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Everything posted by Pulkkinen

  1. Hi everybody! Been playing now for couple of days and i must say that this is the best server i'v ever played :) So big thanks to panda and everyone else who made this possible. Some ppl have been complaining abou too few cars, I don't agree with them because when i played on 100+ and 200+ vechile servers they tend to get so unbalnced because of vechile hording and weapon stashing in them, thoug somebody suggested more bikes and i think a little more bikes could be fine (loot cannot be stored in them) :) Keep up the good work!
  2. Hi I would like to become a player on this server :) tired of hackers and bad admins.... My info Name: Pulkkinen Location: Finland (about 60 ping) GUID:3da6e22fee0476873d506c887b14596a