - It's MUCH more simple, and allows you to directly download any Mod you so desire without having to go to a 3rd Party site. It's also hugely better compared to SixLauncher. SL is notorious for installing wrong files / edited files that don't work with Servers, resulting in a Kick, along with being all-round horrid in comparison to DayZCommander - When all that's done, prepare a second pair of Under-wear.& join a Server. Welcome aboard the Good Ship H.M.S. DayZed!
  8. I neglected to point any flaw's due to my already explaining it's completely unnecessary. Shall I really now explain the obnoxiously obvious? OK; How would you suggest this is genuinely implemented into a Game currently using the Real Virtuality engine which is based, and based solely on, a War Simulator with small tweaks to enhance it further. How would you Monitor whether someone has 'socialised'? How would you know if they hadn't simply ran by one-another without noticing? How would you be able to know someone whom had socialised didn't simply kill the person afterwards? How would you be able to force people to do something in a game marketed as ''This is DayZ.. This is your story''? If you can dismiss a point, then you must be able to re-enforce your's.
  9. Zionist Wabbit


    Men, get the Spades prepared. Global Ban's have nothing to do with DayZ, period. They're given by BattEye on the ground's of cheating. If you've been banned, there's few options: A] You've tried cheating, at least once, inwhich you were detected & logged for a later Ban. B] Your key was stolen when downloading Malware. Either way, your fault & your fault alone. You can attempt to appeal on the BattlEye Website: www.battleye.com - if you genuinely believe you've been wronged.. Although don't get your hopes up. If it comes down to a case of stolen Key's, you ought to stop downloading ''xXFree420 DayX premiem hackZ'' and realize there's nothing anyone can do.
  10. At it's core, this is what the Humanity System does. Perhaps you missed it. | If you interact more with people, give them Supplies / Bandage them / Blood-Transfusion, you gain Humanity point's. If you kill someone, especially someone high with Humanity, you loose those point's. The consequences, although not immediate, are brutal & often lead's to a lot of frustration over something they once found joy from. The consequences are as follows; Each new-life you gain a further 2,500 Humanity (The default) which add's to your 'score'. If your Humanity is astoundingly low, ie: -7,500, it will only grow to -5,000 - the limit for a Bandit Skin. With the Bandit Skin, you're quite a fun target for both Heroes, other Bandit's & even the common Player just doing a quick loot-run. This, naturally, lead's to a lot of annoyance on the Bandit's part when they're not the one with the high-power Rifle pointing down their face. Yes, people don't look on that as a bad thing in the heat of the moment, but over time people realize that being a Bandit & having the Skin lead's to far more negative thing's, even well after your death. I also try and convey this simple motto I like to play by: Why take joy from stopping someone else's.
  11. Zionist Wabbit

    Hawk's new clan's videos! ***YOU WILL LAUGH***

    Quite funny ;-) Although, I demand more.
  12. Zionist Wabbit


    If it's a 'Managed Host', such as DayZ.ST / HFBServers, they have a simple drop-down Menu to enable rMod, to-wit you simply restart the Server and BAM! AH-64D's for dayz. If it's a dedicated Machine / Host, requiring you to manually set-up, It's really quite simple. Head over to tunngle.net and locate the rMod Thread. They have both the files needed to set-up Server-Side & Client-Side, along with explanation's to do both. Be warned; It can be very addicting ;-)
  13. Zionist Wabbit


    ..I believe that 'Enhanced Volt' mod (..as I view it) is in DayZero? Or another further modification of a modification. I distinctly remember seeing it in DayZ Videos (Namely JackFrag's / FrankeonPC), and reading of it somewhere. Dean has mentioned it, too. Honestly, I'd like to see something similar to the one posted slightly above. It's quite a hassle to wait a good 5-15 second's to volt of a Fence which look's like your Character would be able to just walk over it - Really, if you're being chased by a horde, you wouldn't stop to do anything until you're reasonably clear.. Another point I had when they removed the Scroll Option to bandage / re-fill Water Bottles.. *Ahem*
  14. Zionist Wabbit

    Classes and player built towns

    @Whomever replied to me; Don't get too annoyed, child. I know there's another games with Classes, t'was a metaphor. Although I doubt you're able to understand what a metaphor is considering you cannot see a blatantly obvious one, I may as well explain why I said such. If you send me over a PM, I'll give you link's to Early Development Learning websites. They're very handy.
  15. Zionist Wabbit

    Classes and player built towns

    Classes? Hmhh.. Who let the WoW Player's out? I thought we agreed to leave the Cellar Door locked.
  16. Zionist Wabbit

    Island off-map

    Ah. Might've been, not too sure. If that's the case, another video Frankie ventures there in a Helicopter; Once more, something like ''Stealing a Helicopter'' or something along those lines.
  17. Don't even bother with A:Free. It's horrid. I view it as more a semi-demo for the Game, not a genuine Game itself. Lower quality all-round, rendering DayZ quite bad.
  18. Zionist Wabbit

    Island off-map

    To be perfectly honest, most hard-core DayZ player's know of it / have been there. It's a good 10-20 minute flight via Helicopter, and not worth-while in any other form of transport. It's a very small Island, and is the De-Bug area upon loading (Death is another location). Not much to talk about, really. Also, if you want to really see it, I believe FrankieOnPCin1080p has a video where a Hacker teleport's the Server there, turning them to rabbits; Something like Episode 6.5, don't quote me on that.
  19. Zionist Wabbit


    I'm looking forward to someone decoding what he had said. This is the largest expedition into cryptology since the Pol's got the Enigma.
  20. ..I cringed when I saw 'BambiZ, NoobZ & BanditZ'.. The capitalised zed at the end of every-fucking-word is far too 'overused' (For lack of a better phrase).. Aside from that, look's great. Pity there's no AU Servers, but I'll look into it a bit further.
  21. Look's fun! You can expect me on soon. I'm always on different Servers, especially modified ones to enhance GamePlay ;-P
  22. After having purchased a Server, I can freely say the Server's provided are fairly well made - For the time I've had it (Coming up on just under the first month now) the only time's the Server's have been down were due to random DDoS Attack's (Near impossible to stop for any host), yet still it was up reasonably quick. | If anyone whom work's with the Server-sided stuff (..ersan191?) is looking for possible additions, I would say the following would be great advancements; Australian and/or New Zealand Server's, BattlEye: rCon built directly to the Server upon creation with the possibility to have a small rCon window on the Control Panel (If possible, I may be talking nonsense here), Custom Loadout's which stay with the Character UID each life rather then constantly changing from the Control-Map, and Dedicated Machine's (..I would assume this would work better with Standalone released rather then the current DayZMod) - With an extra cost, naturally. Other then the aforementioned gripes, I'm very well impressed. I'll continue with DayZ.st; From the Server Host's I've run on, it seem's to be the best & cheapest Managed Server host.
  23. Zionist Wabbit

    infected or zombles (yes zombles)

    I believe in the interview given a while back to TotalBiscuit, Dean mentioned that he had tried to use 'Infected' as much as possible, yet people still referred to them as 'Zombies'.. Henceforth Dean's mentioning of the Infected ( I still maintain their Infected by a super-virus rather then the undead ) as Zombies on various occasions - Although they may just be typo's, the point remains.
  24. Zionist Wabbit

    What if you became infected?

    I'd like Special Zed's. Much like the 'Blood Suckers' in Namalsk Island. They hover around the high-loot Area's, yet only attack if you haven't left after it's 'moans' which occur based on how long you've been in a specified area. It'd stop quite a bit of large Group's controlling area's like the NWAF / The Sobor camp's & recycling the loot for hour's until they've got some of the best items which, considering how good they tend to be, should only come across a Player's hands once in a Blue Moon. The aforementioned types I'm not too keen on. They seem far too gimmicky for my liking, and I assume for most other people too. We've got a small 'Infectious' disease, for lack of a better word, which can only be cured by Antibiotics ( Of course, I'm referring to the hypothermia / Flu which you attract after being out in horrid weather for too long ) - That alone, however rare it may occur, can kill even the most well-equipped if they can't get the equally rare Antibiotics.
  25. Mhm. I seem to always get a Kamenka spawn, regardless. So, I tend to go to Balota, quickly hit the Camp & check for a possible Vehicle by the Hangars, then venture along the Dirt road leading off the Runway to Zelenogorsk, occasionally hitting a few Deer Stands if I haven't any good weapon(s). From Zelen, after hitting the Supermarket, I head to Green Mtn., due to the large chance of a Vehicle spawn. From there, I head down to Rogovo & then to Stary, entering from the West, South-west so as to have a clear line-of-sight on the Hill, while still having relative cover. There, I circle the Fields around Stary for Helicopter Crashes (I'm sure everyone by now knows it, but Helicopter Crashes seem to be MUCH more frequent there and at Grishino then anywhere else) then head to NWAF, check the tree-lines and go to the barracks. The rest is, well, up to whatever I feel like doing at the time.