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About mikerinkss

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  1. I'm 18 and im looking for a squad or partner to play any mod with. I've played for a year and half now and im very experienced in long and close quarter combat! skype: michael.rinks
  2. mikerinkss

    Looking for a few people to play with

    Hi, I play epoch mainly and im looking for a partner to play with, im very friendly and experienced.. you can reach me on skype @ michael.rinks
  3. you can reach me at my skype : michael.rinks1
  4. i'm very interested in your group and i am very familiar with epoch.. and basebuilding im still learning but i would love to join! im 16 aswell and have played for 6 months and very tactical and laid back. hope to get back to you. thanks, mike
  5. Im very exp with dayz in general, and im very familiar with epoch but not the base building aspects of the mod and i would like a partenr or group to do so.. you can contact me at michael.rinks1 on skype or you can type in your ts3 in the comments so i could join them.. thanks
  6. I need someone to play origins with me , I am already established on a sever with my friends we have 3 houses and small garage with two choppers and two cars. Must have a sense of pvp and quick thinking an also good to get along with.. Add me on Skype: Michael.rinks
  7. mikerinkss

    Looking for Breaking Point Group

    i also live in EST time zone
  8. mikerinkss

    Looking for Breaking Point Group

    im 16 and i have been playing for 7 months. i have great work ethic and a easy guy to get along with. my skype is michael.rinks
  9. Add me on skype : michael.rinks I have been playing dayz/arma 2 for 7 months and computer runs with about 27 FPS on average so i am a very reliable person when it comes to teaming up on dayz and getting the job done.
  10. mikerinkss


    thank you for the feedback, ive doen everything you said and its still giving me problems. I'm losing all hope and i need to get on sixupdater/launcher asap.
  11. mikerinkss


    Well i'm using six launcher/updater for HardCorps.. If anyone can honestly help me please do.
  12. As i launch six updater or six launcher this message pops up and will not allow me to use six updater/launcher. If anyone can help i will be GREATLY APPRECIATED
  13. looking for partner to play with me! new player with a some experience so not so noobie. add me on skype(mikerinks) if interested.