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Everything posted by kami

  1. Please guys, this doesn't help with anything, can you two just drop it? for the sake of everyone else here.
  2. Please save the argument off the thread, this is used for players who wish to ask nicely for the dayz staff to move their character to a playable area again, anyone that's being rude fair enough, but please don't continue to use this to argue when there are people being respectful and asking nicely.
  3. SCRATCH THAT After running for a total of about 15 mins I made it to the west side of the map thanks anyway viper for your good work, i suggest anyone who's got food and water and compass just run dead east till they find trees then continue for another 5 mins you'll find a town :P
  4. kami

    Team of Six

    True are you guys already at stary or something? Hey boys http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8793 Check that thread out, i did notice berezino (where i met up with you stryker) was a really big town, never really got to fully explore it, im guessing neither did you, but do you think what that person said is worth checking? the supposed military camp :o ? i might log in the evening hopefully aus time between 6 - 8:30
  5. kami

    How do you fix cars

    Pretty sure you need to have the parts, and a toolbox, i've had a toolbox at one stage before i died lol
  6. kami

    Team of Six

    Alright boys, came on real late, had a good few hours run lol, i'm currently logged out at Novy Sobor, which should be just a town away from Stary sobor (the original location we were suppose to head to?) So let me know if you guys want to pop by and meet up somewhere around there. Might be on early evening then again late at night, hopefully catch you guys on :)
  7. kami

    Team of Six

    Haha alright man, catch ya tmrw aegisX, will be on either early evening, or late night, :O, no location :( ?
  8. kami

    Team of Six

    i'll be back on in about an hour if anyone's still on, by the way stryker mate, before you log, drop me a location and a slight description ;)
  9. kami

    Team of Six

    I think i'm actually coming on now :D are you guys in? I'll have to try find you guys though lol
  10. kami

    Team of Six

    Hey stryker, I usually come on a little late in the evenings, especially tonight i probably won't be on till er maybe like 11pm AUS time, but definitely worth meeting up again, even though i died and have no idea where im LOL, but i've got enough food and water to travel to find you guys. What's the Ausarma, is it vent or mumble?
  11. kami

    Team of Six

    on now, same server, anz4 looking for u guys in the open field lolol
  12. kami

    Team of Six

    yeah sounds good, i'm not sure if you guys are back on yet or not, but I'll be jumping back on in about 40 mins or so, cause im from aus, still bit early here :)
  13. kami

    Team of Six

    Hey Yeah same, I think I caught Stryker and gator? or something..? or am i tripping LOL. Anyway I won't be back on until like an hour or so roughly, drop a message here if you guys have decided if you're going to continue up north or stopping somewhere or what :)