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Everything posted by lafeasd

  1. lafeasd

    What a Ducking fickhead

    Yeah...because killing for gear you can recover in half an hour is way more valuable than friendship. So pro, much clever.
  2. lafeasd

    Remove Zombies until they're fixed.

    Remove zombies being tested from an alpha You just went full retard on that one
  3. came here expecting a great video was not disappointed
  4. lafeasd

    Arresting a Survivor at NEAF

    100 fps...I had an eyegasm
  5. Why don't we first fix zombie behaviour and performance issues? Then we can add fire, ponies and sh!t
  6. lafeasd

    First Assailant (DayZ Freakout)

    lmao, subbed.
  7. EVERYTIME I get into the shipwreck north of Berezino, I find myself lost in the maze. Am I the only retard?
  8. lafeasd

    Soviet Russia Bit**ez

    The audio is in english but the subtitles in spanish (since my subs speak it). After the event in the airfield (which you are going to see in the intro) I decided to return since I had spawned in Berezino, only to find two guys taking fire from a sniper. We teamed up and later met a crazy russian guy, who later called his friends. The captions with the numbers that appear in the intro translate as follows. 1st mistake: didn't kill him 2nd mistake: didn't kill a bandit (after he admitted to be trying to snipe people) 3rd mistake: being and idiot (myself, for trusting this a-hole) Nevertheless, i'm sure you'll enjoy this one. This clip is gold. SNIP
  9. lafeasd

    Soviet Russia Bit**ez

    A valid point, indeed. That, or you can forget everything since it's a game and enjoy the hilarious chain of events that occured in the clip.
  10. lafeasd

    Soviet Russia Bit**ez

    not sure if serious... you need to cut down on those badly damaged beans sir
  11. lafeasd

    My first encounter in hardcore server

    Estan hiper gedes los zombies XD
  12. lafeasd

    Kill on Sight rules

    Well, there ARE certain rules that are implied eventhough they are not written anywhere 1- People tend to go to cities like Elektro, Berezino and Cherno when they are geared up and want some PvP. Think about it, if these cities are known for their KoS policy, why would there be geared people in them knowing this risk? At least here, shoot first and ask questions later. 2- People who prefer exploring (or want to live more than 10 minutes) avoid these before mentioned cities and head north, so if you see geared people in small towns they are probably friendly and are looking for the same as you are. 3-The airfields...you MIGHT encounter some friendly people (chances are 4 out of 10) because bambis who spawn in Berezino tend to run straight to the NE airfield, in order to gear up. I had moments in which I was getting sniped and we grouped together with 2 or 3 more total strangers and killed the sniper...great times. Of course, there is nothing better than common sense. Use it. A guy with an sks on top of the ATC tower isn't looking for friends, so shoot those mofos. Peace ;)
  13. lafeasd

    Holding people up! (The friendly way)

    Cheers mate, you'd be one hella of a bandit.
  14. lafeasd

    2v4 Squad vs Squad in Elektro.

    What a bloodbath Elektro is Great vid, next time maybe you wanna go check out hardcore servers; this type of encounters get really fking intense. Edit: 11:30, props to that brave bambi lmao
  15. lafeasd

    Holding people up! (The friendly way)

    I can't decide if they were friendly encounters or that was the most brilliant bandit gameplay video i've seen in a while.
  16. lafeasd

    My Shortest Life Ever

    I'll create the agency of bambi defense, which will aim to hunt these a-holes.
  17. lafeasd

    Hackers in DayZ

    One guy teleported into the NE airfield tower wall playing the titanic theme music and killed me.
  18. lafeasd

    Dayz Swamp Montsers confirmed!

    I don't give a shiet, you had me with that beautiful British accent.
  19. Gas mask = run Payday mask = run Payday mask and no pants = RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK
  20. lafeasd

    DayZ, as it should be played...... (Hero)

    You heard two bandits KOS innocent people and you're like "It's a pitty I can't do anything". The word HERO itself refers to those who risk their life in order to save others, and that's exactly what you should've done... Should've grabbed a mother fking shovel and gone for those arseholes!! And running by the "hero" code doesn't mean you should forget about how to survive; going through the main street in one of Chernarus' most dangerous city, in a 40/40 player server, is certainly going to get you killed. Stick to the tree line, be a ghost. Search for bandits in the hot spots (sniper hills, fire stations, school's roof, etc) and kill them. Don't take this as a rant, it's just constructive criticism for you to grow; an example of negative criticism would have been "This video sucks, F you". Show those bandits what you're made of! Cheers
  21. lafeasd

    Things i found so far in the new update

    Breaking point, you mean? lmao
  22. lafeasd

    I helped a guy out...

    'Cause heroes lurk in the darkness, move silently and pick their targets. If no bandit has shot you yet... then we are doing our job.
  23. lafeasd

    Teaming up with a psycho

    There is a gif from this guy's point of view. He had way too many badly damaged beans.
  24. Dat adrenaline dude, great video