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About dirtysnipe

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Im not trying to add any custom stuff atm. Just trying to get the basic overpoch setup working before looking at adding any other mods.
  2. I have tried a few times now and I just keep breaking the server. Can anyone help me install DayZ Overpoch Taviana? I would be willing to make a donation for your time spent. Thanks
  3. We have fixed the issue with traders not showing all the correct items for sale.
  4. We have launched a new dedicated Taviana Epoch server. I will update this main post to include information and pictures about our server. Server Address Mods The epoch server comes with the following mods as standard Auto Gyro Taxi SUV Recolours R3F Realism Mods we have added Auto Refuel Features Currency System - Gold, Silver, Copper, Tin and Aluminum Bars. Smelting System - Ability to smelt certain metals from readily available materials. Crafting System - Ability to craft certain items (Wooden Shed, Fence, Tent, etc). Base Building System - Ability to have your own plot of land to build on. Tree Cutting System - Tree falls down when you harvest wood from it. You will collect more wood the taller the tree. Tag Friendly Players - Get a visual identifier for those you have made friends with. Kill Boards - Each Trader City contains a Kill Message Board that lists all the kills/deaths in the server since the last restart. NPC Traders - Buy anything from food to helicopters. Dynamic Vehicle Spawning - Vehicles now spawn in random areas near buildings and roads. Dynamic Debris Spawning - Debris now spawns in random with loot. Debris Removal - You now have a chance to find a vehicle part when removing debris. Vehicle Ownership - Purchased vehicles come with a key that is used to lock/unlocked the vehicle. Cargo Check - Ability to check the free storage space available (Vehicles, Tents, Safes, etc). Salvage Parts - Remove wheels and window glass from vehicles. Siphon Fuel - Fill Empty Jerry Cans on vehicles if they have enough fuel. More Player Clothing - Loads of player clothes. Play as infected - Die while infected and you will return as a random infected player. Photos Coming Soon How to install It is really easy to install just follow the instructions below. 1. Download the Dayz Taviana Epoch Client Here 2. Unpack the zip folder and place it into the root of your ArmA 2 OA folder eg C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\ 3. Copy the following inside the quotes Do not copy the quotes "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@Tavi_DayZ_Epoch" 4. Open DayzCommander and click on settings. 5. Paste the code you copied into the long white box called "Additional launch parameters" 6. Click Done You are now ready to play on DayZ Epoch Taviana maps. Events We will be holding events once the bugs have been fixed with the admin tools.
  5. I did say I would be uploading images of the added vehicles. With the removal of Rmod this has resulted in alot of the vehicles now not being available. Here is a sneek peek of a couple of the vehicles added to the server. i will update the main post with a break down of added vehicles once i have redone the vehicle spawns.
  6. We have now moved our server over to RMod to allow you guys to play with cool vehicles. I will soon be adding a list of vehicles we are using ingame. We have added some of the popular mods like AI,Self BloodBags, Siphon Fuel, Auto Refuel and Strip Vehicle Parts.
  7. I have altered the AI so if they get killed they should remain for about 15 mins. i have not added extra ammo and backpacks as I dont want them to be turned into nothing more than a farming fest for gear and ammo. i think giving people the gun and one clip is enough. Hope to see you all ingame over the weekend.
  8. I will take a look at the AI and see if I can tweak it. Thank you for the positive feedback.
  9. Updated main thread to contain screenshots of current extra vehicles added to the server.
  10. Hi milkeyuk, you start with a standard map but it will not show a pinpointer showing your current location. This is because the server is set to veteran difficulty. I will also update the main thread to contain the starting gear.
  11. Update to everyone We have found that one of our mods is currently causing us a few problems with kicking people on joining the server. We are currently trying to pinpoint the exact cause and will give you an update once we have a fix. Sorry for any inconvenience
  12. Try again and let me know if you have any problems. We still ironing out the BE filters, looks like a few got missed.