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About blackbeard06

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. blackbeard06

    [GUIDE] Newbie Survivor version 1.2.0.

    Been away from DayZ for a long time now. After some thought and a glass "o" wine, I'm coming back to play and to finally give this guide a much needed update. To all those who posted I will be adding your info to the guide shortly..
  2. blackbeard06

    My DayZ SP Video

    LMFAO... You can skip all the "L,R,L" Bull. Just press 0 - 0 and the menu will appear It will not work instantly since the script will take some time loading. Whoever invented the L,R,B, Forward shit ,good on you for making so many console players fall for it! I had a good laugh.. P.S. The Kronzky Dayz sp has been removed, but with some googling, anyone can find it these days. I'm no longer active online until a massive update, and or stand alone releases. Until then, I use ACE, other misc mods, and MCC Sandbox. It makes my DayZ experience a lot better
  3. Server was just hacked 5 minutes ago. Picture is provided showing what server and who was logged in at the time. They used the spawn every person to one location hack. It said something about mortal kombat or something as I spawned. It also appears my main weapon was taken away. You can still see my screen while I logged out the second I notice the hack. Time Occured: 6:50pm EST ALSO! The crane and construction building in Chernogorsk was been destroyed. (satchel hack?)
  4. blackbeard06

    AS50 Sniping a UH-1H Pilot

    Nice shot.. Let this be a reason WHY NOOBS should NEVER fly in DayZ! Anyone in my group will have to have at least 100+ hours of arma play time before even getting into a vehicle, let alone a uh1. (inside DayZ and out.)
  5. ok, I've got an svd camo, with 4 mags.PM me for info...
  6. blackbeard06

    Clarification on tents and vehicles

    I believe I read something about this somewhere on the forums. Due to experience I know then tent will stay up for at least a day when you die. When the tent de-spawns everything inside does to. The saved vehicle should stay where ever you park it. It shouldn't de-spawn unless someone takes it or a hive reset. Don't quote me on the vehicle spawns....
  7. blackbeard06

    Client-Side Modifications

    yup, cannot sign on and got kicked. I will need to remove the add-on and reconnect.
  8. blackbeard06

    Client-Side Modifications

    I myself have been in plenty of CQB environments and training scenarios to know that with any weapon you can get through any doorway in any position, if you know what you are doing and how to do it properly. I have many methods to help fix this a2 bug without using a mod, but it involves sacrificing 1 section of the pie, for those who know what I'm talking about. And to anyone who wants to know if this works and servers allow it I will FRAPS my experience right now. Hopefully I don't get banned.. Worst case I'll be kicked just prior to joining like everyone else who forgot to turn on certain modfolders.. BRB.
  9. blackbeard06

    NYC 7 hackers = [IMD] Clan

    Interesting since the toolbox does not spawn currently in 1.7.0. I'm sure if you be specific about your report (like bug reporting) I'm sure someone will jump onto the matter Regardless an ammo box like that doesn't spawn!
  10. What I'd like to see if a Map which shows the wiki spawn locations for equipment, guns, and or vehicles. Also MORE IMPORTANTLY!! a way to draw on the map for marking (like ACE) to share with your team and or to keep track of your tents / areas. Also I'm interested in beta testing. I'll send a PM.
  11. Well all I do is right down the name prior to joining. Problem solved! I have not explored the means of searching as of yet since writing it down works better.
  12. blackbeard06

    wanna play now?

    I'm on either US1 or US2 come on server and type up a request to team up. I'm looking for some players to start a base / stronghold. I've already got it started. Just am bored and looking for some RPG with others.
  13. Date/Time: June 12th 2012 1835 EST What happened: I was driving along a road and got to close to a rock wall causing a Bug to make my ATV stand up on the front on top of the wall Where you were: North (Due to OPSEC I will not post locations since I am still alive and in the area. However I will give any DEV TEAM member the details in a PM) What you were doing: Driving on road *Current installed version: DayZ 1.7.0. *Server(s) you were on: US1 Taw Tonic *Your system specs: Foxconn AM3 A9DA-S phenom 2 x4 980 3.7ghz - 4.3oc'd (NOT OC'd at time of BUG occurance) 8g ddr3 g-skill memory 2tb 1+1 WD 7200 HDD HD radeon 6670 Corsair tx650 COOLER MASTER HAF 912 win 7 x86 *Timeline of events before/after error: 1830 driving ATV 1833 stuck on wall. 1835 FRAPs loaded and pictures / videos take. 1836 walked around. 1840 came back, shot ATV with G17 and watched as ATV slowly slides, in hopes to retain vehicle. 1845 ATV explodes. I have a FRAPS Video recording the entire process from when I first loaded fraps. However in the video It reveals my current location and for OPSEC I will not publicly release video, only in private message. In the meantime here is a picture of the ATV Bugged (attached) Hopefully I can have my ATV back? since it is destroyed from this bug.
  14. blackbeard06

    Product placement

    There are plenty of ways Rocket can profit from this mod. Why not contact a company, and place their ads on billboards in the game = profit! What this game has 100k players with interests in zombies? That's a marketing opportunity for any person who wants to sell their zombie related product.
  15. I'm down for this idea. Been playing since the opening week of Dayz and have security experience. I know some crazy shit that will be fun to use in Dayz. Send me a PM, I've got a private coded TS server for COMSEC. And with the needed 100+ players your going to have some serious OPSEC issues. Give me 20 players max and I can get you a nice setup.