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About EarlyLegend

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  1. EarlyLegend

    The funniest 5 minutes of your lives...!

    Aaaah okay - sorry forums tend to confuse me >.<
  2. EarlyLegend

    The funniest 5 minutes of your lives...!

    Haha we plan to! We have a great new series planned for the next couple of weeks, so... I guess the pressure is on to make a video that's even funnier than this one, eh!? ;D Thanks! and thanks! :P I couldn't work out how to do it :P Haha thanks for your approval ;)
  3. EarlyLegend

    The funniest 5 minutes of your lives...!

    My god if anyone ever meets me in-game and recognises me that would be the best thing ever lol :P But yeah, maybe we could play the standalone together once or twice when that comes out :)
  4. EarlyLegend

    The funniest 5 minutes of your lives...!

    Yeah we have tonnes of fun playing games, because we don't take any game too seriously. I mean that's the point of a game isn't it? To have fun? Lots of people seem to forget that and just play to win, and so don't have fun and so stop playing the game. We always to make sure to have shedloads of fun, if not we stop playing that game and play another one or do something else, but we all know when we need to take things seriously and pay attention (e.g. if a bandit ambushes us). It's a nice balance and a great laugh a lot of the time ;) Haha we did a series called the DayZ Chronicles, but that was back in our 3rd-ish week of having DayZ so it's not great to watch in terms of gameplay, however we have a hell of a lot of laughs and if you enjoyed that then you'll probably enjoy that series too :P It's only 5 episodes of about 10 minutes each if you feel like watching it - but remember, we're terrible at this point, so don't judge!! ;D And we plan on doing another series like that for DayZ standalone - a funny series with a little action and tension every now and then to keep things interesting. We like to play pretty much every game though, so we'll probably post videos that aren't DayZ or Arma based in the future - we currently have the audio ready for a new series of "Would You Rather" where we ask eachother gruesome and hilariously difficult "would you rather" questions, and we ponder and answer them, which is looking out to be pretty funny, but we just need some gameplay for it... Thanks for both of your support though, it really means a lot! :) <3
  5. EarlyLegend

    The funniest 5 minutes of your lives...!

    Haha wow okay thank you both loads! :D How would I do that? Sorry these forums confuse me a bit >.<
  6. Hey everyone! I got a great response and some good feedback from the DayZ subreddit, so I thought I'd share my post here too for those who don't use Reddit! :) So me and a friend were playing DayZ Taviana, and whilst stumbling around Sabina we found a speech-giving room, which looked like it was used by the communist party of the town. We were running around, exploring it's lootless floors before my friend decided to run up to a painting on the back wall to give the painted Lenin and Stalin heads "a hug". However the floor underneath the section of wall that they were painted onto wasn't solid, so we both fell through the floor and onto the floor underneath... After running around under the carpet for a few minutes, we finally worked out a way to escape and managed to get back into the speech-giving room, where my friend improvised a full length communist speech and I recorded it all, including the many hilarious failed attempts... :') .If you have a spare 5 minutes, it'd be awesome if you could check it out - I promise that you'll laugh! I understand that a lot of people don't like these posts, but just give it a look and hopefully you won't regret it. Thanks in advance for any support given! It really means a lot :) Comments from Reddit members:
  7. EarlyLegend

    The DayZ Chronicles - Nuke!

    Hey there everyone! Me and a friend have been doing a weekly YouTube series on DayZ and our latest episode is on the islands of Namalsk. We go to hunt some bandits in Object A2 but a nuke hits just after we get there! Any feedback and constructive criticism is greatly appreciated - the only way to improve is to find out what you're doing wrong and where you could improve, and without community feedback this is pretty difficult! So if you could either post below, or on the video itself any feedback (good OR bad!) that would mean a lot and would really help us out. A subscribe or a like if you enjoyed it would also be awesome! Thanks everyone! :D
  8. EarlyLegend

    The DayZ Chronicles: Rescue

    Episode 2 is up! 12 HOURS of editing for a 9 minute video, so hopefully you'll enjoy watching it! :D
  9. EarlyLegend

    The DayZ Chronicles: Rescue

    Really? No one has anything that we could do to improve? We aren't perfect lol :P
  10. EarlyLegend

    Dayz Map Making?

    As will I! :)
  11. EarlyLegend

    adrenaline shots

    Thing is with that, is that in order to make it a usable and fair mechanic, you'd have to have the server save the damage you don't take because of the adrenaline and add it on to the player after a set time, eg 5 minutes. This potentially means a lot of processing power and resources wasted on timers that don't really serve much purpose, and aren't a key implementation of the game. So for what it's worth, that kind of method for adrenaline wouldn't be very viable, but still a nice suggestion. :)
  12. EarlyLegend

    The DayZ Chronicles: Rescue

    No constructive criticism/feedback at all? Please people, we just want to improve! :)
  13. EarlyLegend

    The DayZ Chronicles: Rescue

    Hey there everyone! Me and my friend have been making funny gaming videos on YouTube for a long time and the moment we heard about DayZ we immediately bought it, and have been running around making idiots of ourselves ever since. If you could check the video below out, any feedback or constructive criticism would be fantastic! Episode One: Rescue Episode Two: Survival Thanks everyone, and I'm sure you'll enjoy the videos as much as we'll enjoy making them!