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Zionist Wabbit

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Everything posted by Zionist Wabbit

  1. Zionist Wabbit

    So, uhm...Balota Buddies?

    Have most if not all Moderators or Admins open BB Members -> Signatures -> Popularity. Simple formula.. Wonder who'll be first to strike the Oil in SA :?
  2. Zionist Wabbit

    AS50 Double-scope spot.

    His full rank is Lieutenant-Colonel of Her Majesties Royal Guard by The Grace of God, Lord Obvious I ( Lordicus Obviousitress ). I hate when people misread it.
  3. Zionist Wabbit

    Admin Abuse is becoming a large problem.

    Y'know how to deal with them? A) Join a secured public hive B) Join a Whitelist Server ( Usually more mature ) C) Server Hop saying 'Admins a Dick'. If you're not kicked and/or banned, you'll be good. ..I do not take credit nor hold liability for the last.
  4. I recently got on the Server ( I believe I was 'Philip A. Mountbatten', name I use for Takistan Life :-P ) it's quite good, near no lag, Admins seem very friendly and dedicated to making sure the Server survives ( One even drove down in a GAZ to Elektro to take me to my body in Stary Sobor after I had driven my ATV into a wooden fence, exploding it ) and generally interested in making it a good, hacker-free environment for anyone. Although my initial bitter remarks, I must say it really is one of the best Servers I've played on & would recommend it to anyone looking for a decent, welcoming Server; You've got at least one regular player :-)
  5. Zionist Wabbit

    Somewhat new player seeking advice

    This is the correct place for it, don't worry :-) I've been playing on a Server with slight modified DayZ Version without any 3rd-party Downloads. Although it doesn't remove Weapons, it does have other thing's your interested in such as more Vehicles. Atop of that, the Admin's are always friendly & often update the Script's or add more in. Can't remember the name (I usually use DayZ Commander and I'm currently on my Laptop rather then Desktop), though if you search for 'PR' you should be able to find it. Some of the additions are thing's like Towing / Lifting broken vehicles (Goes well with added vehicles) and a few others. I'd suggest you check it out, at least, it's quite fun.
  6. Zionist Wabbit

    My Epic server with atomatic gun shop!

    I kept running out of breath as I read that.. Punctuation.. y u no there.. Also, what if you're killed as you enter a City with a safe location? Can't police it, really, seeing as to set an absolute rule you'd need to define how far the Safe Zone expand's, afterwhich people will stand on the outside of it shooting passers-by.
  7. Zionist Wabbit

    Are All "Hackers" Bad?

    How many Games are you able to Pirate and still have Multiplayer? Near none. Most Games, esspecially Steam-based Games, come with a single CD Key which cannot be used outside of that account - So, by Pirating a Game, all you're doing is giving you Single Player (..If the Download works. More then likely Pirates of popular Games are just Key-Stealers) which will inevitably be stopped soon enough after a BattlEye scan of the downloaded Files. ...If you can't afford a $30 Game, you ought to find some work or do extra hours. Not everything in life is free, sooner you can find a way to deal with it the sooner you'll progress to an adult. Until then, stinge off Mummy's Credit Card.
  8. Zionist Wabbit

    Are All "Hackers" Bad?

    lol. There is only so much you can do. People will hack, and to further stop them, raising Prices for a good Game is a simple add-on to do it.
  9. ..It's even stated that the kick was an Admin Kick. People seem to read the title and assume \.o./
  10. Zionist Wabbit

    Are All "Hackers" Bad?

    For anyone interested in a Machinima, use the in-game editor! Not client-sided Scripts which will lead to a Global Ban. You can either do it on ArmA: II Operation Arrowhead if you wish to save time, or use the Editor which is accessible from the Home Screen (..With @DayZ enabled) by pressing ALT+E. Either-way, you're free to play to your heart's content - You have access to any Vehicle, any Character (Yes, even Zombies), any Weapon and any Map you have installed, provided it's also enabled. This is how many current YouTuber's, namely Frankie / Jack, make their cinematic beginnings & endings. Whilst it may be a little difficult to understand at the beginning, there are plenty of Tutorial's going around. Also, if you need multiple people to act out something, as is shown in the '12 Dayz of Christmas', you simply copy the .pbo file which is located in your ArmA: II OA Folder within 'Missions' and move it to 'MPMissions' or add it to your DataBase if you've a 3rd Party machine hosting your Server (Some, such as DayZ.st, allow you to directly upload the .pbo from the Control Panel) EDIT: Spelling is good not
  11. Zionist Wabbit

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Silly.Not every day is a bright, cloudless blue sky Summers eve - I much prefer an in-depth feel to the textures which is capable through darkening the aspect's a little bit, as to an over-saturated image which gives me a headache.. Perhaps that's just me, I mustn't be too sadistic =/
  12. Zionist Wabbit

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Open / Closable vehicle wreck doors? Hm.. I'll say what we're all wondering - Will we be able to break our leg's on them? If not, what's the fun in that?
  13. Zionist Wabbit

    Elektro - "strummer" & "Yeti" - "mission bus"

    This ought to be on Sever General / Survivor :#
  14. Zionist Wabbit

    So...How long until a DayZ ARMA 3 port?

    It won't happen. DayZ is a Stand Alone Game now, why would they waste it for a newer ArmA Game? People seem to think DayZ is some ArmA: II DLC, it's hilarious and saddening both at the same time.
  15. Zionist Wabbit

    The Notorious Can Incident

    Go away.
  16. Zionist Wabbit

    The Notorious Can Incident

    OK -- I've read a few more post's, and I see people would prefer some-sort of commemorative symbol to all DayZ Community & Development Members. However, putting it in the Game would be the wrong step. Something along the lines of Invasion: 1944 would be a better alternative; Add the name's of those who've made it possible in a Splash Screen whilst you load the Game - It'll give far more attention to those whom really do deserve recognition without overly removing the sense of immersion felt in-game. .Also: Why do you hate Reddit? Haha. I'm certainly no active member, but I do still find the annoyance and general hatred spread across DayZ toward's them is quite pathetic. DayZ Reddit section is the exact same as is here; People post their ideas, thought's and critiques with the difference being they've a more chance of having it seen at large, due to all Post's being on a single page(s) rather then scattered amongst varied sub-Forums. Nut-up.
  17. Zionist Wabbit

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    We can narrow down the 'hatred' (..For lack of a better word) for these to the simple fact that this is, currently, in Development to become a multi-million dollar business - 1.6 Million Players, each paying $20-30 for the DayZ Stand Alone = A lot of dimes to roll around in while screaming 'I want another Lamborghini'. In the past year the Mod has changed significantly. It's moved past the stages of 'This is just so I can have fun & fuck around in' to a Mod, soon-to-be Game, that has people on the edge of their seat, waiting for new Information. This in mind, would you see these additions as a good idea? I really do find the Moderators to be quite admirable toward's the amount of dedication they put it; But.. It does seem very unprofessional (..I know that word is commonly ill-used, just go with it.) to have an entirely fictional item added into the Game solely for them. Heck, a few of them even seem to be more troll then anything else (..*Cough* Derpy *Cough*),
  18. Zionist Wabbit

    Worst weapon in DAYZ?

    I'd keep my AK-74 over damn-near any weapon. It's ammo is very common, it's damage is decent, and it's sight's are arguably the best of most weapon's in the Game. The only other weapon I would lay it down for would be a SA-58V/P; Ammo isn't the most common, though the Sight's are fantastic. Added bonus being the Zero function.. and the sheer bad-ass'ness of the weapons' sound / look.
  19. i'am not satisfyed with text, i want vidoe
  20. Zionist Wabbit

    'New spawn' store/perk system

    Gather up, guize! I find this game difficult.. So can I plzzz z buy items form spawn? plzzzz it wont be rpg becuase this is dayz not and rpg.. plzz i csnt find any items so can i plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz buy tehm>??>
  21. Zionist Wabbit

    Day Z Invasion 1944

    Why do you continue to assume anyone cares for your opinions and/or snide remarks, Rhino? Your Channel is fine -- If they can, somehow, bare your obnoxious voice, Gameplay, and general lack of any gratitude to your fan-base, then fine. Each to their own. Don't bring it here, eh? (..Not to mention 720Industries, which is the Server in the picture you linked, not being your Community as is implied by the above comments) On topic : Oh.. my.. god! Haha! DayZ 1944? Looks great. I've been playing I44 a lot recently and It's great alone; With Infected, it'll be even better! ..Also, link to the Website and/or download? :-)
  22. Zionist Wabbit

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    Also.. OMG. I have the same T-Shirt.
  23. Zionist Wabbit

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    Furst. I quite like this format; We get a rather personal insight as to what you're doing. Instead of some text, which is fine nonetheless, it's still quite good to know for an absolute fact you're working hard & not rolling in $100 Bills. I also mentioned this elsewhere: Technically, due to Rocket being the mo-cap animation for the Infected, we would be able to 'Kill' Rocket via killing the Infected, correct?
  24. Zionist Wabbit

    DayZ Devblog 15th February 2013

    So.. Technically.. In the Stand Alone, we could say we're killing Rocket each time we brutally murder an Infected?