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About merkellrya

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. merkellrya

    27th Royal Marine

    You need any fighter jets pilot s?
  2. Hey guys, im looking for a few people maybe 4 or 5 to run with on any overwatch server that has a decent pop, you have to be decent at the game know what you're doing and also be good at communicating as we all know if you are experienced communication is one of the most vital things on dayz. Anyways if you are interested and know how to play dayz well then give me a message below. add me on skype if interested: Hckisnipezx Thanks
  3. yo man im 18 years old live in london UK have played dayz for 1 year i am calm and collected when it comes to combat get the job done pretty much :D add me on skype if you wanna know more or want me to join you guys :) Skype name: hckisnipezx thanks for reading :D
  4. merkellrya

    Need some players for a group/clan on DayZ

    right guys ive seen all of these just a waiting a leader then we should almost be set
  5. Hey i tried adding you on skype didnt work for some reason. Could you possible add me, experienced sniper know what im doing, not too sure on the chernarus map and my way around it because i am used to playing the newer ones, im 16 can drive heli's planes and cars i know there are no planes on chernarus well not to my knowledge. My skype is hckisnipezx
  6. Hey there so since you clicked this i guess you want to join my clan/group well good thing. What im going to need is... a leader: (someone who is confident in groups and knows the map and sets out strategic spots for snipers rifle men etc when raiding camps) a Medic Another Sniper (im also a sniper) a driver (cars helis,planes the lot) 2 riflemen and finally 1 machine gunners if your interested fill out this form please : How long you have played dayz your steam name your skype name do you have a mic what is your main role you play